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Document Creation Date: 
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 21, 2000
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Publication Date: 
May 2, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000300130007-1.pdf51.27 KB
J..>.,T 2 1/67 Approved For Release 2000108/27 : CIA-RDP75-0014 (Devin-Adair, $5.995). When New York newspaper editor Guy Rich- ards acted on a tip that alleged the suppression of a major U.S. spy scandal by elements of our govern- ment, he met more opposition than the standard bureaucratic run- around. Persistent, he went on to uncover the fascinating tale of a possibly quadruple agent, Colonel IMPERIAL AGENT: Tlir GOLFhIEWSKI-V RoMnxov CASE, by Guy Richards v, one and the same. The question re- er CIA indentification expert, be-.: fled sources) Goleniewski, a form- 'fingerprints and dental charts of Romanov (obtained from unspeci- basis of comparisons of sole prints, porting the claim, however, on the statements by ?Goleniewski. Sup- proven assumptions about and Goleniewski) that the colonel is really the Grand Duke Alexei Romanov, son and heir of. Czar.....;,' Nicholas II. While never stating it flatly, Richards obviously believes the claim, letting stand many un is the possibility (and claim by scious, excessively informal style,"-: Michal Goleniewski. Unfortunately for Imperial Agent, Richards barely mentions Goleniewski's work as a spy. The main aspect of the case mains, if Goleniewski is not Ro- manov, just who is this man whose record of service to the West war , rantedd' a special CIA-sponsored Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300130007-1