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Document Release Date: 
December 10, 1998
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Publication Date: 
January 25, 1962
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000400050009-7.pdf108.16 KB
Ti-1F PAtlLLINA, IA, TIMF'S Sanitized -Approved For Rele ase :CIA-RDP FOIAb3b CPYRGHT CPYRGHT ~~tfer from Ch,~les ~_;,~gj ~ + ,Eighth ~isfrict C~ongr~ssman and 'some other countries have refused to pay their assessments covering the United` Nations ex_ I penses. The P'ressident promises, a new comprehensive farm pro- ~ gram but as yet has given no de- ~ tails. We will await the propos-' ~ worth of United Nations bonds. The Congress will 'be especially hesitant in this respect in view of the fact that Russia, France, the House of Representatives to take the place of the late speaker Rayburn. Oiz Thursday, Jan. 11, President Kennedy ir. ?person de_ livered his `State of the Union message to a joint session of th Congress. Among other things, he recommended a strong na- tional defense, and the congress of course will appropriate all the money necessary to keep our country strong and alert. The President also trotted out some of the "old horses" which were sent back to the barn last ses- sion. Among them are the propo- sal for aid to education, inchrd- ing teachers salaries, and the proposal which would afford me- dical care in a tie-up with Soc- ial Security. Both of these mea- sures will have hard sledding this year. The President also ad- vocated standby authority to raise and lower personal income tax rates. This is clearly an at- tempt by the Executive Branch of the Government to usurp the rights and prerogatives of . the Legislative Branch. Under -the Constitution, the Congress is one only body which can raise or lo- wer taxes. The Congress will al_ so not look kindly on the propo- sal that the United States bail out the United Nations by ~pur- als with a great deal of interest. The most significant omission in - !the President's address was his i proposal to raise the national debt limit, or any mention of the f situation in Cuba. ~ Breakfast ~ As Chairman cf the Republi- can Conference of the'17ouse~of .~`~1"1t3f:tVe-C. ~-Mari hraakfacr .---- -_.,.._~~.__ _-..__...... ~~ r..,. Congress opened without ~urh bite House on the morning of fanfare or exitement. There was anuary 8, along with other Con- a lot of hand-shaking and Major_ } ressional leaders in both the ity Leader McCormack of Massa- I ouse and Senate. After the chusetts, was elected Speaker of ~ reakfast, held in the State Din- adjustments in our over-expand-~1 ed agriculture. As of the end oP 1960, when the program was ter- minated there were more than 2uti thousand Conservation Re- serve contracts in effect cover- ing 78.7 million acres of Reserve cropland in 47 States I am hap_ py to introduce legislation to provide an opportunity for farm- ers to extend contracts on the 26.2 million acres of Conserva- tion Reserve land which other- wise will likely come back into production as the. contracts ex_ Aire. I am very hopeful that my __.,__. .....,... .... .. ...~.~., .,,.b.._ brief~d~on the world situati n hold prompt hearings on any bill. y'~ecretary o ' ate us ec- Reciprocal Trade Fight etary of Defense McNamara, ~ The biggest fight in the new r._, - ,r ~q tctor~,Mc- Congress is likely to involve the enlal Intelligence Dire ~ r _ _ _ ... _ , 25 January 196 f Staff, among others. I came June, 1962.- This year the Ad- way with the feeling that the ministration is not asking for an orld situation was in a mess, ~ extension. Instead, the President nd that it was high time we re- i wants authority to da anything iewed our entire foreign policy, he pleases with regard to tariffs. isera~bly in Laos, Cuba, and He wants uncontrolled power to ther areas of the world. It .also abolish or reduce all American emains to be seen whether or tariffs at once or at :his discretion of the United States will take Furthermore, he asks authority firm stand on the Berlin prob- ; to subsidize out of the Federui m as most everyone expects .Treasury any American workers s to do. ~ or industries hurt by such tariff onservation Reserve. Gontrac3s changes. fihis proposal is anc_ I ,have just introduced a bill ; ther attempt by the Executive the Congress which would ex- (branch of the Government to e~ is term of expiring Con- !usurp the rights and perogatives e ~ n Reserve Contracts. ~ granted by the Constitution to is., program failed. to be extend- 'the Congress. I am sure the Con- d by Congress last year. Five gress won't grant the President ears of experience has shown -the power he requests. All he can hat this, approach to crop ad-' expect is an extension of the law stment is attractive to many now on the statute books with armers and- can be an effective perhaps some slight modifica- ool for land, capita], and labor tions. _ __ _._-~ Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP75-001498000400050009-7