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Document Creation Date: 
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 15, 1998
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Publication Date: 
March 1, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000100680004-6.pdf61.5 KB
17 FOIAb3b I RICAI SCI Sanitized - Approved For R, se ? it ray Cid CPYRGHT + areas ot merican life escaped unscathed from the disclosures of secret Central Intelligence Agency aid, set off last month when Ramparts magazine exposed the CIA's link'to the National Students Association. Religious groups, apparently some labor unions, and even a Latin American aid group headed by Norman Thomas. found themselves, wittingly or unwittingly, wound-up in the CIA web. The deepest. tragedy for teachers, however came when it was , disclosed that some educators had fallen under the CIA spell. Evi- dence dug up by the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other newspapers, appears to indicate that William G. Carr, executive secretary of the National Education Association and secretary general of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Pro- fession, knowingly accepted CIA aid and helped organize a foundation that became a transmission belt for CIA money. Carr's intentions may have been "honorable." Teachers who view the East-West struggle as one of primacy may sometimes forget how a democracy should operate, and substitute expedience for principle. If money is, easily available for international projects-even if it comes from 'the CIA-why not take it and put it to use? Such "gifts" are, eventually, found out, as they were in this case. The integrity of teachers has been compromised, and American educators who go abroad, seeking links with colleagues in Europe, Asia, or Africa, will henceforth be under suspicion that they may not be acting independently, but as arms of their govern ment-and, if so, what makes them any better than agents of totalitarian lands? For ? the hundreds of thousands of teachers in the U.S. who are NEA members, certainly the recent disclosures must. i.. shake their faith in their organization. A full financial accounting of NEA funds sent abroad, as called for by AFT President Charles Cogen, ought to be immediately forth- coming. the education profession is too vital a force in our society; for the air surrounding it to remain unclear. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100680004-6