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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 1, 1965
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RICi6-,O'RD, VIRUINxA TIME S-DXZ"T pproved M. 143,432 S. 192,499 ~lIti~ai, Swite. - lr- _ _ . 1 .~.. ..f ~r~.~ ?`.___. ?___~ .._ .. :{f .~-.~:, - ~. _- ,.err--. MRS. H6i.1ON, -A 'Roe- is Gary +owet5.~ {., r rb ROANOKR --- Until she .vaa an adult, virguna flog-, ers Bolton khew two ftcpub-' ~lcaris, . .. .... One was a' marl ."!n the illciahboflhnod; after 'wt{nota 4 Y/u rtlhau.,f. rhe' r~hc~ oI . ot'ttebp1e of .flirt 1f 1 ' ,jim .' vote por th#I=~j~6s5r1htdM1~~?rFpr ~~11-1~:,~~.~?'~~~.~; ;tithd: 1161ton's ? fath'ei,' who is { Now Mtts Hn11.on'd husban ticket for .governor `of Vl vithoufrtirOinln ngly !majored In French of: ;he was gradtlnted.:with dis- etirst hi 1hic~w ~Ybrkt,J'!, 1 , ,.r r t;ne AYn riir 1t~ ;~ t~iRl~y;1 Wn $a en become an intelllgeiiCe " 4 :.. . ? j r ...: r.;gv ,. 17P t~. floltomake wintr'r k`or iii' Ut?t!h ", S~ comas front ari 1;p1s' nalyst for the Cp*,t'ntel- week end trips to Hot Spring a "sporadic" bit. Artr?' g with ,' sl Emily--ligh randfather igghcc A ncy in 1?Vashing- s g ----*?~~ for skiing, rind this year had the Show-Timer4f the heate1 wris yBlshop' l obert1 Carte ? $,ne a skiing trip to ~ at Salem ?,, ' 4 `f~tlctt; presirlent of Stuart Hal he was i.hrre when friends to poet mmonFd her home to gh o a to I stri ~a ~ ..' ' ,for many years-but she be C ~e prfying we It have HER iltlf Eli HA'i 'hi', a rile' a Frestiyterian when Ch . , to: postpone It again, It's sec, , rludea a procesfn ew bachelor istmaIn dance tir of hi ~'1c19 ;,r hb ; r-i iPiod .lloiton, ' ani' town wit they . -? ust knew she'd like. now for February," Mrs4 and , housekeepers, .; Mother; 'th he a Sunny srhool C1&ss~ "Usually arranged meetings Holton Bald. ? ? ?. rF3urnslde hi 'Aithtle, ~Fitme' "a}rd tt women's .Bible' class in + ? ?? ? ?+ I t Ike that don't turn out too If Ho ton wins the electlon,l rind a grayilnarein hn nrfgl'f the d urch ~, ~ . ? eil but this one certainly he'll be'jn the midst ,ola :Gen- 'nal dfamstl ,i'hading, bye g, Ilie, i?.lnltms live in a bl(f, did Mrs Nolton said oral AssPcmbly sesslo>i,In Feb 1ocml writer 4 " 1*ifie brick house, whichr, , , .. ' The lawyer was A. Linwood '$.m' ~ ,. ~, ,. t Mrs ~ u,~t{in t~l~ptlrres hack ~ ; Bolton manages . with, olton Jr. of Big Stone Gap. Mrs Holtonu t1dyst hldnients stags tlvork thi ! l9 ttc Ive rJtth part-tim ; help, , and ! from t idoublesjh a fuly,game of en. ti iho Juni 1Wa u ~ hll tl's; %vhkEtt two t the chid r'cn de VILE HOLTONS WIRE, each morning for riL '1171' now three children-Tay- ,' heir tk~ther, nn woody, named for his ether, 6,?. Since her marriage;''Jlnks" olton-so nicknamed' by at; roth r who, couldn't pro' ounce ; "Virginta'% when he; as smali-has led a fairly' pical young housewife.. other role. Her conc~rns have been With home, fai'rilly, the civic; rid cultural life of her com ,. unity, . ; ~ She works with Merey Buse, the Roanoke county.. pursing home, the Family''. ervice Association, the ltoit.. oko Symphony Society, 'the+, 'unlor League and the See" ' ' rid Presbyterian Church She dabbles in music, thea-~ er, tennis, skiing, '.V MUSIC ANn SfUINO ar& idbbieg she shares with. herkr ushad. Both play the piano, rid Mrs. Holton belongs to a housewives' group of pianists, ?'{ tanging in age from 30 to 80 and In ability from rank be., inners to professional teach tars, Thew hlk individual '1g.' i3ons:_twice' H ..pionth.'meet .tti` tudai throty,',and harmdhy ftid hold Sulidayt afierndoA" i slcaies