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Augimt 15, 1144Gl'proved For l yMQ4j p@ -rO z5 909 4eonnne000100207V IT 11583 controlled by the Department of De- fense. There is no difference in substance and there is no difference in principle between this amendment and the one the Senate rejected. I think it is somewhat regrettable, but not surprising, that the attempt it made to cast this discussion in terms of the defense of the free world and the con- test going on for underdeveloped coun- tries of the world. Almost every time we bring up a proposal to put some limita- tion on the Pentagon, not necessarily in terms of amounts, but in terms of pro- cedures-or when the Committee on Foreign Relations suggested that the CIA, as an arm of the executive branch of the Government, or as an arm of the State Department, be placed under some kind of congressional control-the Issue is raised that somehow that proposal, if It were acted on, would undermine the security of the Nation. Here again a proposal on the part of the Committee on Foreign Relations to set some limit on procedure by which arms sales are financed is made the sub- ject of the argument that this is some- how endangering the security of the Nation. Mr. President, if the security of the world depends on what we do on this amendment we should have a hard look at what the Subcommittee on Pre- paredness has been telling us, and we should take a hard look at what the Department of Defense has been doing with approximately $60 to $70 billion a year we are appropriating for that Department for expenditure in defense of the United States and the free world. All we are trying to do is define a procedure to direct the Department of Defense, because it has been acting- while not illegally or outside the law- between the law and the regulations we have laid down. This Is understandable when we appropriate money for them to spend amounting to $60 to $70 billion. A department as large as the Depart- ment of Defense must develop a state df mind similar to the situation reported to enlist in the great dirigible hangar in New Jersey. That hangar was so big that It had its own weather inside. There might be sunshine on the outside, but rain in- side; there might have been calm inside, but a tornado outside; there might be storms inside and calm outside. They were never aware of the weather outside because the hangar was so big. They were never aware of the realities. This seems to be what is happening in the Depart- ment of Defense. In the discussion earlier it was ob- served that the Department of Defense has developed its own educational sys- tomi. The Department operates one of tine largest educational systems in the world. The Department has developed its own public relations program, its own there. The process is developing a kind Mr. MuCATTTTY. T yield. of Plato's Republic inside the Depart- Mr. SYMINGTON, I nag glad that time mont of Defense In which everyone is able Senator from Minnesota has brought trained for particular functions in up the point he just mentioned. Some society. people hnve felt that the major dirretlnhl It appears that the one thing missing and thrust today In this direetiuii lum to satisfy their needs was a banking sys- to do with the grle..tion of the power of tem. Someone said, "We have fellows the State Department, the Department of here interested in banking and credit. To Defense, and the President to give or keep them happy lot us get a little re- lend arms to other countries. It has volving fund and let them work with nothing to do with that principle funda- credit. This will satisfy them and, to a 'mentally. certain extent, it can make a contribu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time tion to what we are doing in the Depart- of the Senator has expired. ment." Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, I I think the situation has gotten out of ask unanimous consent that I may pro- hand and has become a force operating coed for 30 seconds. tee on Foreign Relations is attempting to do Is to bring them back into channels and into some kind of perspective so we can look at the operation more carefully. I do not think what we are doing is going to stop them. I think they are resource- ful enough over there so that if they need to provide arms some place around the world they will be able to do it. I note, in addition to this credit facil- ity, the report on page 12 indicates that there are also a number of sources, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. McCARTHY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that I may proceed for 3 additional minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who yields time? Mr. FULBRIGHT. I yield 3 minutes. Mr. McCARTHY. Mr. President, page 12 of the report states: There are also a number of sources under the Foreign Assistance Act which will still be available. Authority remains to sell from De- partment of Defense stocks with up to three years credit. Mr. President, they can sell anything on the rack. They can sell to anybody in the world on 3 years' credit. They do not have to use the revolving fund or any money that is around. They have their own stock; just take it off the rack; tanks, guns, ammunition, bombs, all available on 3 years' credit. Who do we want to sell it to? We have country x. We will sell it to country x on 3 years' credit. Take it away. Three years later they foreclose. They can go out and re- possess and sell to them again because Another provision provides for the re- objection, it is so ordered. Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, it is an effort on the part of the Committee on Foreign Relations to see that Con- gress is properly informed when these transactions take place. Again, I refer to the fact that in testimony before our subcommittee, as the Senator from Minnesota will remember, the repre- sentative of the Department of Defense admitted that a transaction to sell highly sophisticated aircraft to a country in the Middle East-in fact, the most highly sophisticated aircraft we have-would not have been become known by Con- gress for at least 6 to 8 months after the transaction, Mr. President, I do not think that we fulfill our obligations under the concept of our constitutional responsibilities If we continue to pass laws which make possible the continuation of that type of operation. That is the point at issue in this amendment. Mr. McCARTHY. I thank the Senator for his contribution. I think our mini- mum responsibility is to know what Is going on and the Senate should be told what is going on even though we cannot exercise real control over the process. Mr. TOWER. Mr. President, has all, the time expired under the control of the Senator from Arkansas? The PRESIDING OFFICER. One min- ute remains. Mr. TOWER. I would be prepared to yield some of my time to the Senator from Arkansas. Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, do I have any time left? The PRESIDING OFFICER. One min- ute . allocation of $250 million if the country Mr. PULBRIGHT. Well, Mr. President, Is in danger of communist aggression or there is not much further to be said. I subversion. This would provide an addi- have a statement here from one of the tional $250 million to use. outstanding leaders of Latin America Mr. President, all that we are really concerning the arms race problem oil asking in the Committee on Foreign that continent. Relations is that the Senate give us sup- Two sentences summarize the issue. port in trying to clarify and purify the This is from a recent article written by procedures under the Constitution. It is President Frei of Chile: appearance that we are asking for so that . The armaments race encourages mistrust it will appear that the Senate is bei n h are in making decisions on the chief enemies of Latin Amerman inter' propaganda program, and its own diplo- ,,..... s Current policy. We want the procedures gration. It also divertw important raaourcej niatic corps, It runs the largest retail to look right. We do not have those proce- which should be realized to satisfy the urgent distribution operation in the world in dures now. At present it is made to ap- need for economic anal social development, the PX. Pear that the Pentagon makes the deci- It seems that as this kind of momen- sion and that they are so wise and all- e We hnd Indicating received many other nder- tum Is developed, and there is not a knowing that we should not question the developed ut th at the poor, u l ss major war, nearly everyone in the De- procedure. buying ing sophisticated countries ries have weaponry business credit, partment of Defense has a desire to be Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, will such as through the 3inancing naticing procedure re what he would have been If he were not the Senator yield? ,ve,.u. --I,. I ._ Approved For Release 2004/04/08 : STA S TT