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Publication Date: 
December 12, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000300520015-9.pdf160.3 KB
NEWYQRR HERALD 'I'Rraur Sanitized - Approved For'Release : CIA-RDP75- CPYRGHT DEC, 12 1965 The resignation last week of " viet President Anastas Mi- ; oyan has led to speculation the West that a change in viet policy or a new balance power among Soviet lead- s might emerge. Six leading authorities on oviat - affairs-professors at olumbla, Princeton and Har- rd familiar with develop- ents in the Kremlin in the st few years-all agreed in I terviews last week that the a ption to the Presidency ! co Nikolai V. Podgorny was shift in power resulting in' he ouster of Premier Nikita hev in October, 1964. Most of them felt that Mr.' koyan had probably re. fined for reasons of age an 11 health. They agreed, too hat although conflicts' o interest. existed among. the viet leaders, policy, dispute ere less severe and the Pd for Personal.; power Intense than. they ever d d been. 11 The experts differed on the i3ect of the Mikoyan resigna- on on Soviet policy towards e West, some considering it reflection of the trend. to- arda a 'hard line' against erican policy in Viet Nam. pastas Mikoyan, former !Alexander Shalepin, who resident. 'was removed from.certai fit t Prof. Zblgniew Brezezinaky, ; ikolai Podgorriey, -the t e rec or of th Research in- ~ ':I Mute An Comm,,n1.t AM.4... ! ' . president. >: i t Cole, am a the 14 aoyan I CPYRGHT mpo. n.: but only as important as (Mc-'- 'eorge) Bundy's resignation.. trom the White House. It was Simply a change in personnel , -t- a bureaucratic change." . 'NOR AL Cyril Black, professor of ' story at Princeton, said:: ;Tho Soviet leaders are in asic agreement Though each i them 'represents different nterests and different spe- lalties - the niflibary, agri- ; ulture, and so forth - their'' ntllots are kept' within cer- n limits. "We are so used to 'plots nd counter-plot., that no one ill believe that the recent hift is a normal trans ition. t is not impossible that Miko'-. n retired simply because he elt old and tired-. "There Is' ho real 'evidence :that he was ousted because he, 4vored normalizing relations ;,'With the West. All of the Sov- leaders would like to do sod :+- but they cannot because of Vi t Nam. They feel closer to ?th French and the- British, :421 n they do to us at the mo- nt. When he was interview- ed by Reston the other day.~rl ygin naturally had to at-., k the U. S. He's worried. 'e ut our escalation of the and lie had to put on an a e But its what he does that ts:1 J,. of. Merle +lainsod,of Isar. said that he found little- r}o comment ''upon in the If~n's statement at face value,' 1 .:beldeve t'hat he retired wit! t., nor. The key is Podgorny.; he gdvea tip the party 'sec-, Continued Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300520015-9