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March 25, 1966
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4 Approved For41&i l d/ P13C.4611-RDP75-0014980 E. 35,070 S. 36..305 o ur PaetdMreo Va..,, 4. Further Opinion On Vietnam Policy Editor,. News-Press: It Igo a tragedy of the first order- r On the .other hand, we. to watch a man (Sidney. moved quickly to assures Hook-Sunday, March 20, that the supporters of the, IMfnral ?i.rh...,...t4 .... ..........:_.1 freely eineted Bosch would i as ever come to power in r .560 Chadwick way a free election make whenblet' i? every time any anvarnman+ - l!wLLl~ mid: t fi , to t i ?3 lithe fact that he refused to, ideal of democratic self-de- hold the famous 1954 elec': ,terminatior),11 The only thing tions; but that he literally that' we. can hope to prove voided elections when the in Vietnam. is that Mao's results didn't suit him. Did` w*rs of liberation will not we invade the Dominican ?1 be tolerated. If we want to Republic when the militaryi change our, ways and act junta overthrew the freely consonant to our ideals, we. elected Bosch? How about had better seriously work to. the many times the military for an independent pacifica'- of South -America voided tiotl force in Vietnam and elections which elected (free-) accept the will of the peo?. ly!) leftists? What sense.j . ple1..I see no evidence to in- does the argument " no com- 'di ate that-we are doing. so. munist regime (national) .1 c, Eugene' D. Gingerich I -- -o-- -"""'"' junta! What is even more king the patently propagan-i .(list view that we will not., military aid which provide allows ? interfere with the will of. the p. the military to prevent, they ~tipcople 'of other nations to will . of the people being choose their own leaders. I served! In further evidence have read several of Pro-j that we only believe in sell fessor Hook's books and felt..; determination when it goes', them refreshingly rational.1 our way, no less a person Recent history indicates' ?t h a n Eisenhower himself that we believe in self de- suggests that the 1954 elec- termination only when it tions would have been won goes our way. On this point' by _ the communists in Viet- e' our hands are dirty! Did we I nam. No wonder we didn't oppose Diem when he abro-.' allow them! gated the results of free? Tragically we have actedl' elections? I don't mean-just' `. in ways contrary to our, wmcn even closely 'resem- i bles communism is .elected we either ' acquiesce, the to ie~ bout the I a' e 61i6_e ~>;'e el be abrogation o 'tlie' rS"tff" the=free?feetions?y -16 See pro. w fessor Hook resorting to this r form of pompous, but emp. kY,..elf=~ teou811P119.. .. ,,_ `; y Approved For Release 2000/06/13 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300090008-5