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~.~1. ?? ,,~,rr,,-~, PROCEEDINGS AT THE CLOSED- . ~ DOORS SESSION OF THE SENATE ON JULY 14, IDG6 -~ mo115 COIISCIIL 4IttL4 4[1CTC UC ri 5riu141bCU version. of these proceedings prepared, thnt It be under the authority of the chalttnan and the ranking minority members of the Armed Services Commit- ~_. be mnde public, and thnt qty Senator ;? who partlclpatcd shall have the right ?to correct lUs own remarks. _ ~ ~ INOLTYEI . 'Ys there objectiorl~t '~'.- ' ;r. T.+Ir. DIRKSEN. I second t~j}s ~Ytotion. ~'itc VICE PRESIDENT. ""!~'he Chair -" ;` The motion having been ; made_ and .~XV, now directs the Sergeant at Arms ~NG1tL~SSIONAL F~?F~e1'e' :CIA-RD?P~5=00`1.4 ~'000~-5 ~1 .'r, :. The Staff Director of the Committee The VICE P11,ESIDENT. Is there on Foreign Relations, Mr, Marcy; abjection? Hearing none, tt le so or- The Chief of State of the Committee dered. on Armed Setvic~s, Mr. Darden. Mr. MANSFIELD. I[ Y may make ono Mr. RUSSELL of Georgle. Mr. Presl- more request, Mr. President, I ask unani- dent, was the name of Mr. Woodruff, of mous consent thnt when the hour of the Comtnittce on Approprlatlons, ` 1 o'clock arrives, I[ the matter now beforb ' called? ?the Senate has not been concluded-and Mr. MANSFIELD. No. ,' Y feel certain that 1t will not be-tho Mr. RUSSELL of Georgia.' He has ,lust time be ignored and we continue on tho taken the oath. Does the majority present subject. leader wish to have Mr. WoodruiC The VICE PRESIDENT. Ys there ob- lremaln? jectionl Hearing none, 1t is so ordered, Mt?. MANSFIELD, Mr. President, Y ? .Has the Senator from Montana now would include also the name of Mr,. placed befot?e the Senate his requests on Woodrutl, who, I understand, has been ,all the matters to be presented ?? sworn. Mr. MANSFIELD. I have. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob-~,.~ Mr. HI;CKENLOOPER. Mr.Presldent, jectlon, Mr. Woodruff will remain. ~ a parliamentary Inquiry. Mr:' MANSFIELD. Mr. ]?resident, I? The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator ask unanimous consent that the Otllcial from Iowa will state 1t. ?. Reporters be authorized to take proceed- ings of the closed session in, shorthand " . Mr. HICKENLOOPER. My questlon? but that the notes not be transcribed; ?? goes to this action: I merely wander how and that; when the session is concluded, anyone hereafter who wants to announce ~' they be placed in the custody of the Sec- : hie vote or wants to say anything nbout retaty of the Senate and kept secret by : his vote In public can do so ff the action ' him along wtth other minutes'snd mat-'' we take here is secret with the exception . ters of such nature already- in his .' of the vote. How are we going to do that r custody. , If the vote is to be announced? Mt?. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, ~ =. Mr. MANSFIELD. Well, the votes parliamentary inryuiry. ~ ~ have been announced. ?. ,The VICE PRESIDENT. Tho Sen- : , Mr. HICKENLOOPER. I undet?- ~~ ' ~. 14000 11"UIR t11'MriI15atl Wlll SliA4C llr. ,~ stand that the unanimous-consent ' prate not cleared for secrecy be ex- ? Mr. FULBRYGHT. Does this proposai .agreement is a part of the secrecy of the ~ .? 9nclude a vote which may be triter on ' meeting: How do we get around that? ~`Iltdcd. . 4.hlc o>nf.tnr7 Tf an T thlntr tt,nf shn,IlA ?. ~aw..~ w rue vaaau,a?~ca wcac VIVJGU.! Mr. MANSFIELD, Going back to the' : "" '""''""~ ?"'" ?"? ??'?"' " " "` raorosEO COMMITTEE orr BNTELLT6ENCE only pl?CViOUa closed session of which I~ public; and before we went into closed staff members be allowed to remain:. '. really did not see any necessity for going . Ituouc. The Secretary oY the Senate. Mr. ~' into a closed session. Hut I do not op- M-'? MANSFIELD. This Is an unusual :' The Parliamentarian, Mr. Rtddick; theh?' combined wisdom is greater than ~ . Mt: SYMINGTON. Mt?, President, re- The Legislative Clerk, Mr, Mattsur? ~ mine: .Certainly any vote that has been' serving the right tB object, I am dlsap- ' ? ? "'" """'"""' """ ?"" """`"'"' ~ ~' attended has been made a matter of pub- session. There has been some critlclsm? :. ? ~ The Official Reporters, Messrs. ;. lie record. ~ of the Senate being a club, that the ?,...; .Drescher, Attig, Cinciotta, and Peary; Mr. MANSFIELD. I: think it should be. Members do not Hike to have facts dls- The Secretary to the Majority and Tho yy~ Pl:l,i;ST.DENT. Will the oussed released when it is not to thch? Minority, ?Messrs. Valeo and Trice; Senators indulge the Chair for a mo- convenience. Y would therefore ask this The Assistant Secretaries to the Ma- . went? The precedent in the rules? fa ,question, and premise it by the statement jority and the Minority, Messrs t3ravee .that any action taken now in the closed 'that there has been, in my opinion, many and Brownrigg; ~ `. session is closed, and that means that flt ..assertions which are unfounded, with The General Counsel tB Majority Pol-; : fa in secret. It can bfi divulged only,by ,respect to the-operations of-the Cen-' icy Committee, Mr. Ferris; ~ ? . ;specific aflirmativu acf?!on by the Morn- tral_..Intelligenc? Agency. I .say that Tho Sergeant at Arms, Mr. Yiunphy; ~ tiers oY the Senato or by a majority of,,~ aSter'having made extensive trips to tho The Deputy Sergeant at Arms, Mro the Senate. - I?'ar East, Middle East and Europe, and ? " 111-atute~il: Mr, MANSFIELD. Mr, Preslden$, Y during those trips doing my beat to find The Administratlve Assistan0 f,?, $he. ?'