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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 28, 1964
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Sanitized - Approved ForWP CPYRGHT;. . D,, R%0BERT S. ALLEN D PAUL SCO ' ' - , 14 CPYRGHT i9,1 Haryou - Act also has join IlvAsIiINGTO\? - 'PInG explo- he campaign of other civil iv, fights groups .in dttnetimt New York in Fsues lated to be one pf e key is- enranditi~ the suspension of in next week's House de- ieutenant Thomas It Gilligan, . billion dollar aatli-poverty Pro- ,Doting of 23-year-old James gram. Dwell sparked the Harlem '4 Opponents are planning a iots, series of blistering speeches In its memorandum calling House members to vote spotlighting how the sweeping [dvupM powers President Johnson is bs on Shriver's unprecedent- seeking for his "poverty czar- powers, . the Frelinghuysen may be used to undermine the stresses the bitter con- New fork Cify administration sy. going. on among city gJtiless 'restri'ctions are ? w~7 - ?.hy pouring vast sums of money nd private d otups for control ten into. this legislation, there into private Harlem civil rights of the proposed funds to AMA is d:reat danger that federal bate on President Johnson's 1C policeman whose off duty groups. '-Headed by Representative Pc- ter Ftcl ighuysen, RN.J., these le islators will warn that Sar- gent Shriven, acting director of ;Line poverty program, plans this amnrecodented use of federal of Economic Opportunity (Shri- ver) is emposvered to personally select private groups to receive funds under the billion dollar ,nog ram. In launching their attack, the Sh.?elinahuyscn group is circu- lating to all House members a mne norandam warning that such use of federal funds could "stir vp a nightmare of trouble" in New York rather than stamp out poverty. As an example at their fears, they point out 'd:at Shriver al- ready has intervened in this tense dd.uation by forcing merger of I-Iaryou; `? Hasten Youth Group, and Act, a mill tant ncro civil rights organ nation's largest city if Congress Notes him the authority. Under the President's pro- lrosal, the director of the Office in New York, funds. will be used for .political poverty 71i blights of this memoram advantage by private groups a% dum include: the local level." "The. bill opens the way for Otto Otepka;. State Depart- direct federal involvement in anent sccurid. official, is going .the activities of every private to get his long delayed hearing clas- e organization in Now York with= !on charges that he gav out the necessity for partidpa=: ? sifted infotunati-on to a Senate Lion or . approval of the city ! committee investigating securii government. ? : risks in government. The hearing was ordered af- "We have had for a period ter Otopka turned down an of- of weeks now a struggle going ` Secrc+tany of State Res..1- f f or nu tro on in New York City between several groups for control ? of drop the Charges if he would some $LLO to $173 mi]lion, .. agree to a transfer from the "In order to qualify for as- niceState Department's security of- ? "sistance, two groups, the so- , __ f7tentka. refused on the around have been ordered' by Mr. ShAver, director of the pro- gram, to merge, and a powV struggle has developed over who should control the new or- ? moral right to his Old job -- as chief security evaluation of- ficer--since he has done noth- ing w ro n~ , _ gaaization, fen to Otepkka through Senator' "In anol;her fiat: