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Publication Date: 
October 4, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000300320009-8.pdf93.05 KB
VI1.G1 N .. 6PYRGHTFO Sanitized..-App ~~_~Q~ a a~g,,? CIA-R~P7~5-O ' ). Sanitized ~ CPYRGHT and ?ALL SC?_dPYRG tae pro rs are trying to e- termine if telephons in congres- sional officea are Mn.- monitored by either private investigators or government agencies. The inquiry, underway for several weeks, is being con- ducted by the staff of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Ad- ministrative Practices headed by Senator Edward Lon.", D-Mo. As part of the subcommittee's broad probe of government and private electronic eavesdropping practices, Chief Counsel Bernard Fensterwald is examining testi- mony before a special Massachu- setts legislative commission stat- ing that telephone cables to the Senate Office Buildings Nave been tapped. The witness,, Bernard P. Spin- del, an expert on telephone mom- itoring from Holmes, N.Y., claims he discovered "about a year ago" a branch cable run- ning from Capitol Hill to "an ob- scure building in which ' the Justice Department had an of- fice." Spindel, who has furnished oth- er information on wiretapping to the subcommittee in the past, will again be questioned by Fen- steewald to see if he has any new evidence to back up his latest charge. _ if Spindel comes up with any- thing new, the Senate probers plan to ask him to testify in pub-' lie hearings. Specifically, they want to quiz hint about the location of "the cable and ter- minal connection box" that he claims to have seen. Washington telephone cornpauy officials, who have vigorously denied knowledge of any phone monitoring at the Capitol, may also be asked to appear for questioning as well as several Justice Department officials. Fensterwald, a former State Department legal exlh.rt, recent- 1y sent investigators to the Mid- west to look into the Washington activities of an internationally !operating private detective firm. These investigators, although armed with information from in- side the government, got nowhere in trying to check out a report that the firm was monitoring phones and doing undercover ,work here for both the Justice Department and the Ccntrai In- `, telligence Agency. Aj* "' 00 i learned only that rite p',vale detective firm emp'.oys ..anh? ber of former CIA and ex-FSI t agents and has offices in. lhhel~ U.S. and abroad. One informant said the com- pany was originally set up by former employes of the Office of Strategic Services, a U.S. in- telligence agency. iti World War II, but that these persons are not connected with the investi- gative operation. In several ways Fensterwald's own investigative activities are,' as mysterious as some of those he is looking into. The controversial chief counsel is compiling a list of former FBI agents holding government po- st-ions, especially in the State Department and Internal Reve-, nue Service. He has made this list available to Washington newsmen. A report is current that Fen-' sterwald is seeking, to trigger a'' probe of the FBI. Also under cover of 'the phone monitoring probe, Fensterwald has been trying to obtain infor- . ration on State Department: Security Officer Otto Otepka, Stilt awaiting a hearing on charges he gave classified infor- mation to the Senate Internal. Security Subcommittee, The Internal Security and the Administrative Practices Sub- committees have separate of- rises, but both are under the jurisdiction of the Senate Judi- i ciary Committee. - To add to the intrigue, both subcomnuttees have offices in :he new Senate Office Building. it is from this building that Spindel claims the "monitored" phone cable that he allegedly inspected runs. FBI director. J. Edgar Hoover is convinced 'that "Che" Guevara, mysteriously missing for months, is still very much alive. In Hoover's opinion the former. top Cuban Communist will'reap? pe\~r at the head of another Latin American revolution, These views 'were voiced by Hoover at a meeting of a House Appropriations Subcommittee when asked about Guevara's strange disappearance. After saying that the FBI does not know of Guevara's where- abouts, Hoover declared: "There are rumors he has been killed by Castro. There are oth- er rumors he has been in Vene- zuela trying to stir up a revolu- , eP o be01 49#~ , in the duras, Guatemala and most' ree ~,PYRGHT The boxed portion of this article did not appear in the Las Vegas Sun for-6 October 1966. 300320009-8