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Document Release Date: 
December 21, 1998
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Publication Date: 
September 13, 1966
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Sanitized - Approveck pry?#%?F CIA- RDP75- 13 SEP 1966 . l~uwvil :, >u~rilUll 171 .,a Geneve, Switzerland, turned up in New York yesterda and charged that Fidel Castro was converting Cuba into "another colony of imperial Russia." The U.S. granted I him asylum. 11 Agustin Sanchez Gonzalez, 32, who disappeared from his Geneva apartment in mid-August with his wife, and two small daugh- ters, reappeared in a ? midtown :hotel suite and said Cuba is now j j toeing the Moscow line in re- turn for an increase- in Soviet economic aid.- "Lost All Rope" "I have lost ? all' hope that Cuba Can be effectively extracted from the 'domination of Soviet) .influence," he added. In a prepared statement fol lowed by questipns and ' answers, Sanchez described the "anjuulsh' and ;desolation" he had found on his last stay at home, from May to Julys ' "An incredible state of chaos and misery reigns in Cuba today," he said. He said there is unhappiness .in the Cuban foreign. service over a virtual requirement that all Cuban diplomats "collabor- ate" in intelligence operations.he "This is a situation that t diplomatic corps rejects in gen- eral," he said. Sanchez disclosed that he had accepted some as- signments of an. intelligence'. nature, including one to contact' Latin Americans in Geneva and evaluate them as prospective In telligence agents. Gr.nnhr'i drfretlon was the the Cuban mission in Geneva which deals with the numerou UN specialized agencies i Europe. Previously the No. 2 man he was filling in for the Cuba Ambassador, who had returned- to Havana on vacation. Sanchez said he was ponderin his future but had made no deci lion about a job or a place t live. But he said that he his wife ?? Carmen,, and their daughter Ileana, ,7, and' Ivonne, 5, woul not stay in New York. Describes Cuba Describing conditions in Cuba., Sanchez said: "There is no de, ocracy. There is no freedom... m . The jails are full bf prisoners,.,-, There is hunger, lack of food clothing, medicines.... Work i done under the pressure o without any incentive. , line. And there is a general moo :;. of chaos in the country." Asked why he waited this Ion to defect, Sanchez replied: "Th , teriorating progressively. an +,, . young men like myself, who wer practically born with the revolu t tion and had great faith in Fid t Castro and loved their countr kit,C[/"Itl li Vl[l S O ? a..l.. v. M.iT..,,e corps reported this year. Orlando , Castro Hidalgo, an intelligence' 'Paris, switched allegiences last { March and is now in the United,," States. Castro Hidalgo told of a re- , puted Havana-Moscow pact con-. mitting Castro to take a more' pro-Soviet line in return for fl- nancial backing. Sanchez said:'he knew nothing of any such p:lct. but said Cttba'a urgent need for; more Soviet aid was met only;; after the premier endorsed the C slovakla - Sanitized Approved For. Release ClA-E DDP75-00,1;498000300160003-2'