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FOIAb3b ed For Rele,-qe19jq ' F?Ab3b ,;,~4 4&9?THoward reports i Ithe last few months millions of words have been written about CIA activities in the U.S.A., but not a line about CIA activities in Africa. Yet it is in Africa that CIA actions have been most devastating. The CIA as an arm of American foreign policy working in conjunction with British Intelligence has made shambles of African independence. Today there is not a single African leader with any sense of security left except those who have completely bowed to their former colonial masters and have sold out their freedom and their people lock, stock and barrel. Independent-minded African lead- ers know that every minute outside forces are at work within their country working for their downfall or to under- mine their standing with their people -and they know full well that the con- test is an unequal one and any day they may fall. Power Structure To understand all this you must un- derstand how the Western "power structu,,. works. American top level governmental officials-the President, the Vice President, Secretary of State, Head of African Section of the State Department, all make wonderful speeches about freedom, democracy, justice, equality, helping the under- privileged, God and all that junk in Africa. While under their direction' and with their knowledge, forces are at work in Africa completely destroy- ing democracy, preventing justice and equality to the Africans, making the underprivileged more underprivileged, the poor poorer and caring less about God thar the wind it takes to mention his name. American officials, businessmen, and church people are the greatest speech makers, phrase makers and cliche inventors on the face of the earth, while at the same time control- ling, directing and manipulating a devilish mechanism that denies and , takes away from the Africans with the can press, the American businessman other hand every right, that the offi- and the American church forces. They cials, businessmen d chur~ people all scrraim to the hig that- proffer with t,,l~ai'~I$tzed - Approv~Vrs)'~,@ rp 0 from New York Look at Africa today-independence and freedom in Africa is in shambles and the American CIA is its principal ,!vehicle of devastation. Ten military coups in Africa in the last few years. Everything honest and sincere that African leaders have built to better themselves and their fellowmen has been destroyed. The Organization of African Unity (OAU) is dead. Dedicated African leaders, nearly all of them, have been destroyed and the few who have sur- vived are only hanging on by the skin of their teeth and others are still fal- ling now one at a time and the CIA is the principal architect of their down- fall. If you have any idea that these mili- tary coups are not the handiwork of a "central masterminded group" you are simply uninformed on the "facts of life" in Africa. No African leader has a scintilla of doubt about it. Those that have survived have mostly simply "bowed to the inevitable." Why ~ was Dean Rusk, American Secretary of State, after the fall of Nkrumah, able to predict so accurately that other African governments would fall? I'll tell you why, because he con- trols the greatest weapon for the de- struction of African governments ever invented, the American CIA, which works hand in hand with British In- telligence. And after the overthrows Rusk calmly remarks "the climate for our investments is better there now." Central Goal And what is the central goal of all this? It is the continued ownership and control of the fantastic mineral, agricultural and natural resources wealth of that unhappy continent and the maintenance of an African popu- lation not manufacturing their own goods but compelled to buy them from American and British manufact- urers. Joining in this ""rape of Africa" is the American government the Ameri- every member of the government, the American press, every American busi- nessman and every American church- man is not a participant in this dia- bolical scheme, but it is true of the "'controlling forces" in all these agen- cies. Some Joke I Excellent examples of American character in action in Asia and Africa are demonstrated by Bob Hope and Cardinal Spellman. Bob Hope, an English-born American movie idol, goes to Vietnam and says the napalm bombing, military devastation of in- nocent Vietnamese men, women and children is the "greatest slum clear- ance of the century" and Americans applaud, scream and shout their ap- proval. Cardinal Spellman, who some New Yorkers say is the most powerful poli- tical figure in New York, goes every year to Vietnam, and of all times at Christmas, and demands more killing of the Vietnamese people and an American military victory. These two are staunch supporters of CIA policies and Americans applaud them both. The voice of the dissenters is simply ' ineffective. Look at South Africa, South West Africa, Angola, Mozam- bique and Southern Rhodesia I The church forces are the leaders in supporting what is going. on in all these areas. The businessmen are fur- nishing millions of dollars to maintain what goes on there. The U.S. Government pronounces out of one side of its mouth sweet speeches and cliches, while at the same time pours in millions of dollars in financial aid, and millions of dollars in military aid, making these areas the strongest economic and military forces in all of Africa, while pauperising the rest of Africa. The Africans in South Africa and all the areas it touches are slaughtered at will and nobody does anything about it. If an African leader attempts to do anything about it, he soon finds him- self dead or a refugee from his home