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December 16, 2016
Document Release Date:
December 9, 2004
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Publication Date:
April 19, 1962
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t'1 W ORL t"i'dS, LA.
MORNING 194,758
SUNDAY 313,181
- - --- - -APR 1-9-1952
osta Rica Editor Warns
of Soviet .Union Advance
Press Seminar T o l d of
RI warrie ere Wednesday
that, d world war is
unleashed, the United States will
find itself surrounded by en-
envies on American soil.
In an address at the closing
session of t h e Pan-American
Press Seminar, Ui,?,~,,te,
charged that the influence of
the Soviet Union is replacing
that of the United States in the
Western Hemisphere and that
three factors are responsible.
Factors responsible, said the
editor of Diario de Costa Rica,
1. The press, and he specifi-
cally mentioned the New York
2. The state department.
3. The professional revolution-
Ulate charged that "the con-
tinental press has blown up the
figure of Fidel Castro, helping to
place him on the world scene
and attracting university groups
and large masses of semi-liter-
ate people to him."
"The New York Times, which
has great influence o _ ._,atin
American thought, i e-
fended t h e regim( of'' Jacobo
Anbenz in Guatemala," he add-
ed, "And, since 1959, it has de-
fended the regime of Fidel Cas-
tro, even after he had shown
his Marxist philosophy. In both
cases it was done with the the-
ory that social reformers should
not be ridiculed as Commu-
State Department
Policy Attacked
Ulate said the state depart-
ment's economic support is di-
rected in favor of countries gov-
erned by parties sympathetic to
the Fidel Castro regime. This,
he added, is discouraging to the
democratic governments of Laat;
in America. who naturally feel
Participants in Pan-A merican Press Semina
TAKING PART In Wednesday's session of
the Pan-American Press Seminar at Inter-
national, House are (from left) Francisco
Tourreilles, co-owner of radio station El
Clarin, 11l6tevideo, Uruguay; George Fenin,
president, Foreign Relations Association; Dr.
ton Ochsner, p r e s i d e rs t, International
use; Richard G. Valcriani, National
roadcasting Company, Miami, Fla., and
Paul A. Fabry, managing director, Interna-
tional House.
in the diplomatic service, Rob Ulate said Bolivia declared
ert C. Hill and Whitin Willauer'1Iopenly in favor of Cuba at the
Calling for a complete revi-
sion of the United States inter-
national policy in Latin Amer-
ica, the speaker recalled how
+1-,,. e
ths after Castro tank
... ., ...
uun a y
uvur iii
tagon and the all warned of the Comml)nist danger in ~ permanently tied in to Marx-
that Cuba had?fallen into" om volved. They tried to alert ilic itin1,
e a ed success." .'troenz vv ouaa
highest officia~s~ Ulate said; ie United Nations Return Is View
erence an
at that time ambassadors t( Punta del Este con
and Costa Rica, respec 1 hat. the Nationalist Revolution-
spent all their efforts ary mbvement, which has gov-
and the Oi
nation of Amen- ! Tung to a discussion of
can States, e presently in Guatemala, the speaker said the
crisis bee f the Soviet ad- same United States which in 1954
vance. 11 that Russia he.
lieves Ma - `revolutions are
ready in E ' or, Brazil, San-
to Dominga. other countries
of the We rn Fleinisphere;
that Arge h a, Brazil., Chile,
Ecuador and $ livia are in seri-
ous danger of. galling into conli-
The speaker said in Argen-
tina, the Peronist victory in-
volves the risk of a return to
a totalitarian governmental re-
gime similar to communism.
In Chile, the Communists who
lost the last election by a slight
margin of votes, united with)
the Socialists and other groups
and have a chance of winning
the 1964 elections, he added.
Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000700610005-6