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Approved For Rase 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R'04pi90?0P040--2 1960 HEADQUARTERS 6511TII TEST GROUP (PARACHUTE)(ARDC) AUXILIAIkY LANDING FIELD El Centro, California A. V. STAMM, Chief, Projects Branch T. C. RAUDEBAUGH, Lt. Co one1, USAF, Commander On file USAF release instructions apply. Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For Rase 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP7513002850400020040-2 T A B L E O F CONTENTS TITLE REPORTS RELEASED DURING THIS REPORT PERIOD PROJECTS IN FINAL REPORT STATUS 80-4 DOCUMENTATION SUMMARY PROGRAMS IN DEVELOPMENT AND TEST STATUS Flight Test Projects Support Projects TECHNICAL FACILITIES BRANCH PROGRAMS Space Track Drop Aircraft Modification Supersonic III Test Vehicle Re-Entry Recovery System Testing Instrumentation Pararange Whirl Tower CROSS REFERENCE OF PROJECTS Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For Ruse 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285RQ90400020040-2 REPORT RELEASED DURING REPORT PERIOD Program Structure 650A FTL-165 RE-ENTRY RECOVERY SYSTEM TESTING PROJECTS IN FINAL REPORT STATUS Program Structure 580A FTL-217 MINIATURE SURVIVAL KITS Program Structure 720F FTL-28 MISSILE AND TARGET RECOVERY PARACHUTE Program Structure 720F FTL-193 EXTENDED SKIRT PARACHUTE INVESTIGATION Program Structure 720F FTL-194 CLUSTER OF FOUR RECOVERY PARACHUTES Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For Rase 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285F400020040-2 80-4 DOCUMENTATION SUMMARY Program Structure 520B FTL-216 LOW LEVEL AERIAL DELIVERY WADD has requested proposals for studies of a low level aerial delivery sys- tem in accordance with Exhibit WCLEHA-62. Awaiting an approved test directive. Program Structure 720F FTL-219 PRESSURE PACKED PARACHUTE TEST M. Steinthal & Co., Inc. has been authorized to conduct a study and ; drop test program in accordance with Exhibit WCLEHR-130, dated 6 February 1959 under Contractual Instrument No. AF 33(600)-39643. An approved test directive has been received. A test program is being coordinated with WADD. Program Structure 720F FTL-228 100-FT. Do LECOVERY CHUTE Clusters of 100-ft. Do recovery parachutes will be tested at 250 KEAS at 3,000- and 12,000-ft. pressure altitudes with weights ranging from 25,000 to 37,500 pounds. Awaiting an approved test directive. Program Structure 720F FTL-229 67-FT Do RECOVERY CHUTE Clusters of 67-ft. Do recovery parachutes will be tested at 250 KEAS at 3,000- and 12,000-ft. pressure altitudes with a weight of 25,000 pounds. Await- ing an approved test directive. Lockheed Aircraft Company is developing a nose capsule parachute recovery system which will be tested at this Group. An approved test directive has been received. Awaiting contractor for test program coordination. Program Structure 914A FTL-213 MODIFIED C-11 CANOPY Tests will be made to determine the effect of a secondary parachute placed within the C-11 canopy. Awaiting an approved test directive. Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For Rease 2002/11/08: CIA-RDP75B00285F400020040-2 Program Structure 520B WADD has requested that engineering testing be conducted to determine the compatibility of the C-130 cargo aircraft using a modified 108-in. wide dual rail system and two types of cargo re-supply platforms. The weight range of the loaded platforms will be from 25,000 to 35,000 lb. Awaiting an approved test directive. Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For Re`Itfgse 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285RO 400020040-2 PROGRAMS IN DEVELOPMENT AND TEST STATUS FLIGHT TEST PROJECTS Program Structure 040A Twenty-three proficiency jumps were made. On each jump parachute deployment and opening were satisfactory. Test information follows: Aircraft Jumps Parachute assembly Launch (IAS) kt Pressure Yree fall altitude delay f t _, see C-130 2 A/P 285-2 110 2,000 C-130 1 A/P 28S-2 110 4,000 C-130 1 A/P 285-3 110 10, 000 C-130 2 A/P 28S-4 110 4,000 R-4D 4 50C7024-15 110 5,000 R-4D 4* 50C7024-15 110 6,000 R-4D 3 50C7024-15 110 8,000 R-4D 3 50C7024-15 110 8,000 C-130 3 5007024-15 110 10,000 * Water jumps Teflon lined power cable housings and ripcord connector pulleys have been installed on twelve (12) type 50C7024-15 parachute assemblies. Program Structure 102A Three functional tests were made on a 40.9-ft. Do ring-slot parachute with a 3 Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For Reuse 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285RO 400020040-2 Program Structure 102A (CONT'D) FTL-211 (CONT'D) B-58 ESCAPE CAPSULE SYSTEM 560-lb. cylindrical test