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Document Creation Date: 
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 14, 1998
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Publication Date: 
October 2, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000400200030-6.pdf111.1 KB
C 0 FOIAb3b Sanitized,- Approved For Releas ILL. TRIBUNE 4-840,746 6 1,178,515 .v C i 2 19 66. t Idea 'FaS There is a story, more accurate than that architectural firm. 1iost comes from surance office might be a sea of desks you might expect, about the Central In. other architects and businesses. ' and a law office might be network of of- A telligence agency offices in Washington.`.` The was started six years ago, 11 ` flees and an area for a pool of typists. It seems that the interior was gray- "and half of its members are also archi The firm then will prepare schematic, all gray. The walls were gray, the doors ,: ?tects. were bray, the floors were gray. The firm analyzes the image of the ; definitive drawings, and select furnish-.~ To relieve the monotony of 1.8 million client and then determines the specific ings and fabrics for a presentation, square feet of space surrounded by- 'requirements of work and traffic flow. Upon approval, I. S. D. will seek com- grayness, the employes pasted colorful An advertising agency might need a petitive ? bids, and . supervise construe-'4 art on the walls and glass partitions, highly designed display area, and con Lion of the offices and installation of and brought brightly colored objects trr Lerence dio .,. ,. __ . u an furnishings . Professional Job Sought I, S. D., The., an interior design affili. ate of Perkins & Will, architects, was called in to do a more professional job. The brightest colors they, could find . were used on doors and floating panels at.tach'd to the walls. Colorful maps ,were attached to walls and glass par- titions. The designers used 'color. as a means of designating certain areas and to'give the employes a psychological lift. Cfficer Cites Effectiveness "l don't know what you can 'say about of spies," said Kenneth E. Johnson, vice president in charge of the Chicago, of- fice of the I. S. D. However,, l,.r S,: D, .has contracts. for. ~1ltlio an affiliate of Perkins & Will, i less than one-third,.of their, work is. for. Stow/Davis Furniture company show' rooms 'in?' Merchandise Mart display'..- ~ fabrics i on walla like paintings in galle y It is. w rk ; f X S D r _ o o . , . .,,,, Ina4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000400200030-6