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Document Release Date: 
July 25, 2000
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000200090001-3.pdf55.06 KB
MILWAUKEE, WIS. SENTINEL m. 160,241 Front Edit Othmr Pace Papa Pao* DupHcafi~ns i f CPYRGHT ta4:~ i~: Sentinel Washington Bureau Washington, D. C. - Repro sentative Zablocki (Dem., Mil waukcc) told the house rule committee Thursday that the ment agencies dealing in Intel ligence activities requires in tensified congressional review'. Zablocki spoke for his resolu tion to create a joint congres sionaI. watchdog committee t check on the central intelli gence agency CIA) and other agencies dealing in intelligence matters. He has sought such a committee for the last 10 years. Protesting that these activi- ties now cost. the taxpayers more than a billion dollars a year, Zablocki charged there is too much duplication of ef- fort and conflict between agen- d es. Last year, he charged, the defense department intelligence agency was seeking the over- throw of the Diem regime in South Vietnam while the,CIA was supporting Diem, Representative Daddario (Dem., Conn.), co-sponsor. with Zablocld of the resolution, tes- tified that the role of the CIA in world affairs "continues to be a matter of serious concern to congress.". Representative Lindsay (Rep., N. Y.), said the press has taken over the job of congress of acting" as a watchdog in checking intelligence efforts. Representative Ryan (Dem., N. Y.) insisted the CIA should confine itself to gathering in- telligence and should not for- mulate foreign policy decisions. Representative D e l a n e y (Dem., N. Y.) doubted that the CIA and military intelligence units have properly co-ordinat- ed their undercover work and that they somotlmes wind' up spying on each other. FOIAb3b Approved For-'Release 2000/08/26 ~ CIA-RDP75-00149-ROU020GO000 -