vehicle. Deployment of the parachute system was initi- ated by the firing of an explosive charge two seconds after the cylindrical vehi- cle dropped from the aircraft. The explosive charge blew off the vehicle door and deployed a 40-in. Do vane-type pilot chry.t_, which deployed the main parachute. A 2000-lb. reefing.line 12.9 feet long was used with three Ordnance Associates OA2-C 2-sec. delay reefing-line cutters. Test information follows: Drop Launch EAS kt Pressure altitude ft Open time (sec) Down time Oscillation sec em__ W Remarks 1641-F-60 351 1440 7.0 67.0 (1) 1587-F-60 430 1550 - 11.0 (2) 1867-F-60 351 1430 5.8 71.3 (3) (1) The selvage edge was strained on 50% of the bottom three rings. One cut- ter had a mechanical failure. (2) All suspension lines were broken. The selvage edge was strained on 50% of the bottom three rings. There were 31 blown sections throughout the canopy. (3) The selvage edge was strained on 50% of the bottom three rings. Pilot chute was blown and the bridle line broken. The apex lines had friction burns. Two reefing line cutters had a mechanical failure. .~.~.--,...,,?~,'-C~:s.v,.??~.~~~om~~aC9as~-ors.~s7siar3vr~~.:-.~~C~s~d.-~~.,--..?~~r~~.?:_ ...............,.~.~_~".....~.a.~.s.......-, - FTL-221 SUPPORT SAMOS PARACHUTE RECOVERY Six tests were made. One test each was made on a.6-ft. Do and a.6.8-ft. Do OCtc'al=ribbon stabilization chute. A cylindrical vehicle weighted to 1700 lbs. was used. Deployment was initiated one second after dropaway by ejection of the parachute compartment door. Ten seconds after deployment the stabilization chute was released and a 67.2-ft. Do extended skirt parachute deployed to recover the load. One test was made with the 84-ft. Do ring-sail recovery chute with a reef- ing line length 22ft. and 4-sec. delay reefing-line cutters; a 20-ft. Do ring-slot Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For Reuse 2002/11/08: CIA-RDP75B00285R400020040-2 Program Structure 117L (COONT'D) FTL-221 (CONT'D) SUPPORT SAMOS PARACHUTE RECOVERY air pick-up chute was attached to the apex by a 165-ft. towline. One test was made with a 20-ft. Do ring-slot air-pick-up chute attached to a 50-lb. load which was contained in a 1646-lb. cylindrical test vehicle. One test was made with a 27-ft. Do conical-ribbon air-pick-up chu.e attached to a 90-lb. load which was contained in a 1646-lb. cylindrical test vehicle. In each case the air-pick-up chute deployed a 75-ft. Do ring-sail recovery parachute which was reefed with a 27-ft. 11-in. line and two 6-second cutters; the 75-ft. chute recovered r:.e 1646- lb. test vehicle. One test was made with the 75-ft. Do ring-sail recove?:7 chute with the 27-ft. Do conical ribbon air-pick-up chute attached to the apex by a 150-ft. towline. On all tests, deployment was initiated one second after dropaway from the aircraft by ejection of the parachute compartment door. 'T'est information follows: Drop Reefed Launch Pressure Open Down open Opening IAS altitude Load Parachute time* time* force force Remarks (kt) (ft) lb sec sec lb lb) _ __ 1640-F-60 254 6,000 1700 6-ft FIST Ribbon 67.2-ft E.S. 2,075 (1) 1841-F-60 200 6,000 1700 6.8-ft 1.8 126.2 - 3,025 FIST Ribbon 67.2-ft 20.4 126.2 4,.450. 4,.400 (1) E.S. 1537.3 - 5,200 (2) Ring slot (2) 1588-F-60 150 49,650 2185 20-ft Do 84-ft Do - 1537.3 10,500. 16,800 (3) Ring sail 1839-F-60 141 49,550 50 20-ft Do 2.2 3,35Q (4) Ring slot 1646 75-ft Do - 1675.1 11,250.. 7,950 (5) Ring sail * Stop watch * Parachute deployment and opening were satisfactory and parachutes were un- damaged unless otherwise indicated. Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For Re a 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285RO 00020040-2 Program Structure 117L (CONT'D) FTL-221 (CONT'D) SUPPORT SAMOS PARACHUTE RECOVERY Launch IAS Pressure altitude Load Parachute Reefed. Open Down open time* time* force Opening force Remarks** kt tt b sec (see) lb lb _ -._ ~... 1877-F-60 142 48,100 90 27-ft Do Conical ribbon 2,600 1,475 1646 75-ft Do Ring sail 3.6 1619.8 10,125 6,750 1876-F-60 144 49,100 1585 27-ft Do Conical ribbon -- 1645.0 4,750 1,000 (6) 75-ft Do Ring sail 7.9 1645.0 10,950 7,450 (1) Not a test item. (2) Towline broke at snatch. (3) Peak force only, tensiometer time base failed after reefed open. (4) One section blown. (5) Two sections blown (6) For this test the air-pick-up chute was reefed with a 6-ft. 8-in. reefing line and 6-sec. delay reefing line cutters. * Stop watch Parachute deployment and opening were satisfactory and parachutes were un- damaged unless otherwise indicated. Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R0gfi00020040-2 Program Structure 201B FTL- 204 LIVE JUMPS OF MODEL "B" SEAT Twenty-eight tests were made to determine the reliability of the "B" seat pari- chute system. Twenty-four of the drops were conducted with articulated dummies dressed with the contractor modified personnel parachutes, demonstrating an overside bailout performance. Two of the seat d.-c.)ps were made with articulated dummies from a C-130 aircraft to similate the actual live jump configuration of the latest produc- tion F-106 B seat. drops were made from a C-130 aircraft withpara- chute test jumpers using the same production F-106 B ejection seat. All `.':ie person- nel parachutes used were modified by the contractor. These modification, were: (1) larger grommets on seven-of the pack flaps and (2) a shorter pack closing loop for the top flaps of the pack. These changes were incorporated for better deployment of the pilot chute. Test information follows: a. Modified Parachute Tests with Dummy Drop Launch IAS Pressure altitude Open time* Down time* Deployment Remarks-** kt ft (sec) sec 1594-F-60 120 2000 6.5 83.9 poor 1644-F-60 10.0 1500 5.1 60.5 poor 1645-F-60 100 1500 6.1 63.2 poor 1646-F-60 100 1500 6.4 63.4 good - 1647-'F-60 100 1500 6.5 62..1 good 1648-F-60 100 1500 5.0 62.6 good - 1649-F-60 100 2000 5.6 73.4 good 1650-F-60 100 2000 7.7 67.8 poor .- 1651-F-60 100 2000 6.4 75.4 poor .. 1652-F-60 100 2000 7.5 78.5 poor 1653-F-60 100 2000 8.0 76.1 poor - 1654-F-60 100 2000 5.7 90.9 good 1655-F-60 100 2000 5.2 76.0 poor - Stop watch * Dummy was recovered satisfactorily by the main parachute in each test unless otherwise indicated. Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For RjWse 2002/11/08: CIA-RDP75B00285R400020040-2 Program Structure 201B (CONT'D) FTL-204 (CONT'D) LIVE JUMPS OF MODEL "B" SEAT Drop Launch IAS Pressure altitude Open time* Down time* Deployment Remarks** kt ft sec sec 1656-F-60 100 2000 5.3 82.4 poor 1657-F-60 100 2000 6.0 81.4 poor 1659-F-60 100 2000 7.1 74.7 poor 1.660-F-60 100 2000 8.3 70.6 good 1.661-F-60 100 2000 8.7 80.3 poor 1662-F-60 100 2000 - 31.3 (1) 1663-F-60 100 2000 - 21.2 (2) 1664-F-60 100 2000 7.0 77.2 poor 1.665-F-60 100 2000 6.4 66.7 poor 1666-F-60 100 2000 7.1 72.4 poor 1667-F-60 100 2000 - 35.8 (3) (1) Pilot chute did not deploy. Recovered by reserve. (2) Recovered by reserve. F-1B arming ball not pulled to open pack. (3) 28-ft. canopy tangled with dummy. _ .Recovered .by_r'eserve. * Stop watch ** Dummy was recovered satisfactorily by the main parachute in each test unless otherwise indicated. b. Dummy Gravity Drop Tests with Complete Seat Drop Dummy-seat 28-ft chute Launch Pressure separation open IAS altitude time* time* Remarks kt ft (sec) (sec) 1712-F-60 110 15,000 2.3 6.5 (1) Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For Rele 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000020040-2 Program Structure 201B (CONT'D) FTL-204 (CONT'D) LIVE JUMPS OF MODEL "B" SEAT Drop Dummy-seat 28-ft chute Launch Pressure separation open IAS altitude time* time* Remarks (kt) ft -- (see)__ (sec)_ 1713-:F-60 110 30,000 51.5 54.8 (2) (1) Dummy was recovered. Survival kits backlashed. Seat was not recovered because seat recovery static line tangled with pilot chute used to deploy neat recovery parachute. (2) Dummy.and seat were recovered. Static line to actuate seat recovery parachute was tied permanently to dummy and broke free from canopy. No kit back- lash resulted. Used 100-lb. break cord on survival kit anti-backlash line; it functioned satisfactorily. Seat was rotating prior to dummy-seat separation. * Separation and opening times evaluated from motion picture. c. Live Gravity Drop Tests with Complete Seat 1842-F-60 110 15,000 2.4 6.3 (1) 1843-F-60 130 15,000 2.5 6.4 (2) (1) Jumper and seat were recovered. Static line was used to deploy seat recovery parachute. Static line entangled with jumper during seat separation and parachute descent. Kits increased parachute oscillation during descent. Kit was jettisoned prior to ground impact. Landing was uneventful. (2) Jumper and seat were recovered. Seat recovery static line entangled with jumper during seat separation and descent. Jumper disconnected static line. Kits increased parachute oscillation during descent. Kits released to 30-ft. below jumper prior to ground impact. Landing was uneventful. Separation and opening times evaluated from motion picture. Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved Foriease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75BOg2850600400020040-2 Program Structure 201B F'TL-207 F-106 (ICES) SURVIVAL KITS Program Structure 426L FTL-191 XQ-4B DRONE RECOVERY, STAGE II All tests at El Centro have been completed. Testing will continue at Holloman FTL-198 TEST OF LOW COST PARACHUTES Program Structure 530A One test was conducted on a G-11A parachute. A 12-ft. Do ring-Blot pilot chute was permanently attached to the apex of the G-11A parachute with a 25-ft. bridle. The G-11A parachute was reefed with a 44-ft. reefing line.. Four Ordnance Associates OA-A9 reefing-line cutters with 1-sec. time delay were used. The 6900-lb. test vehicle was launched at 200 KIAS and at 2,500-ft. pressure al- titude. The vent area of the G-11A was reduced from 11.5 f t.2 to 3.1 ft.2 by a 12-in. wide strip of 4.75-oz. nylon cloth sewn to vent band. This was the final test on the program. A technical report is being written. Test information follows. 10 Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved ForNelease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B0028" 00400020040-2 Program Structure 530A (CONT'D) FTL?140 (CONT'D) Reefed Full Snatch open open Parachute full Drop force force force open time* 1b (lb) _(lb)_ sec) W 1436F-60 13,000 27,000 16,500 (1) Parachute damage consisted of one section blown, five 2-in. to )-in. tears and 15 broken vent line casings. ? Tirde was checked, by movie with.:timing.light and by Force-versus Time telemetric record. No tests. Testing of riser cutter installation will be accomplished in conjunction with Project 6015, Test Parachute Components, FTL?201. Testing has been suspended on FTL-201 pending delivery of contractor furnished test items which are scheduled for delivery in October 1960. Program Structure 609A No tests. The three tests scheduled for the Salton Sea Range were cancelled. Three tests are planned for the latter part of October 1960. Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For`1lease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B0028'.00400020040-2 Program Structure 720F Three tests were conducted with a cluster of three 28-ft. Do flat circular parachutes (C-9 canopy). All parachutes were reefed with 750-lb. braided nylon cord 10-ft. long. On each parachute, three 2-sec. time-delay cutters were used. A 66-in. flat circular pilot chute was permanently attached to the apex of each of the three 28-ft. parachutes with a 9-ft. bridle. The load weight was an 860- lb. cylindrical vehicle. The vehicle was launched at 1500-ft. pressure altitude. Two seconds after release of the vehicle from the aircraft, deployment - the parachute cluster was initiated by ejection of the test vehicle door. ye door extracted a 48-in. R.G.S. extraction parachute which was attached with a 12-ft. bridle to each of the three 28-ft. parachute bags. Test information follows: Drop Snatch force lb Reefed open force lb Full open force lb Parachute full open time (sec_ _ Launch IAS kt Remarks 1.582-F-60 C* 8500 14,500 4200 1st 2200 5,800 2100 4.0 325 (1) 2nd 1500 3,400 700 4.2 - (2) 3rd 2300 4,900 600 5.9 - (3) 1741-F-60 C* 5800 11,600 4300 - 250 1st 1900 4,000 3500 3.6 250 (4) 2nd 1050 3,030 500 5.1 250 (4) 3rd 2100 3,900 500 5.9 250 (4) 1750-F-60 C* 6300 11,500 3800 - 250 1st 1700 5,100 2750 3.8 250 (5) 2nd 1650 3,400 500 4.0 250 (5) 3rd 1600 3,500 600 4.1 250 (5) * Cluster :riser.. forces. ,. . (1) One section. blown; two 6-in tears in apex. 12 Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For'+Wease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B0028"600400020040-2 Program Structure 720F (CONT'D) FTL-143 (CONT'D) CLUSTER OF THREE RECOVERY PARACHUTES (2) No damage. (3) Three sections blown and several 1-in. holes in apex. (4) Parachutes were damaged after contact with the ground. No photo cover- age or Askania data was obtained due to adverse weather conditions at the time of the test. (5) No damage to parachutes. Program Structure 720F Two tests were conducted with the 24-ft. flat circular canopies using B-4 packs and A-3 pilot chutes with 32-in. bridle lines of 4500-lb. breaking strength. One test was made from the Whirl Tower and one test was made from the C-130 air- craft at 500 feet above the test area. The canopies tested were both in Porosity Group 5. Air permeability readings at 1/2-in. water pressure differential were taken after the drop tests. Test information follows: Drop Canopy Launch IAS kt Open time (sec) Down time (sec) Average air permeabilit of.cloth area.