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Document Release Date: 
April 21, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 29, 1961
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000300090001-2.pdf81.31 KB
APR 2 14 1961 C2Cw!d For Release 2000/06/13 : 175 Castro' Are they any leas worth }of support now than when the I the struggle against Batista, all ' he right to deteemine their ow d(stiny.' cominittec wilil evidence that th Cuban people are bring consulted o fleet. they are really free to exercis provide the Fair Play for Cub Burt, 4uring the more than tw years of the presei t Cuban regim The Senate subcommittee on In- ternal Security had direct testirfony, since made public, that the bulk of the money for their previous ad- vertisement was handed over to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee by the son of Dr. Raul Roa, Cuba's Foreign Minister. Furthermore, three leading members of the committee, including the former executive dl- rector, have taken asylum in Cast tra's Cuba, while other Americans fe ce the firing squad in that coun- try. Yet this committee has the audacity to question Whether Presi. dent , Kennedy and Secretary of Sate Rusk speak for the American people. Does the omission of free elec- tions, or indeed elections of any Queried on Support of Begins ?TorMS osotrTaINRwYoaKTnsss: The advertiaemant of the "Fair Play for Cuba Committee" published A Aril 21, is an affront to the Ameri- can people. This committee's concept at fair play is complete tolerance and even benevolence toward the piesent. regime of F14el Castro, wrtfch suppresses basic human rights and sanctions terror and official murder as an instrument of govern- ment. Fiiir. Play for Cuba Committee Isi Stand on Cuba Opposed the dictatorship of Batista'. play indeed! ten prefers not to, that the Castr oviet bloc and Is the recipten enns, equipment and supplies, well as direct military training, fr mittee apparently has no object v a intervention in Cuba from the sources. ,A roved For Release 2000/061, Finally. It should bR.. t)ctEd 0tMt `; his committee in it& latest advsr. t Acting National Lxequtive BecreI ary. Where us. those appn" dentify thentsei9hsl_ li44entl Via Presldanf' , hreel4 tt,Hci ' New York,'April 21 191- CPYRGHT IA-RDP75-00149R000300090001-2