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MIL MOPAN . R.. Director of atzai of $g, : ri er t A e The GOTAVI*w Approved For Release :2000/08/27: CIARDP75'0014P"Aq?Q k ? xic aael Z* Dow ea t ae editorial staff t meet td arld-Jou:e t 4%J,0;;4- -OUT 1Ch&r ie 46 . is arfy City editor ' the New York lou rnal- fi as+r, u7 M 7 i coerce j;ow- xarM: ; `# E i4v A d .ir C upezy* x r t a r rcraudu to for Irl :rmati. sn y to I n v i t * y - attOutioa to a torte comin:g hook Imperial- Agents----' -The Goleafewski. 2. .icbrds iea the Journallat who first publicized the Gofeetziews t f a sarfaa of ar.lees i the `PZC ' # 'Oti-+scricaa +te ;eemai x;?ate *ei is tho boo-4 w CoIez1e *Ai to Ua; ed to hAvo m. a de rsgaa*d1ag C ::xx ."U'd ; e zetratioas is t' w rf g..e tea of the V. t xe Privza,e tau teen a is r. Z`etZb a azd cart Ma. bin of to i evviaw tea ass ice ca x sec l a with CACA'+.s x 1C4ar $1athee V Q44 of err. mTA*w*y'er, what has'beeea added in. : a fir-It c ter area. several vfctcua atta-cka an M. U014 firm C:. +ter is as $xpaAded restrftaa a his a t~ru ~ ~ arica~ anti __tts,pf the J. L'. 4 ra in If aril * the CIA to partlrss1aar, Much The ap iu chapter zf '-a-a or z is Cuy iAard** , Z C:Oaa of s efforts to d3;d out ere Golk-:?J akf atory against t{?o co?wxbtxesd :r jade avafla a to, the warded ezc tivea ever in Lan ,y. Vfrgi via. 98} I i~e:harde' view, theaed bfowe wore, Uaaat the f *+ f article I&y John L3udsa1i =wcond, Haynes Jrthuao&a booms, a 1Zay PL710 ("Advance a had boon +RaM.wgw.s.lLMh... ,. t to CM Officials") auai, ''ISO and ?toza O Ti~ea Invisible o ver- s at (1' ##Il CL than rev -ve4 from. Its pexblicati date, Copies thin were siriularly 4. .ir. a rd# states that pubficatloa of his series an oleaIcw ki too of sea:gariz blow*'!wb4ch had ab.a t A;;"wV eees ! z 'Yrw'ItO sates to Ito SD Ifrr *t brain cells." Q. 3-i). In ix:v ii ; CIA. and were r a rro write. the forte *t L Couaresa:ma-u zra tixarara s a4. .tz see articles c oat :te d n4-Ay char ee {repeated aa4 TO'.T Approved For Release 2000/08/27: CIA-R 79 149R000300130014-3 i iiy, is i icharda' view, his r rticies on the Coiea1s w ki case pp*4 the z iht ax Wad `'tha Lr4sra at C felt that their very survival was heiaZ put 3.z Jeo rdy " by that* aec Mated p ?cati,r uu. 'i"hereicre, CIA dctarmigafl - {:. ccU:??,crattac and selected ;k* ret ias:astiv* 33tUo C. Asada to 1044 the attack a low hours t foxre the a zsai Easter recess, which ws rid pera rit z t/i r e for ratuttal on tea Ivor. Aber paying a shorit t Wo to saga ass a ,r r.rc: s? icyaar+ia~ t eA rxa * t i i*w1z charg.: "Fro the atazd2oiat c acfeaa,eaz, rt rxz~cxre, he 2ad sucter advantage. no the C told tha watchdogs very little, any-thing. about the dataUs of its Secret x ac adoas they rer4.:atrtad blissfully i azt raut of the exata of its b wt tiers. e ,tchdoss harree another little t U atie:t to t - CL.. The latter has always been a rse rte1y gracious ataoc t iiz g a $ b gam -*Where in its world--41'640 matrix for auycma f?rceMiy r ca as to by away Uw aker whcs 4aaxs't incurred its wr . Mme to friaadlier lawmakers .vo lee ej ally racioie About s cro wing 4istre a caf. Alat'LO4 Fran the hig. coM-.-4m4 Post at Lan ey." (P. 34). 94chards nctos ith piea.aura- that, e t spar. Tried Coagreaorna Avends' Breach, tho Wire aexv ces also car,isd mu- i the i. udsayw "eiji as rebbttai. "'Another o CIA"a little achea ad acre sli tiyir -awry. `7 4. 37). * . I , f .i rda Wes to rive a we 4;e twe a tha rzi a> charges that the urea% "ham Ssrvod y as * rata -for 40 1 (( T+cas* by parceling cut the CIA Laver as r'y. 14. ce xeat . Its hazy t rm o t Spiit ria ct1o : is another thing know may: W ,t Wa ttst. the n `fro ow- the i X has tions. sot oZ1y polices itself and c n ctS its a=VA crittrjU06. It is 4 closed acrcir. It Vets Cc 44soae end other 07,cies vert cnt bas>iresu t:ommt + and 1a4ivi&*1 inr; ersoz a v roc3 with the way v? a haste evplo sae. The tightly- or ;az1 4, we1ra4rr; zdl&, :er d VS 1 shares is the Ci:tL"a crash iaadix .x, but u in its takeoffs. 'l fa zzteaticaUy uy c a egad CIA, with its bordoi fare.-u-ba rr r4ttives, its di ude g4 *t cturte* its a mus LHU Approved For Release 2000108/27 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300130014-3 often been required to a l"~' -to for* dsfox d, or pass -aa the fairy tales of t CIA. is so# sQa sc of the rte bse rubbed W. " (P. 268). A svIeotiaa of t h'69,6 0m. ante to tett.ed as Tab A. - trated by Cosa mist *,ez ta, Gcs vaU ze rWdn , otter dec ry tbaerr*s. 7. In several ~rsgca, 1c rda sr es CIA withbcIAg it i- 2 X1A9a . T-q*ezal A tetra Richards numos ver Cm o, ti s. 25X1A9a r:,to. a tl e: , sre bel4 ri moos to U" -a bleu blie 3r Identified with C provivatiy. of 25X1A9a L. _ - -t- _A_ -_-_, _-- A list of CIA rso e1 rntiaaed: in.V arias. to Mts a4 as Tab U. .Atl~cla~ is `4ba d fl, .3aatri: ion: Orig & I w/ ok - tCi 1 +~r/l our ? DDCI i . . 3wir 25X1 A9a . As at to sir (Mr. I - DCIINIPIw Cato: IDD1 (.A.ttw I -DDS I w/bs ok - COQ I I wJbooo ? D/Security I wlbook - GI.'til`t' (t - -CA Staff (Att Dr/SB (Mr. 25X1 A9-a: 25X1 A9a