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September 21, 2006
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Publication Date:
June 5, 1963
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r D/OSA.
DAD / 06!
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This document contains information affecting the national security of the United States within the mean-
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This document contains information referring to Projects:
opy 7 of 9
5 JUN '1963
MEMORANDUM FOR: 'rho Secretary of Defense
SUBJECT: Transfer of tT-2 Aircraft to CIA
1. At prcaont CIA has a total of seven U-2, 75 equipped
ai:-craft. A raper was presented to the Director, National
r%,:ecoar icsanCe O Vice on 26 s cbruary 1963, requesting an
additional two aircraft to net anticip.: cd requirements.
Planned deployment of Agency r?:o;sets ; nd a33ignrzont of z issioa.
responsibilities are as indicated 1,slow:
a. 1:dw rcr, Air '^..^,-, California:
A rr,inimum .of fIV,' oper,'?? IJ'-2 aircraft
available at all to ;es;. h , dctt_ j-acnt will maintain the
capability to stage two a ;n cz . t to :'o forward operating
sites aisnul?.-I?teously and cc:iduct c v r li ht operations.
Present rcaulreanents z-,,~;.:oyed by the 5jzeciol Grog`
and hf< her authority will
airc;ia?.;t 6=.c
The do ioyme. t thc-oo two ctachincnts and four aircraft
a a standby capability is to provic3
frcraft for Cuban VCLLi hts. M or require-
ni : o:: w' sch may bo f;e;zerct d in the immediate future are
Indr,zesia and Southeast Aci Edwards detachment
Approved For Release 2006
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A .proved For Release 200~'?? 2~M~ dAF.~MP75B0Q159R000400010026-9
(~' Tc ttt ET r
will be provided necessar ng up to a
maximum o pilots and
special equipment to conduct such operations.. One
aircraft will be used as a backup aircraft, a pilot training
and qualification aircraft and as a rotational aircraft
replacing those returning from operating detachments for
c. Lockheed Aircraft Corporation:
Two Aircraft:
One U-2 aircraft will be continuously employed as
a test bed for product improvement for the foreseeable
future. These tests have a high degree of applicability to
SAC U-2 operations as well as those of the Agency. An
example of tests in progress to date include:
The equivalent of one aircraft will be unavailable for
operations due to the IRAN program.
- 3. It is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain base rights
from friendly foreign governments to conduct reconnaissance
operations from forward bases. Typical examples of this difficulty
are the current negotiations in process for base rights in the
Middle East and the difficulties associated with acquiring an opera-
ting base to support coverage of-China-adjacent-to _the Sino-Indian
border. For this reason, considerable effort has been given-to-
studying the feasibility of operating U-2 aircraft from aircraft
carriers. This study has reached the point where it appears
feasible; however, complete information is not yet available. If,
in the final analyses such operations prove feasible, two of the
aircraft planned for Edwards Air Force Base will be configured for'
carrier operations.
3.. ' It is mandatory that all aircraft indicated in para aph .
above be configured in accordance with Agency requirements. to----
provide for immediate replacement and rotation of aircraft. The
lead time required to convert an aircraft from the J-57 configuration,
including all modifications, is five months. The lead time required
to obtain additional J-75 engines, if ordered this date, will be a
minimum of one year. An example of this limitation can be sho 25x1
will be replaced and
operationally ready in June of this year. This reduction of opera-
tional inventory has had serious impact on the capability to react in
a timely manner in support of national re uir ments. For example,
only one aircraft has been available o cover China, 25X1
North Korea, and North Viet Nam. During periods of favorable
weather. a decision must be made as to priority rather than
simultaneous coverage of both areas. In several instances coverage
of South China and North Viet Nam was not obtained in favor of
higher priority requirements in Central and North China. In
addition, all coverage was lost during periods when the aireraf
was out of commission for routine maintenance.
Approved For Release 2006/09/21: CIA-RDP75B00159R000400010026-9
c'`s TOP "R CA, 0E
'/ '5. Aircraft utilization for the twelve rm nths ending 31 March
1962 was 38/30 hours per month per aircraft possessed. During
this period only limited numbers were available at any one time-dire-
to an extensive modification program and operational requirements.
To accomplish overflight missions on a sustained basis it is
mandatory that each pilot be provided adequate flying training on a
regular basis. Desired pilot hour per year, including training
sorties and overflight sorties, should average twenty per month on
an annual basis. Minimum acceptable standard has been established
as 12/30 per month. In the past twelve months, limitations on
number of aircraft possessed have resulted in an average of only
5. 1 hours per month per pilot F-- less than .h f the required
minimum. Aircraft possessed per paragira h
in an average of 16 hours per month per P /above would result
p pilot: `At the present time
pilots are projected as follows:
Signature Recommended:
D/FA/OSA (3 June 1963)
Copies 1 & 2 - Addee
Copy 3 - DCI
Copy 4 ER
Copies 5 & 6 DD/R
Copy/7', - AD/OSA
Copy 8 - D/FA/OSA
Copy 9 : RB/OSA