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Document Release Date: 
July 13, 2000
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Publication Date: 
February 12, 1963
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tVORLD,!JEfALD - dORtdr'nG :, 27 , 434 Vi:. ING 124,502 Stlt~l.Y . .' '264,640 , : it PAl "'1f yrni" It appeals to nity to bring an end to Crltio- he constitutional liberties of By John Jarrell its Cuban policy be brought; successors." to an end won a quick re-1 In that same speech, Mr. sponse Monday from Senator'Kcnnedy said "It is precisely; Roman Hruska of Nebraska.hecause we are in danger that From Keene, N. H., where we have an obligation to state he was makirg a speech, Mr. our needs." Hruska said: Senator Hruska said the "Under Secretary of State demand for "the complete J Ball's call for an end to de-;facts' on Cuba" is not a mands that the American peo-;partisan matter. pie he told the full truth about' Senator John Stennis of (Cuba is somewhat strange,Mississippi, chairman of the; 1 coming from an Administra-,Senate Preparedness subcom-' tion which campaigned for:mittee, recently reclared that the Presidency by creating out the public had not been told of whole cloth a missile gap the whole story on Cuba, Mr. that never existed, merely for liruska continued, "and he is political advantage." ?'a member of the President's Two Aspects 'party." He said there are two im 'Brushed Off portant aspects to the na-' Ile called "one of the stran- ! 1 tioti's military posture' gest parts of the Administra- U n i t e d States lion's complaint its call for --The must be so strong that hc> Congressional critics to turn! aggressor would dare at- aver to the Central Intelli- tack. :gence Agency and the Penta-i -'The aggressor must be- 'gon the information they have lieve in American strength. on the Soviet buildup in "In other w o r d s," Mr.. Cuba.' Hruska declared, "(}ur mill-. Ile said that has been done -that Senator Kenneth B. Lary might :nnst have crc'di Keating (Rep., N.Y.), probably, o f the During ~ six long months the leading critic, has met i of the 1960 I reside:ttial cam- with CIA Director John Mc- paign, there was a determined .Cone and "has always been' effort to tear dot, n this credibility by reckless and ready to do so.' Mr. Keating, he asserted, . completely unfounded charges w as "brushed off" when last j of a missile gap," summer he first called atten- Then the Senator referred' { Lion to the n t rryy ui is u u nder- to a 1960 speech made by" !John F. Kennedy in Denver, s, The cou unt where the then Senator from ctandably wondering what is Massachusetts, bidding for true and what is false," the I. the Presidency, quoted the tNebraskan d e c l a r e d. "This much seems absolutely clear: , late Republican Senator Rob- the Congress and the people ert A. Taft of Ohio. itre not gettinte.. tl',e Pull story." Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP75-00149R000400110026-1