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July 28, 1965
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Sanitized - Appro LOS AilGLLES, CALIF. TIUES 0 e yid Case Pos ~? I e e d Y. 768,503 S. 1,094,990 5 JU L 23 42, CP'T RGHT RY.MORRIE RYSKIND , 1 Pontius Pilate is' not the ;AI ; in rebuttal, I q'uot in one cotton-pickin' sen- ? y only one to he troubled by 1 ed ;some of the previous tence in the new material they question, "What is'i testimony and the com- + that lessens the damaging? truth?" A juror hears mittee's own evaluation df evidence offered by five--:, prosecution witness testify Wieland, made.inthe 1362 Fount 'em,. five--former; k he saw the defendant run-t report-and included in the ambassadors against Wie- - current one. land; or anything to refute { ning out of the bank, his the testimony revolver still clutched in The Times, in running of Intel- his hand; but the defense., my piece, inserted a note ligence officers that he-' - -a..--- .,..,,0- ? .,,t,,.i siened by the editor. substituted his own judg-r, FOIAb3b 000600040148-2' swears the accused was atl "it-" u1n eu ML 111.Y VW IL { - ~- ??? ?~~ i the ball game with him at; lack of oh, ectivity in the { gard of FBI, CIA and G-2 eland fbr`State '- bard - matter: Ihad quoted from { reports, . all '73f'~vhich he hardly for the ambassa t the time of the crime This' q _ had access to dors and the ?intelli is one you can't split downrpi'evious hearings field in-1 to, linking Fi- officers. And t;ence the middle. 1362, whereas the new re- del With comrhunism, apparently My last column accused! Port . covered the later if I'm proved wrong on not for the ' corfimittee,. the Associated Press of; hearings of 1963, 1964 and this, I promise to eat the ', either. offending column at' high And - no matter -what: highly questionable orris ' fl 1965. } noon in the office of either the AP story says-I dot Sion in its summation. ofI Now that clearly implies the, AP or The Times.. not believe the FBI eon?I the hearings on the or I don't understand Come one,' come all. curred in the clearance. ,T.4 liam Wieland case, just English at all-that the.I The,ncw leport does of-, Edgar Hoover hFs refusedi 1. released by the Senate Ju- newer testimony refutes fer, on. the other hand, at consistently to let his' de:' diciary Committee. r any doubts that may have least one more. instance; partment act as both in ,,',,.land, head of State Depart 'ment's office of Caribbean,. affairs when Castro rose toy power (and charged with being an active apologist ,l ) "h b fllyt ,for Fidel,aseenu cleared and his security, , "case closed." simply a matter of. State.' this late date. 4 employes evading commit-''. Well, I've faulted th tee questioning about how 1 AP; The Times has faulte , come Wieland is doing all - me;-and I in turn fault The, who was first asked to eve- the nub of the issued And it went on-quot ,I "J V ;? , didn't-=is in the doghouse.; I susses you write the( lug the testimony of a I (,' / Senate Judiciary Commit. State official - "the deci (Incidentally, two of tee, 3234 lsew Senate ?f sion to close the case was' r 1, States staff have resigned.. - fice Building, Washington; made in concurrence with; since being caught making , D.C., for copies o both ths~ the Justice Department,; misstatements before the 1062 and 19f:~ ots? [ the FBI, a special person-' . : committee. One of. them you can render is ?~ ver nel advisory board and the, couldn't remember having diet, I }`. then attorney general; Ryskind bugged Otepka's office till Robert F. Kennedy." All it was pointed out to him.)_i The Times in th?r nose tq of which appeared locally! unfair in bringing up.thej which Morrie Ryakind. re' And. 1 think it signifi=; ers, hinted at nothin under the headline, "Wie-? latter at all. ' f d. t s land Fully Cleared for'. But, as a matter of sim- cant that the committee's ~! did give the date, of th " own evaluation of. Wieland' Judgment of Castro," pie intelligibility; I submit, .1 report that.-Mr. ,Ryskin I wrote-and now re-i in 1962 (it did not impugn waa'ri fact quotiny~=-? it is ;impossible to make, ? f peat-that such a selective) head or tail out of the new; his loyalty, but questioned presentation gave the' stuff without referring t.o; his general suitability for ... I average reader a totally: the old, to which it alludes, sensitive post) appears. in false impression: he would ;,ten, This is not a brand the 1965 report. Had th , think that "once again at new book, with a com-{ new tesrtim change the committee's ? m i n d ; devoted public servant pletel different plot and' '. surely it Would hate noted' had been pilloried by some-. cast of characters: this is so. / self -ri hteous vi ilantes! t th i th h t g g jus ano er n e: er c ap , but had happily emerged main story. F victorious a g arlhl,eo,.~~l~vma M1qtP13,,1 ~.01498000600040148-2 witch_hunters g rLra 1 .0 1, arisen from the 'pre vious,I-where u?ieland a testimo-:j vesttgator and lu`dge, .)est? hearings and that' I was ny_was of questionable ac- j it be turned into a Gesthpo It. reported that Wie-; ?. ,? curacy. For the rest, It .La 1 1 doubt he. has changed at1