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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 9, 2010
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Publication Date: 
March 22, 1962
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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450049-8 25 YEAR PP-RFVIFXnil Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450049-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450049-8 lltbit`2 More feathers flew faster over the Cuban is.ue in the 1960 presidential campaign than n.rre starred up by any other pinpointed i.ue They have been stirred up again by a na.ld statement of Alicxt C.-?Dulles, former CIA director, that Richard Nixon errs in a < iu;n-nt his opponent knew ahrut prepare- ti( is t ,, invade Cuba before Mr. Kennedy ai!id for an invasion in one of his cam- pa:gn speeches. It helps to review this rtickus feather by 1 ne first feather flew on Oct. 20, 1960, it^r candidate Kennedy unloaded blame (u',., nn candidate Nixon and said the .^-! etes ,hould "attempt to strengthen nor,-Batista democratic anti-Castro forces :..f? and it, Cuba itself who offer eventual iu>>e o! o erthrowing Castro." To clinch the proposition he said that far these fighters for freedom have had virtually no.support from our govern- mrnt." In his bbok "Six Crises," 'IIr. Nixon says }:;s rival knew this was what the United Slates was doing. though Mr. Dulles now hell ves Mr. Nixon misunderstood what Mr. Kennedy had been told as part of his cam- p ' i n ht iufing by the CIA. Re that as it may; Mr. Nixon certainly hat the t:nited States was doing. Yet, ' hr dad he have to say about Mr. Ken- erh; s ^p s$l' on O. & ',ht ca!lod it:the "most chock ingly reckless''.prupoaal ever ttta i history b r a presidential candidate campaign." He iaaid it vitoiated U.S. ments and was n invitation for.the Union to intervene on the side of Castro. He said the result easily world war. The next day Mr. Kennedy accused: Nixon of distortions and added this., "You have developed d* tQdvuque a ling your writers rewrite my,staterne>ats me for things I have never said or ad! Gated. I never have advocated interven in Cuba in violation of our treaty tions." Mr. Nixon thereupon fired back a "W his original statement he only would haver been "advocating the policy- which the std` -the same policy Mr: Nixon said "shockingly reckless" when it first proposed by Mr. Kennedy. Never did. two political chickens def each othee,,more disastrously-one by - eating ething the other aired helping to- into effect, the ot_hir I being done, '#hen each ?ra.ersing The moral; Foreign poicy sbooi iced t'nc truth for the feathers. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450049-8