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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1963
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FOIAb3b anitized - Ap~~~~~S~~~~~C~~-=-R~~; Taut it ,ryas t `ttagnye'moutL which justifiably pr~~nf t11118 Bond meat,'aSx "' ~a_n es R needed prgtectfo It b1s brain, It eras illustrious Ci I wish for ~ , ~"~du~tt.'' siSniflcant'-to [fatal rr ~. , blending lilpwly ne~ixed.,, to goat[ rants many mo years ~ a happy . ~~ i`n,~ation of .aunh a tntir4q '? later butt td~W - ,I :. rvh4,~k?tt~ a`'~'; to' rtrt.ivr? life. ~ , ..... ~' ~'~G,: ?.id'.liiudE~et then .undtrr cotlY3tid4l I W ,Ytettslal~ .!iA g,,,,.y, ., AIR 9~ a'j +'Gl~t , ?r-T,-,~'' - - ? n - A ently es bat ile ~ left the room. ;' ; .~!~.'~ >~ dime waa $Tl pdCgt'41f~! ~tl ~.. .._.. the w leax a bdrat '" .~ -' tlur. C3oNTZAI.kZ fsL the request: of giv+eili and foI'tho~lixt~t nti our and tie' tlghtlittar, surpriatd r,Dw Mr. Rxex of New York) was given pars date. When pressed for alhswd ~+~#'' throtrggt, I ah{~'~6d,lt opalt;agata. rney were juat'?atrlirpirig ktiq`tightlttg tags off the tx- churriplo tWilli@ Kotoiiitm and Eddie Foy III put fl~era to Lrleir lips az+ they- saw me. I closed a door etoftiy. L thought- the righter wsa der ~datiotx, ' tie wa~d'a sedation. A merciful cur- tatn had ?beatl dr8wn .over his awful pain the instant her,,pald; ','(,kxh, my hand hurts." which [tie Ilne W `t . by Vegan but i,n an lnvlslbla to oard'with no wire iserv- 1ce, only a chart at~~.lteioot of the bed. I barn fought an fa prosy level bt:fore. 'Thy oountor has beenhat people are killed iu traffic. over rester, under ground. Sure, but we dou't :sd~;i Ltckets. flat these - ere elsain~tlona, th+? highest praetitlonereof tltalrru'C;'tttat"we are admlc- ttng to hoepttala, mauliOlEtttnn and vtgeta- t.fon to boxing, not tidy in unnul,rrvlned uetlvlt.y. Only. one. big teague baw^Uatl player, only one big league triotbull Iat=.yer hue ever been kissed. Even that 1:. tax, nuuiy but no match ut x11[ fns bo!clnK'e toll t'rn- pit die lit suit, racing. -But. they 2?.111 t'~en,- ?elvee, And they art riot trytut; t,o A.4 C. ru+id before, 1n boxing, It's tht name o' th~? game. "KtU h11n,'" tht erc:~wd crfec+ TLCe txK, nt anything sublethal. 'They did 't'teursday when Luis Rodnguex fot:yhr na w?nslbly as 9t ht had been put In the rinT wall a killer-~-precisely because he was. 'I'RI$UTE TO JTNIMY 1~UIL.9NTE this. McCORMACK tat the request of Mr, It1'nrv of New York) was r;tven lit?r- mission to extend jrls remarks at thLs point in the Recosli.) l~lr. MrC(]RMACK, 1Vir. Speaker, !t gives me great pleasure to join with my colleague, Jntat[s CoxtstAK Of Califorlila, Ire paYiltB tribute, to a man who has bean one o1-:the stars .of the entertainment world tot' more` than'4t) years. Jimmy Ihlrante has had ' [; Song and distin- guished career in ;every: entertainment media: .flmmy Durance first Gained fame as a member of the outstanding entertnl:t- nJenQ team of Clayton, Jackson and lluraYite. This became one oP the leac!- lnct vaudevfile acts of the era. Ise went on to star on Broadway, 9n rnoLtun pic- tures, radio, and television. In 1951, ne won a Pt4bbody A:a~ard for his work in radio and televlsjon. The warixi, humor of tills man has en- deared him''-: to mftlions of Americans. Isis [ever-preSt+nt hat, celebrated no:~. and Yarnous C'iC-,SiriF line, "f3cwd ntgl.t, Mrs. CalabasP,, ~gvherever you are," have been symbols Cf"Rhc itrsc in comctiy for more than a gc5tr,^ratiott, liis career r?ePresentrt ev~i; tFli~g that Is rich and fine In the entertainment industt~~ His cttaritablc acts ant uianlfold. He