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October 15, 1963
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W MITINGTON POST A. T) OCT 15 1963 `TIMES I- ER ALD Sanitized - Approved For Release : CPYRGHT Pte ka Says Truth Put Job in. Peril. By Willard Edwards Chicago Tribune Press service Ificials. .0 sal because he told the truth President Kennedy said last when questioned. by Senate !week that Secretary of State Dean Rusk was ready to.tesli. investigators. fy, The Comnuttee which has Otto x"lU?liief of the i been seeking Rusk as a witness division of evaluations, Bureau since July, had just receivedr a letter from hirii assertingi ' of Security and Consular Af-!1 fairs, filed a form reply to his wiwillinguess Jo testify; a until he wasprgvided with allj charges accusing him o con-' the evidence, it hiding private duct unbecoming `a State De-I1>.aPPI' and memoranda, Bath- i.nartm nt 'officer. ered in an inquiity into security -, , ortment. I hold that when pr~oceduris in s 1W a= i,111 Anatlicar Jet r .,,,sci;t to c a l l u on t s ealc he. musta Rush, noting - th esident's; speak the w 91%4e; he must, statement anti rertewirig the! not a pt-to pevert or sup_1 demand that ] ee .appear as a' 1, e press the, truth by concealment,' Otepka's defen statementj cvasl6u,.* half-truths, or mis-'noted that the Seer , otary ill i leading: ence," he declared. 1961 had taken acts ientieul to that for which a faces Ote a expp is to be ou?te& discharge Oc.t 2 . Tie then is expcctedi a Rusk permittg Thomu:~ to ask the Civil Service Coni-I J. Dodd (D-Cann ?, ce Ch Jimission "for" a hearing, which; man of the Senat~eg Internal !must be given him. Security Sub mi`M tcc, to e' In his lengthy reply, Otepka amine `cerlaip dgcu pts in reviewed ti that Jias4confidence"# CDiti,Gt 12 with made hi s v the case invol in, M ~etl fry ure in a clash . ctNvecn he State' Wieland, a State Department Department, and the Senate. officer. Judiciary Committee,.ot-ei se-? If Rusk could disclose dot ii inents from Wieland's securityi curity rules in the v3p~ rtment. The Departmen't' claims file to the Inter ital Security Otepka acted properly in Subcommittee, w ?1 was it im I proper for Otepka to disclose providing thq , cuusti mittec.two comparatively,"innocuous with suggeste uestions to % memorandums to the `_same I be put to othe epartnrc nt of- Subcommittee Otepka asked A veteran State epartmen i security officer charged yester-i day that,be was facing disniis-, FOIAb3b Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600040119-4