-in cfm/.ftZ - - - Remark. - 1601-F-60 322523 150 5.1 20.0 176 (1)(4)(3) 7447-F-60 322520 150 1.5 - 144 (2)(5) (1) Test from C-130 aircraft. (2) Test from Whirl Tower. (3) Pilot chute hesitated (4) risers. Three twists were packed into the suspension lines directly above the Approved For Release 2002/11/08 CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved Forlease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B0028R000400020040-2 Program Structure 720F (CONT'D) FTL-147 (CONT'D) TESTS OF PARACHUTES IN VARIOUS PERMEABILITY GROUPS (5) Canopy packed without twists in the suspension lines. Program Structure 720F FTL-199 CLUSTER PARACHUTES (PIONEER) Four tests were made on a cluster of three 28-ft. Do heavy duty flat cir- cular parachutes with an 850-lb. cylindrical test vehicle. Deployment of the parachute system was initiated by the firing of an explosive charge two seconds after the cylindrical vehicle dropped from the aircraft. The explosive charge blew off the vehicle door and deployed a 32-in. ribless-guide-surface extraction chute which deployed the three parachutes. Test information follows: Launch EAS (kt) Pressure altitude ft Parachute. Open time (sec) Reefed open lb Full open lb Remarks 1639-F-60 300 14,700 5.2 5900 3500 (1) (2) 3rd 6.0 6800 400 (3) 1731-F-60 325 14,770 1st 5.5 7000 3950 (4) 2nd 5.55 5350 2100 (5) 3rd 5.9 6100 500 (6) 1853-F-60 400 1500 1st 5.7 (7) 2nd 6.5 (8) 3rd 8.6 (9) Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved ForWElease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285QO100400020040-2 Program Structure 720F (CONT'D) FTL-199 (CONT'D) CLUSTER PARACHUTES (PIONEER) Launch Pressure Open Reefed Full Drop EAS altitude Parachute time open open Remarks kt ft _ _._ ...,.., sec 1b lb 1751-F-60 350 15,000 - (1) Four 1-in. cutter burns. (2) Gore 14 Section 2, five 2-in. tears. (3) Three cutter 1-in. burns. (4) Gore 7 section 3, three 3-in. tears. (5) No damage (6) Gore 2 section 3, blown. Gore 11 section 1, blown. Gore 14 section 3, seven 2-in. tears. Gore 15 section 3, four 2-in. tears. Gore 15 section 1, five 1-in. cutter burns. (7:) Gore 22 section 4, three 2-in. holes. Gore 24 section 4, one 2-in. hole. (8) Strained seams throughout. Gore 23 section 3, one 1-in. hole. Four 2-in. holes near the skirt. (9) Strained seams throughout the canopy. Gore 25, 26, 27 section 3 blown. All gores , section 3, 52 small holes; section 4, 9 small holes. Telemetry failed during this test. (10) Data not presently available. To be included in next report. (10) Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved ForRe1'ease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285i1!000400020040-2 Program Structure 720F Seven twisted line tests were conducted on the 50 C 7024-15 assembly, six- teen on the T-10 reserve assembly, and fifteen.tests on the NT-1 assembly. On the eleventh test of the MT-1 kssembly, the twists failed to move down the lines following line stretch and a streamer occurred. This nullified these eleven drops in accordance with AF Specification Bulletin No. 505. Program Structure 720F No tests. Testing of the experimental pack opening cutter has been sus- pended pending delivery of contractor furnished test items. All testing to date has been accomplished on prototypes constructed within the engineering shops at WADD. Contractor delivery of test items is scheduled for October 1960. Program Structure 720H FTL-144 TESTS OF ANTI-FRICTION TREATED SUSPENSION LINES ON C-9 CANOPIES Program Structure 750A No tests. Aircraft and equipment have not been received for testing. 16 Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For ease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B002800400020040-2 Program Structure 912A FTL-172 B-5 PACK WITH MODIFIED SIDE FLAPS Programs Structure 912A FTL-177 MODIFIED HARNESS FOR LIVE JUMPS Two tests were made from the Whirl Tower at 200 knots with B-Harnesses modified with chest D-rings for riser attachment and with modift saddles. A bent form dummy was used as the test load. The weight of the total load was 313 pounds. A strain gage was us,-d in each shoulder riser. No forces were recorded due to telemetric equipment failure. On the first test the friction bar on the left side adapter broke. Also, the stitdhing connecting the chest strap to the main webbings broke on the left side. No damage occurred to the second harness tested. Program Structure 912A One drop was made from the Whirl Tower at 100 knots with a 250-1b torso dummy (weight of telemetry package included). This test was made to determine the pilot chute forces and main canopy forces during the canopy opening. The pilot chute bridle had a fixed length of 34 inches. Test information follows: Drop Pilot dhute Opening Pilot chute Hain canopy diameter time max. :force max. force (in.) (sec.) (lb.) (lb.) 7449 36' 2.0 255 2250 emarks: Partial Inversion. Cores 11, 12, and 13 were burned during deployment by pilot chute telemetry lead which was tacked to line channel 13. Section 4 of gore 28 blown. Dummy was recovered. .,.:sssasbs~staaesas~ssasest~:e~r~~~=:: ~~W- s_--, ~.a~6?-.~o~a?a~..s,?