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.ksgINGTO a o TTM,s- APR2 rR Al..D, -Approved For Release- 2000/06/13 : CIA-RDP75 ese Da. s .The Libertlarian'. Dilemma 4 +M" MY 014) frittd,-Be njamla GINZBURG has the ability t3lniburs-,- is - lifrm' and' r- COO'"btate a fact correctly and dent believer in human rights then to draw the wroag con- and liberties' and if atiyane ,CIU$t" therefrom bees-=e call him a C o pi o-,.unist, he : is A liar.. what bUrt b Soviet Sushi-, ,ire wdtiittd . be a r- .rested and* sent to the mines* for be- ing a devis- tionist, a Jef- - fersontin ' Sokoi4y- itt nos ,L bias which prompts him td believe that the who reject his pristine concept of is identical with his, namely, to --save America from Marxism. Ginzhurg would achieve his end by permitting the Com-,' utuntlts to do what he re- gards as small deeds, wiflle he would by words educate the people not to believe Democrat, an. What enemy of Ahe people-and a' the Communists say. ., spy for imperialistic United atom Meanwhile, bomb!. .States. As he lives in the United States, the worst that the eFBt Gi he becomes urtalks about t?an be said about him is that laxly bitter r3uhe is de u- he devotes a masterly inlel- - werrs is d and.he lectto the advocacy of cox ing with police ce po pow _.obvlously doos_not like cop, of practical application anti a -naive Interpretation of the "The significance of the FBI role in the setting of loyalty-secuitty,policy lies in the.fact that the professional police mentality is by Its na- ture unfit- and dangerous for policy making in a demo- eracy--just as unfit and just as dangerous as it the pro- fessional tnili'ars mentality for s? h a task. The function of the policeman is to investi. gate on suspicion In carry- ing out this function he na- turally tends to believe the worst and to prejudge the guilt of the suspect ..." The FBI Sets no pc,lictes and has no authority under the law to set poli:'iec, It re- ceives its in trucuons from Congress . and from the Al- torney General of the United States. It so happens that t. Edgar Hoover hay \tnn the esteem of the American peo- ple and that his personal In- fluence is enormous but if he were to evade the ,law. to I, b . e e b i n e . opwresove, to pper 1 ate like a us!_: leas, a us- , -would melt Uk Wit snow: hiss; h Ravo ie - ! - Attributed tta_it;Its fob Is to, - laed pe^'litlcal,:p Ginabuit is shocked by theZ ct that a good deal of what : Elizatitth. Bentley told tI'e >rBI on 'the `;,.. ooeaslon of her first confes- sion could not by.ppoved; it i., astonishing ' jUt so much.. `'.. that Miss Bentley said led to such positive results because, after all, spies are not sup- - posed to leave evidence of The FBr is the only profeii- sional or%anzation within the United States which is charged bylaw with domes- tic covnter-espionage. Out- aide the United States; this task is -undertaken by the CIA. the United States his beer.' and Is at war with Sov- iet Russia and Red China and their satellites. It Is a war fought by unconventional weapons and unorthodox methods. Two of the most severe techniques of this war. now called "The Cold War," are espionage and Infiltration Into government and Indus- trial organizations. While the wiir proceeds, dare we permit espionage and infiltration to continue? 1t JlenJamin Ginzhurgsincere- sexy; J. Edgar Hoover says.' btt'ning down the house. 40O0*rtaIrnoe N, Ina.)F~at4rM jApprov For Release 2000/06/13 : CIA-RDP75-00149R00030009 course of events. in his new book, "Rededi- cation to Freedom. Benja. min Ginzburg tries to estab- lish that there is no Com- 'munist menace in the united States, that it. is, in fact.. a myth and that the FBI is the devil behind the myth, seek. 1ng to gain power by spread- ing fear throughout the land. . He goes back to the Dies Committee and correctly states that its chief invesUga- tor, Dr.- J.. B, Matthews, "himself had -nrganized more so-called Communist-front or- ,ganizationa than any other singit individual ..." This is a correct statement and it- is precikely because this is cor? 'rest that J. B. Matthews knows more about such or- ganizations and was able to