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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 28, 1964
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FOIAb3b r~ NE~V ~r~'~~it~ed -Approved F~~~I~,: CIA- ~I1?h:AI1?? '.t~i~ ~ 1 11iY~' ~.~~L~.1~"_~LV By Myron Kandel OJ Tke fleraid Tribune Staff ];GNN'. captive by Soviet forces for 17 days after their RB-66B reconnaissance plane tivas shot down over East Ger- many, were released yester- day. As the two men were handed over to United States authorities. official Soviet anti East German statements said investigation of the plane's wreckage - presum- ably meaning its photo- graphic equipment and film -"established ,.beyond a doubt" that its mission was Spyillq. The fliers-with. wham the U. #. Air Porcc says it lost ratio contact, perhaps be- cause of Communist jamming' --tiverc said to have admitted. under int~:rrogation that they were in steady contact with U. S. bases and "knew where they were throughout the en- tire flight." The U. S? the statements said, had ex- ~, pressed .regret over the in-~ cident and promised to avoid further "transgressions.t' G~#~i~I-FrS~LI~ 7n Washington, Secretary of State .Dean Rusk repeated the U. S.. stand that the.' RR-G6B had strayed over r.ast Ger;nany by mistake. Mr. Rusk said he Icnew of no. dc:els or, conditions surround- ng the fliers' release. The two airmen, Capt.. avid I. 1-TollaiZd, 35, of Hol- . and, Mich., pilot of Ilia iowned plane, and Capt. Mel- ia J. I~.essler, 3D, of Phila- .clTlhia, navigator, crossed :: uc 1'Vest Germany in a U. S. ?:.::Kr sedan at the Iielmstedt ronticr checkpoint. They'd verc smartly s ail of Soviet ~~~~~~e `; ~ n02U relnainS 2.12 an , Hast German prisolx. He is Frederic Loba, 3G, , of Altadena, Calif., sentenced to ~~/~ dears last. October for Itelpinq refugees flee to freedom. 1'Ite three Americal2 fliers are free-and so is - a Jackson Hei~ltts opera silt~er lvlto 2vas i1t a Red jail for .20 molxtTts. Hcr retul"n 2vas a1x- - outer st1?a1x~e chapter i12 the sltadoxvl/ stor?/ of lion Curtain Ita.ytar/es. Sca~?rtar?/ of State Ru41c said ~esterda~ that the stra~i;c~ ofj' course of ~? the fliers' plane was "rrtjstorious:' Sn 2vas the simqq~~ul,~~tv'aneous{{77~~1?clc~rscppro~f flee for?yotte~2 sin~ler. ~17 ,'.n .rul~11. Yi ~1~~ fill Y'/u UYlY I. IiJ--~ ? Ci"Spy" mystery. Only 36 hours after release from ai East Berlin prison, apcra singer Gabrielle Iia,mmerstei was sitting at home in Jackson Heights in fine fettle de spite 19 months incarceration on charges of being a spy Details were vague, but she was arrested January, '196 (she lived in West Berlin) when she drove into the East -ern (Communist) Zone. She..was released as inexpli cably as she was arrested. Tate Qverall puzzle: Wh:y ,i Soviet Russia ~ cleusin~ Americans charged as. spies?- ;~ ,. CPYRGHT CPYRGHT CPYRGHT Approved For Release :CIA-RDP75-00149 S~t~TC~~, TIC By Maurice C. Carroll ~ O/ The !lerald Trlbuse StajJ I East Iieriin as a "spy" for th West. Tried in secret. capti:i' 27 months. Freed a myst~riousiy as she was ar 1'c6ted. At home yesterday in Jack ~,~r~,: [ieights, Queens, le ;i1~an 3u" hours after her re lease, buxom Gabrielle Ham ~merstein, 39, told about he ? chilling experience in boom ping good spirits that seeme somehow as strange as he mysterious reticences. "I was a lousy prisoner,' she said with a deep chuckle "They told me I vas th worst thing they ever en countered. "I refused to work-to ai the Communist ,ystem. "I refused to eaL potatoe -they were ~iretty rotten even thougl: our diet wa mostly Iiquid, and there ~rer some days when we had th same soup all three meals: CdIEE~ts~LTI. ~ Shc talked for 1'ep01'tCl' and TV camcra.s with grca 'good cheer. An opera so prano, she even ro. 1?r..d out few sample notes from ~"Di Valkyrie" that shoved th needle on a sound man' gauge out of sight. But the story she told i those cheerful tones was o strange and sorpet.imcs b;u tai imprisonment ai:d it u~a laced with areas oP "no co:;i ment" to protect, she said prisoners still in Communis hands who were "fight8i for our way of life :' Someone ventured the be lief that most pcoplo arreste as spies have actually bees spying. Was she a spy? ,~~~~it `ti3y,5t~u31y is ? Her whole story, and i .. fvr011'~~IlUB