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Document Release Date: 
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FOIAb3b Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R00060 JAMES O. CASTLAND, MISS., CHAIRMAN OLIN D. JOHNSTON, S.C. EVERCTT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN. ILL JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK. ROMAN L. HRUSKA, NEBR. SAM J. ERVIN. JR., N.C. HIRAM L. FOND. HAWAII THOMAS J. DODD. CONN. HUGH SCOTT, PA. PHILIP A. HART, MICH. JACOB K. DAVIT'/, N.Y. EDWARD V. LONG, MO. COWARD M. KENNEDY, MASS. BIRCH BAYH, IND. GUENTIN N. BURDICK. N. DAK. JOSEPH D. TIDINGS, MO. 'ACnff eb .cif of ez , `.ienaf e THE INTERNAL SECURITY ACT AND OTHER INTERNAL SECURITY LAWS UNDER S. RES. 30 (UST CONGRESS) COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY SUBCOMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE ADMINISTRATION OF SUBCOMMITTEE, JAMES O. EASTLAND, MISS., CHAIRMAN THOMAS J. DODD. CONN., VICE CHAIRMAN OLIN D. JOHNSTON, S.C. JOHN L MCCLELLAN.*ARK. SAM J. ERVIN, JR., N.C. BIRCH BAYH. IND. ROMAN L. HRUSKA, NEBR. EVERCTT MCKINLCY DINKUEN, ILL. IRISH DOM. PA. J. O. SOURWINE. CHAR OOUN86 Thanks for your interest in the work of the Internal Security Sub- committee. You need have no fears that the Subcommittee is sup- pressing, or will suppress, any testimony in "the Otepka case. It Last October the Subcommittee agreed that as soon as the current phase of the investigation of State Department security has been completed, this testimony will be released. Type-setting on hear- ing transcripts was started then, to save time, with editing and in- tegration of exhibits being handled as galley corrections. Testi- mony of one essential State Department witness still is needed, plus submission of several hundred exhibits already requested. You have my assurance the Otepka testimony will be available, in full, to Mr. Otepka for use in his hearing before the State Depart- ment on his appeal from the Department's dismissal notice. The Subcommittee's position with respect to the Otepka case was made clear in a letter to the Secretary of State in October 1963, the text of which was recently released., A copy of this release is en- closed for your information. Sincerely, " u J4 )DIES O. EASTLAND, Chairman Internal Security Subcommittee Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600040159-0 0MUnued