^m~.t=e..a,-3,-~~asscessssaaasassnsaesaseae Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For i ease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285f3(iU0400020040-2 Program Structure 921A, FTL-225B AP-22S FULL PRESSURE SUIT TESTS Two dummy drops and six live,jumps were conducted to evaluate the AP-22S full pressure suit, back type oxygen organ and 1500-cubic inch seat kit. Two modified parachutes, P/N 50C7024-15, and two experimental multi-stage parachutes were pro- vided by tk}e ARDC coordinator to support the pressure suit tests. The initial test program required the use of parachute assembly 3OC7024-15, as modified for oxygen organ:, seat kit and reserve parachute retention. The ARDC coor- dinator who was also the test subject was :completely equipped with the modified para- chute, oxygen organ, seat kit, reserve ...rachute and AP-22S uil pres8ure,s it. A 6511th Test Group test jumper precede,:'.he ARDC test subject on each jump caring the same equipment as the test subject minus the seat hit and the AP-22S full pressure suit. The ARDC test subject encountered a severe flat spin during the first exten- ded free-fall delay (51 seconds) from 15,000 feet pressure altitude with the full pressure suit and the seat hit. The high rate of spin. (approx. 130 :pm), attributes`, to the wei;ht and configuration of seat kit and other test items attached to the ;umpe:_ necessitated manual opening of the parachute by the test subject. Testing with this cunfiguration was discontinued flue to a requirement that the test subject must be stable. Two experimental multi-stage parachutes and a rigger qualified to pa:. -hem were provided by the ARDC coordinator. A revised test program as prepared. All tests, matte at 110 knots from the C-130 aircraft, had an initial free-fail time delay of 12 seconds before actuation of the first stage parachute. TO automatic release used to initiate deployment of the main parachute was set for 5000-ft, pressure altitude, followed by a 2-second time delay.' Information concerning tests using the multi-stage parachute follows: I Drop Type load Pressure altitude Results 0 1796-F-60 Articulated Dummy* 10,000 Satisfactory 1797-F-60 Articulated Dummy* 15,000 Satisfactory 1817-F-60 Test Jumper* 15,000 Satisfactory 1818-F-60 Test Subject** 15,000 (1) 1859-F-60 Test Jumper*. 31,900 (2) 1860-_F-60 Test Subject** 31,900 (.3) ** Full test equipment. Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For (ease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B002800400020040-2 Program Structure 921A (CONT'D) FTL-225B (CONT'D) AP-22S FULL PRESSURE SUIT TESTS (1) Kit caused severe oscillation. There was minor pack and canopy damage. Main parachute automatic release and mou*ting plate was torn out. (2) Main parachute deployment bag extracted when first stage deployed. Main. canopy was destroyed. Landing was made with emergency parachute. (3) Main parachute was partially deployed with first stage parachute. There were twists in the main canopy suspension lines from risers nearly to canopy skirt. Two lines were over the main canopy. Gore No. 8 was destroyed. Test subject landed with the emergency parachute. FTL-225B has been terminated. A report will be prepared by the ARDC coordinator, Program Structure 921A FTL-167 REEFING LINE CUTTER ENVIRONMENTAL TESTS No change in status. The Hoover Oscillators used to record reefing. line cutter acceleration were being used on a higher priority test program, designated as FTL-212, titled "MC-1 Cutter Environmental Tests." Testing will be resumed after completion of test_program PTL-212 or upon r.eceipt.of additional.Hoover oscillators. ----------------------------------- Program Structure 921A FTL-203 C-130 HEAVY DROP CAPABILITY One 41,740-lb. single load was extracted from a C-130 aircraft which had been modified in the area of the ramp support rod floor attachments for a maximum loading of 50,000 pounds. The load was extracted at 150 KIAS from an altitude of 5000 feet above the test area. Six G-11A 100-ft. D? cargo parachutes were used to recover the 37,740-lb. suspended test weight. The, Et-rdraft was in- strumented with (1) strain gauges located on the floor ramp support rods, (2) an extraction velocity recorder, and (3) a gyro compass mounted in the pilot compartment to record the angle and rate of air- craft pitch-up during extraction. A pilot-signal system was installed to indicate when the platform was clear of the aircraft. Full power was applied by the pilot immediately following release of the cluster of one. each 28-ft. ring-slot parachute and 22-ft. ring-slot extraction Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For)Wease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B002800400020040-2 Program Structure 921A (CONT?D) :DTI'.,-203 (CONT?D) C-130 HEAVY DROP CAPABILITY parachutes after which a nose down correction was when the, si ;na k. indicated the platform system was clear of the The aircraft "pitch-zip" foil ~w:Lng extracc.tion iwa than on previous drops and the recovery to level. flight i=_npo e(1 G forces which were more noticeable to the crew than on previous drops. The sequence recovy of events following extraction up to partial d,.,..t~1G:, < the parachute canopies appeared satisfactory. Four of the ?'