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Publication Date: 
January 12, 1965
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JAN 13 1965 Approved For Release 1999/09/17: CIA-RDP75-001 hooks of The Times. The Story of a Dedicated Man By ELIOT FREMONT-SMITH U N MAY 5, 1949, a gangly, gray-haired American checked into the Palace Ho- tel In Prague. His name was Noel IIaviland Field. His reputation, slightly tar- nished in some quarters, was nonetheless ,impressive. His future was uncertain. Noel Field came from a distinguished Quaker family? He was known as able and honest to a fault, a devoted public servant for the mankind. He had:'; worked in? the State Department disarmament, for in the League of peace, iii Spain against the. fas- ? Gists, During and after World War selfless aid to ref u- ? gees as European director of the i e n Se t i rv c ar a Uni - Blacxnto?c studios Committee. If he Noel Field o i Gradually the furor subsided, name occasionally cropped up in reports of the great purge trials that were shaking Eastern Europe, but at home this was scarcely noticed. Senator - McCarthy had taken center stage; it was assumed the- Fields were dead. Then, in the fall of 1954, the Fields sod= denly reappeared, released from prison- first Hermann in Warsaw, then Noel and Herta in; Budapest.. After recovering his health, Het?mann Field came home. (as did, the adopted. daughter, released in Moscow the following year). But Noel and Herta, elected to remain in Hungary.'" They live there now, in a house provided by the gov- ernment; they do not care to see reporters from the West. The story of the Fields has never been fully told, and even today official informa- tion is strangely hard to come -by. In re- searching for this haunting book,' Flora Lewis-a distinguished ,correspondent. who now reports from London for The Washing-" ton Post-received no more cooperation from the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. than she did from, the police of Eastern Europe, or from the Fields themselves. Nevertheless, by dint of was a little odd, a several years' hard digging through layers trifle earnest in his idealism-well, that of fact and rumor, she has been able to came with dedication. piece together a monstrous but convincing honest to a fault, a devoted public servant tale of stupidity, coincidence and tegror- for the betterment ? of. mankind. He had and of a dedicated man -who wanted too worked in the State Department for disarina- much%to be used. ld anent, in.the League of Nations ,for wor "Red Pawn" Is first class reporting, well pebcd,-in Spain against. the fascists. During worth. the reader's. time. More than that, and after World War II, be had-given ;self- it is a record of one. . of the great upheavals less aid to refugees as Et! t'opean director of of recent year.;;, And how one man, by char- the Unitarian Service Committee. - If he was actor flaw and accident, set the machine in a little odd, a trifle earnest in his -Idealism motion. Noel. Field's dedication was riot to --well, that came with dedication. evil; it was corrupting, all the, same, In The Communists knew him better, and seeing this, In,, not mistaking him for just when he arrived in Prague, they were :fright -another villain, 'Flora Lewis has shed:'new erred, On May 10, he posted .a, letter to his light on a kind of moral ' bankruptcy., that wife, I-Ierta, in Geneva, then disappeared. 'infected many' people in or time. On. Aug, 22, Noel's' brother,' Hermann Field, went to the Warsaw airport to board - the plane for Prague, where he was. to meet l nd Papers . ? Herta, now searching for her husband, When One of the most charming animal imps of the plane landed, Hermann was not on it. the surrounding suburbs and countryside- Four days later Herta also. vanished, A. year and Indeed of 'all the 49 continental states later, Noel's foster-daughter hter arrived in West that ring-tailed masked burglar, ; the Berlin, registrrcd at a hotel, got. on a sub -is raccoon, Because he, is usually nocturnal, Way train, and was gone, he is not always too easily seen but garbage Back honio there were heated conjectures uetitly `fre ni t th t d i q are urne n e cans over gh about what could have happened to the : his handiwork and not always that of dogs. had Been caught. it was the time of ,the hand-fed, especially on Sweets and canned 'Hiss trials, and Noel Field had been a friend' . dog food, but some nature lovers trap them of Alger Hiss, Ile had been- an even closer in harmless cage-like traps and turn them friend of Laurence Duggan, who before-.he loose in distant woods so the,rascals, w4in't could fully, testify had jumped or been climb to the local nests of songbirds, .i pushed to his death front a Fifth Avenue This boolt is by the author of The World office building. of the Beaver and The World of the White- Inquiries, then protests, went out from Tailed Deer, He is a professional writer, phay, Washington to Czechoslovakia, Poland 'and , tographer and outdoors. man, It.will'cha?ritl East Germany-all to no avail, Some thought people who are'charmcd by nature. Its photo Apprcril dFp*sF l t1' PMf4LV1~1L1Xi-RDPl9LE ~l ' ~ 0$ ~,tl tot of th agent, Others insisted he was innocent, this Living or t oo