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Document Release Date: 
September 12, 2005
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Publication Date: 
March 8, 1973
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75B00380R000300100007-5.pdf92.62 KB
1I1 n Approved For Release 2005/1 /2 ` 6i i 'k 3B0R000300100007-5 4iSJw i*?~, v r~IfU [J/J _~~ ,-may i r r t~ ~ q e eaii Caper Senate investigators suspect that the same "Mission: Impossible" team arrested at the Watergate may also have broken into 'the Chilean embassy several weeks earlier. And three Chilean diplomats in New York 'City, the investigators discovered, have been victims of similar, mysterious break- ins. In a memo intended for the eves only of senators investigating ITT's operations in Chile, staff director Jerry Levinson report- ed: "A source with excellent contacts in the Cuban community told the subcommittee staff that Frank Sturgis; had told other peo- ple that he and Martinez and Gonzales, two other Watergate defendants, had broken into the Embassy to photograph documents." Of the New York City break-ins, the memo stated: "We ... learned from highly reliable government sources that the Water- gate defendants were reported to have been 'working out of the Taft Hotel' in New York City, that the Cuban community knew they had worked together on CIA jobs over a number of years, and that Sturgis and Hal Hendrix of ITT's Public Relations Depart- ment had known each other for years." Levinson was cautious, however, about implicating ITT in the alleged Chilean ca- per. "The staff of the subcommittee," he re- ported, "has' developed a number of leads suggesting a relationship between ITT and the team which was arrested at the Water- gate." But he stressed "that the case out- lined in this rnemorandrrm is circumstantial and that there is no hard evidence of ITT in- volvement." Here, however, is the circumstantial case, which the subcommittee staff has pieced together from jigsaw pieces of intelli- gence: "Government and non-government sources alike have told us that the Cuban exile community has a pool of talent which was trained by the CIA and is availble for 'dirty tricks.' This talent has been used at one time or another by a number of ted_eral agencies for missions of questionable legali- ty inside and outside of the United States. "Federal sources report the Cubans to be absolutely loyal, fanatically anti-Comrm.mist and willing to take any risk. It is also likely that when 'teams' were assembled fur ope:-- ations, only one or perhaps two iremtr?rs knew who had requested and was financing the operation. "Washington business and p01iiical sources report that alx,ut eight month . l i- fore the Wale rgate arrest, L. }inward Lunt let it be known around the city it) it I,e : ,r 'tram' available for 'Mission Ir,n)~s. ; ie' assignments and that the team wr+t.l b" willing to work for pre ale clients. "1t is possible that F. }lm .,td Hutnlt. a.rt- inl, as the contractor for the Lid ing information about its negotiations over the fate of its investment in the Chilean Telephone Company. The members of the team may have been recruited, thinking they were doing a patriotic thing to block a 'Communist' government. "ITT is the only likely contractor for op- erations against the Chileans. It claims to have an investment worth $153 million in the Chilean Telephone Company; it knew that documents were leaking from its files: it asked the Chilean government to move ne- gotiations from Santiago to Washington." We reported last week on other strange links between the ITT and Watergate scan- dals. We noted, for example, that acting FBI chief L. Patrick Gray and convicted Watergate felon E. Howard Hunt had been involved in an abortive effort to discredit the famous Dita Beard memo, which ti.'d a $400.000 political pledge from ITT with a set- tlement of its antitrust troubles. The Washington Post reported that Hunt, apparently disguised in an askew red wig, went to Denver to talk to Mrs. Beard about renouncing the memo. We reported that Gray, meanwhile, turned the original m% mo over to ITT for its experts to try to discred- it. Gray refused to comment when we called the FBI for his response. Questioned'by sen- ators under oath, however, he testified that he had not turned the memo over to ITT di- rectly but had delivered it to White House aide John Dean. It was the White House, in other words, that not only dispatched the be- wigged hunt to Denver but also passed the document to ITT. This makes the story even more sordid. It shows that the White House, while do riv- ing any involvement with ITT, was wort:ng closely with the giant conglomerate to dis- credit the Dita Beard memo. The Chilean Embassy burglary was in- vestigated by the FBI, which dismissed it as routine. But Senate investigators disagree. "Careful investigation of the circumstances leads us to the conclusion," Levinson wrote, "that it was not routine. "Valuable office equipment and cash were left untouched. The Ambassador's of- fice and the office of the First Secretary were both searched and files were inspect- ed. 'l he thieves walked first several in ire, artr,,ctiv(? offices to get to the First Secre- tary's office, suggesting they knew wh-'re they were ,ruing." The burglarizing of the New Ynrk apartments of Chilean diplom its `.lore described in the memo as "similar clean hie ;l: ins." Footnnte: Jenny Levinson refused to cri:n- taunt on his memo, which he said w{asn't in- tended foi publication. An 1 1 1 spokesn-' in e,rllod the' allcgatnns about Hunt '?;ih;o'u'r A tmnr ,~1 ~5~ 2.1 Q~~ dIA-Rp016 7>d~`8pROb003A01O00071=5 ppr(~Y`~ti 1 15 1 ~?a,, 11 !'filth , Ll.din- l ill+C( ;lnl 01' do}' ptJllinSC.