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Document Release Date: 
July 17, 2000
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Publication Date: 
May 8, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000600460011-7.pdf73.83 KB
~rBw YC1ItK Approved For Release 2~~~i+0~0~ CPYRGHT ~`~~a ~enzer~t by feu Sher on ~?~ink .to ~. I. A DF'TTO1T, Muy 7-I%ollolr;i>+!1 is tAr, lc,~t nl n. slrrtcrncnt by TVahrr P. Fcntltcr, Prasiricrtt of llrc Urtilcrl dutnmobile Workers, Orr. auswr.r to rasgcrlious by ~'ltontrrs 1y. Brrulcra lltrrt the Union rr;rrived X50,000 in Cert- trnl Intclligcnce Agency fuatrlt: Mfr. Firaden's reference to the U.A.W. is incomplete and t Ip . urray, ten prc~ en ttre o 0 otv a po cy e of the national C.T.O., and for ? ? ficrccly defending its inde- whom Victor Reuther ryas pendcnce and integrity. To worklnl;. tiTr. Murray agreed strcntithcn this determination, ` with Victor Reuther's deci- the U.A.W., by conventiatr. Sion. action, created a Frce World He also agreed both with Labor Defense Fund and the what we had done pt?rt?iously,. U.A.W. has relied exclusively in the emergency Situation on this fund for financing of and whit our decision net. "its InEca?national activilics. ' again to tran~Init (;Quern- The C T A has a' difficult . . . , mi.~icading? meet funds, rcgard]ess of the '~ and .crucial role to play in H'olimving the end of the r need or urgency. FTe sharc?1 !helping defend the securit;Y of war. the American labor,. iT 1 ~V ,s ,i'e ?'~h concern I movement made a great ef- fort to as.~ist in the I'cbuilding `of the fret, la,hor "movement in Europe, which had 'been de- stroycd as the first victims of Hitler's tyt?anny and; btu- , .. ~.p tti2.. our n,tlton. In Qur Tudgment, the iri Europe and it can 1)r5t serve this country our delcrminatiotr~ to do ? and fts free Institutions, both everything possible to resist~. private and public, by con- Communist subversion but on 'ducting its affaire in a man- e basis thatlwould noL com- 'nor that dons not compromise promise the basic integrity ~ the integrity nor put in tality, ..and ir+de.pendence+ ' of the jeopardy the independenc@ o!' The labor movement of Fu- .American labor movement. groups such ? R,a the ' labor. rope in the postwar period The tf.A,W. has in the past movement and student olCsaAf . was wcalc and without re. 'Red shall continue in 'the fu- izations. ,~ ..!'~ '~ SOnI'CCC 2nd WaSt$C CffQI'e e.S.u, ,,,,,,,., ,,,~.,,~~_`_,;: \~...,K -_ ..;,t~,~: =,. monist subversion. t .? In this cntcr;,cncy siGlatlon,,, ? 1; ,years ago the Ii.A.W. did.' agree reluctantly nn one oc-'~ casion ~to file request "to; transmit Government? funds,r to supplement the inadequate.. funds bole,: made available b,y the United States labor movemcnt.'I'hese monies were. merely added tn. the trade `~" union funds to intensif?y the ? c~lucatiun anc{ organizationa.l'' programs t.hcn under way in a l;urope. The content of the p l'Ogl'aIll was in no way of-',. fcctcd Qr altet?ed. bbllowing' this incident Mr.; Vi~;tor I'ticuther, whQ was th^n' ,trying as European repre- sentative of the national . C.LU?, was contacted 'by Mr:, ` T3raden at the United States; Embassy in Paris and asked tQ become an agent for the j C.T.A. ttsilty as.a "front" his; position as P:uropcan repro-{ sentatlvc of the C.T.O. ~ ? ? Victor Reuther emphatical- ly rejected Mr. Braden's re- quest. This matter was con- j sidered of such importance ; that it was reviewed with FOIAb3.b Approved For Release 2000/08/03 :CIA-RDP75-00149R0~00600460011-7