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Document Release Date: 
January 4, 2005
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Publication Date: 
April 28, 1967
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E;cai E "t ?tI ' , i'4pprcv~d Fc~.Y;Zelefge 20 o'iORCE:ETE R., MASS. TELEGRAM )5101127 : CIA-RDP75.94 49R9A9l70002-,i t? TA 9,02 I3-62,326 $A$ 6'1;367 Saitonstcdl Baths Westmoreland, Reaffirms Su of President Former U.S. Sen. Leverett yourself, what would I do if I altonstall supported yesterday .Gen, William C. West- moreland's mission home -and the Vietnam commander's planned speech to Congress to- y. lj Saltonstall recalled that "Marshall and Eisenhower re- ported to Congress during 1', World War II" on the conduct of that war. He referred to Gen. George C. 9l Marshall, later secretary of 11 state, and Gen. Dwight D. Eis- enhower, later President. Saltonstall also strongly reaf- firmed his support for President Johnson's policy, in a luncheon speech before about 200 mem- bers of the Worcester Rotary Club in Putnam & Thurston's. Supports LBJ Saltonstall reitred from the ;+ Senate last year, after 22 years' service in that body. "Person- 'illy, I supported the President, and I support him today." Ile said, "I ask you, gentle- men, if you would wake up in were President Johnson?" Saltonstall said he has "not yet heard anyone come up with a realistic alternative" to "what the President is doing." Saltonstall said the United States "has got to carry nn" in Vietnam `until we have the, op- portunity to negotiate." Then he, 7:called that the President said he. can't "nego- tiate with hn aself." He pa91 as fo9'naal declaration of war ,rould inp ,lase the' risk of Russian and Chinese inter- ventiop ti the confi i't: Aitaddnj,,,,Airfiek s He said 'North Vietnamese' airfields had not been attacked until recently because "the MIGs were not coming up." Now, he said, "the MIGs are coming tip, and we're attacking those airfields." He said tha.t.:in 1968, there will be 3,464,302 men in military uni- 'form, and 1,>12,111' civilians at- tached to the Defense Depart- ment, "a tremendous buildup:" u In t rn., they will have about 9 'wake up - as I do ---and..askimillion. dependents, he said. "The Congress is very, sensi- Iation,' Saltonstall said, "but Ilike the people as a whole, they support President Johnson." Saltonstall also cited' various goj,prnment controls over. Cen- tral. Intelligence Agency activi? ties. The agency has come un- der fire for links with university programs overseas and secret subsidies of student groups. Saltonstall was a member of a five-member Senate unit which met behind closed doors with CIA officials, "We. took no notes, there were no reporters present, and we asked all the questions." Besides consultations with .members of Congress, the CIA also reports on its activities t the National Security Council, Saltonstall recalled. CIA Spending CIA spending is supervised by a special member of the federal t f Bureau of the Budget, he said. The CIA-.budget figure is not publicly revealed. The ruddy-cheeked Dover resident now serves as chair. man of the Massachusetts M;. ;- utemen program. The volunteer program is designed to promote the tourist and industrial advan? tages of the Commonwealth.. Dr. Kenneth I. E. Macleod, Worcester health commissioner, presented Saltonstall with an oil portrait done from a photograph of the former senator. "I've done portraits of only two Massachusetts persons," Macleod said, "Saltonstall and Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000700170002-8