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Publication Date: 
April 26, 1972
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Approved For Release -L//q'VP3 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000100020054-4 OLC 72-0548 26 April 1972 SUBJECT: White House Meeting of the Legislative Interdepartmental Group - 25 April 1972 1. On 25 April 1972 I attended a meeting of the LIG at 1600 hours in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. In the absence of General Al Haig, the meeting was chaired by John Lehman, of the NSC staff. Participants included: White House Clark MacGregor Richard Cook Tom Korologos State Department William Macomber David Abshire Marshall Wright Charles Brower William Hall Department of Defense Rady Johnson USIA Henry Loomis Charles Ablard 2. Among items discussed were the following: 1. Case/Church amendment cutting off funds by 31 December. This amendment alone would justify Presidential veto. The Administration's strategy calls State Dept., NSC reviev''~i~ Release 2006/ CIA-RDP75B00380R000100020054-4 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000100020054-4 for an all-out floor fight to be led by Senator Stennis. Messrs. MacGregor and Korologos will work with him. 2. Mansfield amendment terminating military activities four months after enactment. This too would call for a Presidential veto and an all-out floor fight is planned. Again, Senator Stennis will lead the fight and will be supported by Messrs. MacGregor and Korologos in the White House. b. Legislation Affecting the Foreign Service. Macomber was adamant in saying that some amendments dealing with Foreign Service personnel matters were intolerable and would create hopeless management and morale problems within the Department. Abshire will work with the Republican leader- ship on this problem. c. $45 million cut in USIA Budget. This amendment is a reflection of Senator Fulbright's resentment over refusal of USIA to give him access to the Country Program Projections. USIA has responsibility for carrying the ball on this one and Macomber said State is prepared to stand firm and not yield on the Country Program issue in order to get the cut restored, d. Other items discussed included transfer of seismic research from ARPA to ACDA, requirement for Senate confirma- tion of all designations of ambassadors and ministers, establish- ment of a State Bureau of North American Affairs, establishment of a "little Hoover Commission, " an $85 million appropriation for aid to Israel, a requirement that Foreign Service promotions be by rank order, a prohibition against dissemination of USIA material within the U. S. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000100020054-4 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : IA-RDPZ5B00380R000100020054-4 LUf I L and I agreed to work out mutually acceptable language (already done) for alternate wording and Korologos said he would go with us to try to get support from a Republican member--possibly Senator Howard Baker. b. A ten percent cut in American overseas personnel other than State, Peace Corps, and military combat personnel. On this it was agreed that and the White House team seemed confident that we could enlist Senator Stennis to be our champion on the floor. 25X1A )-IN M. MA URY gislative Counsel Distribution: Original - Subject 1 - Ex/Dir 1 - OGC DDP OLC Chrono SECRET Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000100020054-4