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Document Creation Date: 
December 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
January 3, 2005
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Publication Date: 
August 29, 1957
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000700400026-6.pdf136.53 KB
~ ,Backg,~our~c~~~on Syrian Crisis Approved Fot?~lease:~(~,?~~:01/~4 : CIA-RDP7~ _ 8y FULTON~ LE~VIS, a~, -forts by_ ~? polies' ~Btittt' ~e? - , key ti>xure is Robert Celd~ members' oJl -the sta#>~ were q~~r }celled on->ahtihy Ctitcies 11Y..UN ~:.~!>t~en~ ~-'t!gerH~ovxr4u~~...~~ 6~N. M.aARTHUR 1d ~6t A 1uroar In owled~e. w In the light of all these facts, e~nmfttee counsel Robert lwtoJr? >rla wanted to call.ln Stiron to? getestioitln~ alwut th` ' tern?:aituatfon, eind_paseibiy gresWl tronbk there. ~ e m, . a ~nquiries at the State Depar>r . Went, met further reaittance. desperntbn, he went to frtnan Eaatlaltd and thJretit- ~ned~ to r e s 1 ~ ~ ; U , th! Dulles mnrinatJn~ was to continue. Faatiax-~: 'wha down"t intfmi- eas ,told bim to qo ahead with the Stron~^~im-estlgatlon sad he would take care of the ~" pressure and tht. funds ,ti ? '??~c~ __D1[08B1113 went. back , tq `the ~' ..u..wsa~w sw+v v~~ a as yr ~ .~, a preV10tA3 Wi tO1d OJC msittMnd;? and he moved toy 's activities oh grmoa4 Form~o~,"wherS the Chfaaj~ov ~. ernm`nnJtde its wllhdretwai:fit ' ut-~ll he v~aa recall' to Wttsh? >~'r...I'~a~ lnaton because of an~henlsm to .?a6trona be ret~lled for tion? was - .....8 ,, ... u .., ...., ....,. ? - -- -r----. -?-, t--- betnon, committee attention bee?rt in ?flNa country for '~(t~e, perked- high: They called Emer? doom, and false, reportia about onths -and Strong was nc~: `~d son to Washtn~-ton and. Involved' the perfoi mance at the Na? in Damascus. They said, hNr him in the case of Canadtan tionalist armies. When Admiral ever, that he was due to rett+l 1 i dipplomat E. F~erhert Norman, Cooke, -who ~+~as present in the to Washinggton September !!~ whe ,was in nearby Cairo until ehacuation o{x~rations, questioned and could t~estlfy at that dtttl'. ' f h .t e statements, he committed sole iE.. a accutac} o The StateDetyatt~lentbroitght Strom 5ai