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Document Release Date: 
July 7, 1999
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Publication Date: 
January 6, 1966
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WASHINGTON STAR Approved For Release 1999/09/17 CIA-RDP75-00149R0002 JAN 6 1966 STATINTL ly 0 ME &ar $peciq r er Al STER Ally, The Net landTlve ody_ of Dr. Richa Vii. 'Folbs Jr. on D. C,, whos apppee+arance an _ death were ttrrbut d ate , ZEE was; above the ankles, apparently dents t in a to datisued by his tripping on a low tuutho ^ is , metual _ guard rail that runs The, rp Niue une canal uanaman Baia. was given yester fay rail is designed to prevent parked cars from rolling into drowning . the water. by police Commissioner Piet, Landman after. A, .4 ngpsy Landman said he Est pected all for the , 56, a research s tratio t along that Fortis h ad :accidental-_ for the Veterans Administration 'lv dirm7nM and an internationally known one ,;such droxviifug a month I for the body but the operation. occurs in the pity,. which is criss-crossed.by canals. Bruises Hint Tripping The autopsy uieovered slight bruises on Follis' legs just ,last..at. 3:15 .a.m _In M-. kets were his passnnrt_ teI clothed and his eyeglasses were raids-j Dredges had 4agged_ twice was ineffective because the bottpm._ of. the canal-6 feet deep at that point-was ttcred. with old bicycles aptly other junk. The canal, in the lively night- club section of the city, is only a few hundred yards from the hotel where Follis had been staying. The physician who performed the autopsy said the body had been preserved by the. cold water, which apparently had kept it from rising to the sur- face sooner. Folks bad left Washington Dec. 2 on his .way to a health conference in Tehran, Iran. He had stoiped in Amsterdam to' confer with a professor, at I Ld en University.. The professor, Dr. Andreas Querida, reported the disap- pearance when Follis' did not meet him for a scheduled appointment. Follis had traveled widely In recent years in Latin America, the Middle East, -Asia and elsewhere. He was to have started a_prroject in Ecuador next month. He was classified by the Veterans Administration as a! senior physician, as high a rank as can be attained in the re- search field there. He joined the VA in 1955 and was detached to work in the laboratories of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. He also worked for the National Institutes of Health. Follis, whose home was at 4915 Albemarle St. NW, leaves his wife, Edith, and two daugh ters, Angela, 23, and Louise, 21.1 Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000200790002-5