~ aalf unanimous consent that sry- '~kd ~, out whether, thLs baslo questlon was true 1ergeant st Anne, IVIr, Y+aeovru't-1,., .: , ~ , .that 9e.taken be me~de public, , " :.. ~ ; ~ '., or not: Y]bee the C'IA make policy? _~,d? - , ~?,?1 + i- i NYC _-____~e-`5~~~~ ni#?i~e~d~ , Aj~j~ro~te~cl Fc2r. Relea~se'~: CIA~RD'X75-~1Q:'1~~9~,U'OQ~400'O~~fl0~~5 2 2 Sanitized - Ap~~~~~~~~~e~~~o~i4_F~~A~,~Q0149R000440~30003 5~ !lint have ~~.....~ ~.... ~ ... ....,.... n~.c true, and that sending this, by sus- lnming the point of order, to the Armed Services Comn]lttce menus that it fs burled there. I do not thh]k it tyould bc, but let us assume that. Mny I i2oint out that tho Scnntc 1s not wlthdttt n ~t~ .; ? ice onn rc:activntc,this discussion. Tl]cre 1~ ~~- is 1~o way, by sustaining the point oP ~;.1? . order, that we bray tlils issue in the ?~ ? ': ? Armed Services Committee, in limbo and :'~~ ~ 1n perpetuity. If a mnJority of the Sen- ?~~ ntc decide they want to bring it back for ~4 ?.~ de~lsion and for amendment to protect r;."~, seniority rights if we so desire, we can do ' it through n series of approaches. Wo I~~ -'~ .can do it by nn amendment to an appro- ! priatfons bill dealing with the nppropria- "::~; ;? bons Yor the CIA, because we can put it . ?.;;! ~ on as a restrictive rider. That has been .. , '~r. ;.. done before. We can do it by an amend- ? The Senate can force its will, and I think circtunstnnces, is to sustain tl]e poitt}}~t of order, see what happens for a gi'yen period of time in the Armed Servl~es Mr. PASTORS. They me not seeing anything, but they are wondering what is transpiring here. Would 1t not bo more comforting and reassuring to the people of the United States of America, when we ga out of here, if they Icnrn that as gentlemen we agreed to do some- thing', not that we had to split our lines and be recorded as being pro oc con on the proposition. As the Senator has pointed out, this Is not a flnat vote. It will decide nothit]g. This is merely ?a vote on Jurisdiction; and many of us feel-I, for one-that possibly there ought to be some partici- pation on the part of the Foreign Rela- tions Committee on some sort of com- mittee, whether a standing committee, a select committee, or some group of the Senate, I am otte of those who feel tl]at the Armed Services Committee 'has primary Jurlsdlcttot], and they should be given an opportunity to look at this. If we ?can do it by agreement, I think it would look a lot better. Mr. MUNDT. That ? would suit me perfectly. ' Mr. PASTORS. ? Atid it would look as if, after ayl, we sat here as reasonable people and decided that on an amicable '?~ ? have done, reactivate It by any one'of a , ,. basis. If we did that, the country would ;. available, We are not deciding th~ is- Mr. MUNDT. If that could be done. Mr. MUNDT. It would make me very happy If we could do it by an amicable process. I simply wish to poln6 out, that however we do It, we arrive at the same legislntlve home, with the sane results and the same opportunities to reactivate ~ it nt any time a maJorltY of the Senato desires. Several Senators. Vote. Vote. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I.'? ' am quite certain in my own mind, at least, that the distinguished Senator from Cieorgla and his committee will not be too unreasonable in seeking a solution to the question which Is bctore us at Clio ' moment. imous consent that there be a snnl- ' '? tined version of these proccedh]gs pre= pared, that 1t be under the authority ~ ' of the chairman and the ranking ml- ? not?lty membet?s of the Armed Services Committee and the Appropriations Com- ~"; ~' mlttce and the Foreign Relations Com- ? ,. ? ?' mittee; that they will take out anything ? which might be detrimental, and that . the record be made public and that at]y ~ _ Senator who participated shall have the right to correct his own remarks. The PR,ESIDIN4 OFFICER (Mr. INOUYE !n the chair). Is there obJec- tion? The Chair hears none, and It fa move that the Senate now go out? of closed session and return to regular leg- islative session, for the vote, The PRESIDING} OFFICER. The auestlon 1s on aareelna to the motion of ?.t':;-!?: sue forever and a day as of now. ,? . ~:..~, Mr, PASTORS. But this insistence ;c : ,.., Mx, PASTORS. Hut' does not'' the. that "I will prove that Y am right and, "~ :.;~ ?' ;. Senator feel that since we have been you are wrong" is not going to decide , ~ . behind closed doors now for about 3 or 4 anvthine.. because this is eoina to brew . FO~;A~fj s?_ = _ ~i~ _ _ __ . . -"? _ : ` ~.: er it is right or wrong to have members ~ ~ The motion was agreed to; and, at 4 anything. 1 .. '~~. ,f. ._ ~~.. partiolpate,_~.. , , . , .,~,.?~, '..returned to open legislntlve session,' ..