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Publication Date:
February 1, 1964
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP
FEB 1 1964
W'.1r "7N:; roN 5rAR
.?+ B. f
L :J
ny the North Amerirnn Nra %p;,r t AlAinc
A list o potential security r s ?:i It, nu' .it nl r rpnl' dl 11 ,
kept, srcrel moss It was prrprlred In 10".ti tip a n,tw-circrasrd`
,irpartnlent,al security chief, has been turned vi) by congres-'
niotinl Illvcstlrators.
Dated Junc 27, 1956, and signed 1 y Sco',t AMeLcod, ad-
whom Hi- gne;a.i'ns are, In my
opinion, scriour? in relation to
the Lroa,i crcwl 'I responslbill-
tics of the dep,,rhnent. Sixty
per cent are Incumbents In
high lcvc I nsslralmvnts in the.
departnlcnt or ill the field.
"About one-half are assigned
to what can be caterorh.ed as
critical Intelligence slots In they
department or to top level
boarc's and cormnittees.
"The iituatior, described Is
obviously serious and deserves'
urgent P t;.vnt.ion.?'
In an attcmpl; fo find outI
what netlon was taken on the.
list and how many of the
empi(IYes were cleared and are
st111 in the department, the,
Scnale Internal Security Sub-
committeo met in closed session
this. '.vicel with an official of
the State Department.
Peparinient Is Concerned
The lv,tnrrs, according t?oi
congrrs.5fonnl sources, provided
no inforr.lation but Is to be'
questioned again after he has
consulted with top State De
It was understood, however,
that officials in the state
Department were deeply con-
,cerned about the appearance of
the list in the l.and,3 of the
Air. McLeod left the sccurit.'
post in 1057, He was named
United States Ambassador to
Ireland, and remained on
overseas rr;signmr.nt until the'
D e m o c r a t i c administration
came to power. hit died in 1061.
The la,t of the security
'officials In the department
from the McLeod regime wa.4
Otto F. Otepka, who I. nqw
fighting dismissal charges filed
against him by the department,
Sanitized - Approved For Release :CIA-RDP75-00149F )00600040075-3
mhlistrator of the Bureau of
Security and Consular Affairs
in the Eisenhower administra-
tion, the.. memorandum states:
"On the department .rolls
al.,, some 80o individuals con-
errning lvhgr the office of
security lifts illtornlation which
raises questions in major or
minor dames with respect to
tile criterin of I xecutive Order
10450, nam ly questions as to
possthle past Communist ne-1
tivity or associations, false
st.nt.cments, Immoral conduct,
homosexuality. intoxication,
mental defects, etc, All have
hen cirared as qualified for
access t? classified informa-
tion, i
x50 CAscs Called Serious
,of the 800-odd listed, there
are approximatoly 250 on