Status Report, Interim psychological Intelligence Division

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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 28, 1998
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Publication Date: 
April 17, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00662R000100190026-6.pdf140.28 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/27: CIA-RDP75-00662RO00100190026-6 ........... t t ~-t~dietant .DicaCtoar for Dearth and Rem 4? Awn 1951 IRJb Ts quit= 3.port, Interim Pyehological Inte ican a Divisim 3. The Mwbsrln Pao log oal IntelU Diviaion of the Office of I and o s tez ineta~s its activities on 15 Apra J,951 in asa+ - eae with the decision to UvwWar reees rch in support of psaho. watwe to the went of State. logical A drafty dated 26 fifth 19%.p been turned over to the Depwtaent of State. The delivery of this draft 112oap31stss the last n or wydwtskir of the Interim Psycholo .. cal IhteUig oe Division. This draft was regarded as being in part a pilot study for a aeries of 5 to 60 country studies, b. r r m the ? chaff.-Vaal of the AAombn (Top Secr"7".ae*avow A marking paper on "'T'he mew o caall. $ffeo to be Aritici. te4 frm US Use of the A-bee `" R Ac is i i :`i ;roe od ii' o "(" sates ` i"`r`ea~r"'~ -51 s- uaa an mad av to fed, s~;encies 3. The at . c .P ha3~agi al. Intelligerxse Division is preparing a separate a; arA m for the State Dmoartment. (mro die J. Ruggles). discussing Approved For Release 2000/08/27: CIA-RD P75-00662ROOD 1001 he following stat4 oent of activities is for your infor:,jatii.on: a. l 3mste of Ps o a. (Tap secret) I) A 's ado ag r was devised aid is available. This i naluded in the List of CIA Doo nta in Development of *ads and Speoi g#.tons tar Cc atry-t7-Cas2t S .es Called for t r P1gw888 and Requfreneuta, a oo r of ch is attached hereto as.Appendix KA*. (2) iounaiesance of F o3.oe a Lusceptib ies to P~~l ar az~ in"`"~~ Approved For Release 2000/08/27: CIA-RDP75-00662R000100190026-6 NOW lso 3 licat on of its a q)o ionce in producing the Chile stu ', for ndirig the ietbodol oMr and epe ;i .'icca:Gtons. F. If#LLIKAN Assistaant. Director Research and Report Attachment . Appendix "L." .I 9T1 x.B r IoN: Department of State (x?. U. J. Rues) . 8 (W,, I :rron I.rkpatrick) Department of the Arx (I}r. Samuel Ree) (Cal. Stanley) CO te'ettee) Department of the Navy (Caiander Fitzpatrick) C' (D. Juh't TV, Mao! flan)- Departmexnt of the i,.? Farce (Colonel Grover) The Air Un."wi raity (Dr. Raymond Bwrers) Research and D elc ent Board C ttee on h w- n Resources `Dr. B. W. Chapan, Jr. ) Drverdepar1erital Fwei 1 Inf'orration Ste: (ins) (Mr. 1 illl.ij Laviaca) Joint Chiefs of Staf(Colonel Kleitz and Colonel Philbin) 25X 1 A5a 1 ~,.'"'' - 25X 1 A9a Training Officad CIA.: ?;. jo Paul U# A. Li largor, CRd 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2000/08/27: CIA-RDP75-00662R000100190026-6