has brought in it most wholesame man- netr happint*:+s and pleas~Ere W rour7Llcss oi' rr11111ona of persons. lIullvwcx,ct, and the America of .which 1t is a part, are point itt the Rircolfn and to include~t:X- 1.rannnnx mntt.Pr_) though I have been quite critical in the ,."conslderatlon and totalil~ "snare ,.tt` anslverutg~critics of his programs. IL is essentiRl by tote AbenCy and sits",=,,.;j clear Lhat part of his trouble has beon mirlistratar; then suddenly tossed t#~dd: due to ~;ome poor ads ice given him. by :his. in favor of a hastily cbncefved and poorly ;ust overruled las advisers, and revenged As you may recall, attar my request year far an oxplanat.lon, slid after 171mself on an important mater affecting jest . aviation safety. He has decided to Can-~ I -had been subjecte;ci to as intempttt4xe eel hi~~ ;,1a77s for a major involvement it1 an attack as were ever rna*3e by the heed. an ~xPc?t?iment with tt>c SA(IE systetn. of a Federal af;encv upotl a Congress- In mid-1962 Mr. Iialaby anttotrttced :, plt~n for the. integration of certain Aaf defense fac.ilitles--~SA(lE--and ail' traffic . control. 't'his plan cal]ed for the alts- frig of the C3reat Falls Alr Route Tr~C' ~'ontrol Center--FAA--the transfer of ct~rtairE responsibilities from the Mh'tt14- :xpolis and Seattle Atr Ftaute TraiftC C011- trol Centers. and Lhc establishment Of r.hrec colocated air ta?af8c control opera- tions in SAGE Centers to Minot 'and grand I`orl:ti, N. Dak., and Clreat P'~-iltt,' Riont. At that tim~Ite "'taaiic Control Centers in Ni~iv ~7rlcart arr. San An- pmBraar. ,zurias for mare .. a4 ttafetY':lnstatistiona-fac~#1 ~t"#,tii~tt man, Mr. HaIaby t3fut11y agreed to pr0~ vide justifrcation. This justification Was based largely upon ihr~oret,icat savings in the costs of computers, projected aver a 18-year period Bear in nrind that these are no computers In use in New Orteafts and in San Antonio ale route traffic con- trol centers t.oefay, and Wane programed for the new Houston center, I'he FAA is presently using flue ar sir; computer3 In various centers--computers of the .18b7 vintage and for all practlCal purpoeell, . obsolete. The research efforts of the , I*AA over the past 5 years Wwar9 .the ' development of a new computer for sit' ?: trafSc control have been a failure, at a " COS[.o'f well-over Slot) mltlion. $ear in mind-also that tc ew3 mlliion building has ; just been constructed to hou.Ke ttte New Qrleans air route traffic control Banter;: t3ttd. a I0-year lea.5e on the new air toilte t#eifRC control Ct Wier {St San Antonio ifri only in its fourttl ,year. The effort to ' f[stst .this building off onto NASA Wlij ultirtlately cost tttc Gixpayers well over s million; dollars for re:ntodeling to suit th? needs of NASA. We also know tttaG the ItAA is stuck with the remaining years of Iease on file San Antonio Dropertp, Later I asked IvSr. Halaby for a list of the planned locations of more than iQ0 safety facihtics which he was so ready to abandon in lieu at the new aelti- Ger. He refused to provide thin fnfttr- oration, stating that it was not in the public Interest Lo divulge. One wonders whether vac am here dealing u lth the ]?AA or the CIA. This whole sorry mat- ter constitutes one of Lhc most arrogant wtd fiagrant disreKard for the taxpEtyer and the safety of the flying pupllu on rc~COrd. SuL, as I previously mentioned, there is hope. Mr'. Halabl+ W?latc*d k i~ rcr^?og- plxfxl the error of his decision concerning the use of SAC31r lu air tratlir, control.. Perhaps tic will [soon cotne~ to Ltte realtza- Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP75-001498000300160012-2