(_c.o7,7 'ry para,- chutes reefed with 60-ft. lines with 6-sec. cutter, >c-:p;Ar?ated from the load immediately following line stretch and prior to the cutter time elapse. Two of the parachutes incurred friction breaks o the 6-l'-)_y cluster risers and two were stress breaks. 'Tae weight platform made ground impact suspended from two C-11A recovery ?para.chut:?s in a squid configuration with a total down time of 22.3 oe.ccnds. No determination of the exact cause of the recovery parachute failure has been made. However, photo evaluation does not disclose any relation of the mal- function to the non-standard system.FFurther study will he made of this malfunction. ------------------------ -------------- ------ Program Structure 921A Two tests were made on a 28-ft. Do Fist ribbon parachute with a 2000-lb. cylindrical, test vehicle as the suspended load. The parachute was reefed with a 2 ply 6000-lb. nylon reefing line 22?--ft. long. Two MC-1 reefing line cutters with 6-second time delays were attached to the skirt of the 28-ft. parachute 180? apart. Two 10013-C accoleronmyeters, weighted to simulate the MC-J. cutter ware installed on the pa?ac Mute skirt 1.80? apart and 90? from the cutters. Two secbndds after release of the cylindrical test vehicle from the aircraft, doplo;ncent of the parachute was initiated by ejection of the parachute ccxspart ae:nt door. The door extracted a 72-in. heavy-duty ribJ..eac ~~A uide iaarlace; pilot. chute which was attached with a 2-ply IO,OC0-119. 12-'ft. +h.;.id1e: (Mil-W-4088B, Type XIX) to the bag of the 428-ft. parachute . A 1,13-ply 10,000-lb. cgncentric nylon 6-ft. riser (M1.i-TtT-408889 Type XIX) c.oa- ne.cte.d the 21$-ft. pargehute to the test vehicle. Test Lnforaaa, ticaa follows. Drop Launch JAS Pressure altitude Full Open tiic1a Down t: me 1.tex. ifor?ca Max. acce?., 1732 F 400 3000 10.7 42.4 37,500 520 (1) 60 1.584 F 497 3000 J.4.4 40.7 (2) 60 Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIAORDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved Forlease 2002/11/08: CIA-RDP75130028100400020040-2 Program Structure 921A (CONT'D) FTL-212 (CONT'D) MC-1 CUTTER ENVIRONMENTAL TESTS (1) The pilot chute and main chute bag broke away before complete deployment of the main canopy. (2) The telemetering malfunctioned and the force and "C" load data were not obtained. :~a~asara~emacsa~m~,vpa~-.m~aas~~~ssoems~sa?ecea~aastwmaaezaasa:~~racawmnm~wmm~ee~en?aa~mee~msarnade~a~~rs ~~s~~~r~~~e,~xez.,=~r FTL-196 Terminated, MERCURY CAPSULE RECOVERY Program Structure 921C Two functional tests and one strength test were made on the 13.4-ft. Do FIST ribbon deceleration chute. The two functional tests were made using a 500-1b. cylindrical vehicle. The strength test was made using a 7200-lb. two-stage cylindrical vehicle. This vehicle was programmed to free-fall for 10 seconds to accelerate to 310 BIAS 'before the 13.4-ft. A;q FIST ribbon chute deployed. Fifteen seconds after deployment, the 13.4-ft. Do VIST ribbon chute was pr.ogra Tied to separate from the vehicle and deploy two 75-ft. Do extended skirt recovery parachutes. Test information follows: l ad L Drop Launch IAS Presofure altitude Reefing line length Reefing time delay Reefed open Lime Full. opez)l ii::im.e Down. tine R_.- ( b kt ft ft see. ec.l ec 2 se 1&42F-60 : 500 400 10,060 11 6 1.8 - 8.5 120.6 (1) 1&(-F-60 ..'500 490 10,070 12 6 1.8 8.5 124,8 (2) 1.838?F-6G Y200 250 10,500 12 6 (3) *Stopwatch time from initiation of deployment..ins?tead of from launch. (1) The lower lightweight ribbons showed strains. (2) The tensiometer indicated a force in excess of 19,000-lbs. No parachute damage. (3) Normal deployment and opening of the 13.4-ft. Do FIST ribbon decelera- tion chute. There were five broken ribbons and strains in the lower ribbons. The two 75-ft. Do recovery parachutes had not fully opened at time of impact. --~? Y--es-?evo exa~o_~~m- ---------- ora~~mA~ eKS~~ ~ ~~ ~ W V eas _? Approved For Release 2002/11/08: g1A-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved Program Structure 921B Approved For`` lease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285a@00400020040-2 Program Structure 650A The development contract with Radioplane Company has been terminated. Further modification and tests of the Transonic III vehicle will be accom- plished by this Group. Program Structure 650A FTL-158 SUPERSONIC II TEST VEHICLE No change in status. The ground acceptance test of the vehicle is scheduled to start 17 October 1960. Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For11ease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B002800400020040-2 TECHNICAL FACILITIES BRANCH PROCIEW}S TEST FACILITIES Program. Structure 496L Program Structure 650A FTL-160 DROP AIRCRAFT MODIFICATION No change in status. FTL-162 SUPERSONIC III TEST VEHICLE Test directive was forwarded to ARDC through AFFTC and to request performance of wind tunnel tests. Final report was received from Chance-Vought Aircraft under study contract. Report completes contract. Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approved For''Rdiease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B0028-8000400020040-2 No change in status. No change in status. No change in status. IN3TR NTATI0N WHIRL, TOWER Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 Approt;F1rase 2002/11/08 : CIA-HDP75B002850404020040-2 W -4 C O 4-3 U 4.) U C' CU f?i, (U 44 ?ri U- 4 CO r^4 "I Cut co N (d C), () C) I 4) CC 'iy Cd t]O ...i r-1 4) (O 14 ''-1 .4 ) O) (1) 1 ,0 C)+ ?r4 f < CJ C} 1-4 E-4 E 4 C) r.1 (a) rti'i C4 , U) .'x', 'CJ 0'e r-1 td r-4 1--4 C (4) 51 -r1 ri 'Lid U to 14.4 r?1 U 1-1 U G}.i ^rl ~3' i'Y.+" U ?t.l (U 14 C) U rC) U ? 4 U ?14 W . i td iH C) 44 td -rC U li 0 ' rU 1-I .11 4~ E 1 O ?~r)1 G? U OO 4 0 W C) CU E-1 -{ , (iO 4J 1-4 O [O 4) U O E-4 )-4 4J O O 14 ('.) t)) rri CO [-I [-I l 4) : r~-, CO t3q (,7 ?f1 14 e a) U C) U -I ;1 r; ?ri f+ t1) H H-4 4-1 HA C) ,L; XI [?{ 4J -A 1-4 ?r-I F-4 F-I 144 -4 () U 41 I..i rU .. ,V 4) ?C C'J bO to m 4J 1.{ (i) 0 (n VJ (A ( rr _, CU 'C) Ci) C') ?.a 4-1 CO 0 `4 Pi C) ~i (U -r1 ') .1J a) CO 4J f:L, O m G'. C: RI W O 1 0) 4) U N i-~j 4J 1.4 0 ((1 rl 1-I (U 4) C"+ r4 [-1 O "C) Ctl i1) ^r4 "r', y Cd 6U' r1 ,-4 0 C) 1?4 .4 (U Q) C 4) > ri U 'U ti U C\ U co 41 4J CU 6d O ?O 0 ?r4 (n (lll 4) U n) W r, 0 r4) r1 O 4.) 4) 4J ('i) t}.( 4J r) 14 iH O 4J 4-t}.( .C U U (1) O 4J 4J ?r1 C9 4) ?rl 44 U W Y 4 , 1 i to (a 'd (1) 7?, 4J 'U Q) W ,-J U 4.) '0 4J to a) tty 4J r-4 o-q (4) C) \C) CO C) r-f r( 6d 'o 0% \0 '.0 'ri \L) %-: 4.) Cr r-1 ON Ch C)1 C31 ?r1 rl 14 -I ,-4 r-1 rl r-4 4-I' C1a C) 4) 0 C-la 4J Si i- (1 P4 0 6r: 0 `O O Fa r-i 0 LO C?0 C.") r. ON Cl C)\ .y^ N 00 'O) 4 ~4 Q) Ci Cd (d CU Cd :) 7 Ci is (U 4) 'Cj `CJ '0 'U 00 00 t)O tai 0 [CU O 0 0 O O Cd cU Cd 4) -r-4 O .C) 0 0 co , Q .0 4J 4J 4J i?4 0) G-1 [iO to * 0 0) 4) 0 0 0 0 C+ 4J 0) tt +) ,r ;S O O O 0 Ci f*4 r-4 P-? CU C) 0 r Co C43 r"' N 0 Pq 4U C)) P- fro rr4 rr4 C)) r4 C' i r?( 04 rty r4 CA r 4 O \0 4J I'D ON U C\ ON O ,-4 r?4 r1 r-1 0 P. -0 4-i X 4'1 0 4-) 4i Cd C CU 0 U O rri ~Fll t1 C) O Z 4.) bLO 0 4 0 ?r4 -I r-4 0 4J 03 C) 41 C) (Y) r-4 1-4 \0 '.-)' \O \0 tD cu I'D Cd \0 \0 \0 \0 CTt C: ON 01 O1 Ca 4J 0 C C'. 0 LT (T r-I ? 4 r-I r4 r-4 ?r4 14 r-I ?~ r-1 .4 r-4 ,.4 4-1 O O O Cd 0 0) CD U CU U 0 41 (U 41 r~4 0 z rr4 C/) E 4 P4 A E4 P rr4 u) N U Cd co Cr) 4_I 4 v CO ?r4 ', C 0.1 W U C.", rY N 4-i N U P-i .r-I Cd P4 P4 'C) 4) O P-4 4J I-I l) 4I 0 0 'H 00 P?1 (n H `-1 Cl) 0 r-4 C?) U 4J P CY, C4 0 :3 0 0 44 r r A to d r*i O R, 14 1.4 0 1, 0 0 co O P4 O N Cd A "U N k 0 ?r4 U 040 J-j 0 - .y U CO U 4J 0 r-{ 4.) :y 44 0' M -4 U (1) ,a > 4) ) IN C') C14 (.I C-I N N N L., C (o r. m C\I N N N N C") Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2 0 C i r' r-A C) C) r 4 r~-1 O Approved For Mefease 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B0028SQ,p00400020040-2 SUMMARY GENERAL Programs carried forward from last report 39 New programs initiated (FTL-225B, 'FTL-228, F'cL 23 and FTL-229 4 Programs completed (FTL?165, 191, 196, 22515) 4 Total programs at end of September 1960 39 STATISTICAL DATA Durrriy, bomb and cargo tests 102, Live jumps of test items 10 Total tests from aircraft i12 Training and proficiency jumps 13 Whirl Tower drops of test items 14 Drop Tower drops (Instrument Lab.) `i Total weight dropped from aircraft (1b) 107,915 Total weight dropped fro Whirl Tower (lb) 2,53 Total weight Drop Tower dropped (lb) Grand total weight dropped (lb) 111, 94t3 Air Force missions flown 1-3-; Air Force missions flown by Navy 27 Range No. of radar controlled drops e;9 No. of drops requiring Askania 51 No . ' of drops, requiring Contrives Instrumentation No. of telemetry channels recorded Data reduction No. of frames read 9-1,39-2 No. of drops reduced, computed and plotted 477 Approved For Release 2002/11/08 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400020040-2