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Document Creation Date:
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date:
December 15, 1998
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Case Number:
Publication Date:
July 28, 1965
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Crcnt E 0ii I '
iZg0 PO O
LOS AiIG%:grItCr94pprOV
JUL 2~ 5
EeglaGi? r Use- 13 0SitLOan De e e
Pontius Pilate is' not the AncT in 'rebuttal, 1 quot find one cotton-pickin' sen- ?;
only one to -he_ troubled by." ed some of the previous J tense in the new material
the question, "What rs testimony and the com- that lessens the damaging; 3
truth?" A juror hears i mittee's own evaluation d( evidence offered by five--?;
prosecution witness testify; Wieland, made.in,the 1'162 count em,. five-former;,
l: he saw the defendant run-t report 'and included in the ambassadors against Wie-
ning out of the bank, his I current one. land; or anything to refute
revolver still clutched in j The Times, in running, the testimony of intel-
. his hand; but the defense) my piece, inserted a note ligence officers that he;:
produces another who: signed by the editor, substituted his own judg-
ad which hin ed at m own ment, of Castro in disre-
t sweba the accused was at; y and G-2 1
the ball game with him al,, lack of oh_ ectivity in the gard of FBI, CIA 'Vieland fbr 'State. lSilt'a
i the time of the crime. Thisown ' matter: I had quoted from reports, all -bf which he hardly for' the ambassa.'
is one you can't s lit d previous hear Tri s held in had access to linking Fi- dot's and the
y p g` del'With comrhunism. officers. And apparent)
the middle. 1962, whereas the new re- Y)
My last column accused.] port , covered the lat.er If I'm proved wrong. on not for the coii?-mittee;,,
the Associated Press of; hearings of 1963, 1964. and. this, I promise to eat the either,
highly questionable omis 1965. Offending column at' high And - no matter what:
noon in the office of either the AP stor sa s I doi
lion in its summation. of; r not believe this FBI con.)
the hearings on the Wil Now that clearly implies the AP rn The Times..
Liam Wieland case, just; or I don't understand Come one, come all. curred in the clearance. T.4
I released by the Senate Ju-' Phnglish at all-that ' the. The new i?rporL does or-! Edgar Hoover hFc refused"
CI, newer testimony refuter, fer, on the other hand, at: consistently to let his de?'
diciary Committee. any doubts that may have' least one more. instance,{ partment art as hbth'in
r arisen from the previous,!_where Wieland's test.imo-;i vestigator and judge; lest!
hearings and that 'I was nywas of questionable ac-'jj it be turned into a Gestapo
1 It reported that. Wie-;. ?. ,? curacy. For the rest, ' It .ls , I doubt he has changed
inn 1 boor) of Ctnta i)onarl:: ?; '
come Wieland is doing all ?T e,?and I in turn fault The,
being an active a ol0 1st %'-
right while Otto Otepka,
'Times for not sticking ta.
for Fidel) "has been full v X
fh fitkd thbfh
rlAl4 // wo wasrs ase to eva-Ie nu o te Issue.
nnrorl nn~3 his sorority, . , .
/.~ .......... ...? ?. a...u ?x; ? 1C: QIILL ........a. , .~ WlVL18. 111V
t:' f ,' a.,
case closed."
rrr? r vu then to forget it-which hit Jury must side.'
And it went on--ouot-, in' ',3;{'~+