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June 26, 1972
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP75B0I400070006=9 Calls: 7 Ins: 0 Outs: 1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 26 June 1972 1. (Confidential - GLC) OPPB, called to say John 25X1 Hurley, OMB, had been in touch with him to coordinate a statement in a draft of a briefing to be given the Foreign Relations Committee by the Bureau of Narcotics and Dan erous Drugs with respect to the Agency's role in the drug problem. we had been in touch with BNDD through an sugges e a minor revision which would state that the Agency has been given an expanded role in combating the drug problem since 1971. The word expanded was added at our suggestion. 2. (Confidential - JMM) Accompanied the Director and Messrs. Steininger and Bruce Clarke who appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee in connection with SALT matters. See Memo for Record. 3. (Confidential - JMM) Ed Braswell, Senate Armed Services Committee Chief Counsel, called Saturday to see if we had any objection to Richard Perle's sitting in on the Director's briefing of 26 June on SALT verification. Braswell explained that Perle, on the staff of the Subcommittee on National Security and: International Operations, had been detailed to work with the Armed Services Committee staff on SALT matters. I said I was sure the Director would have no objection if Chairman Stennis wished Perle to be present. 0 fif u? 1 9006d from avlomatlcl #n,,Pj'ad!ng and Approved For Release 2006/02Th1 : CIA-RDP75B00380R0004flOM * -. J Approved For Release -229t(Q O' : CIA-RDP75B00380R000400070006-9 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 26 June 1972 5. (Confidential - JGO) Received a call from Jack Sullivan, House Foreign Affairs Committee staff, who told me that Chairman Morgan would like to schedule a briefing by the Director in Executive Session for Tuesday, 25 July, if that date is acceptable to the Director. I thanked Mr. Sullivan for the call and told him I would relay the Chairman's request. 6. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Mr. Arthur Kuhl, Chief Clerk, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who told me that Senator Spong (D. , Va.) will be chairing a meeting tomorrow on the drug question. Messrs. Ingersoll, D/BNDD, Rossides, Treasury Department, and a representative of the State Department will be appearing during the morning. As a followon to his earlier question, I reviewed the question of release of names, titles, positions, and assignments of Agency personnel with Mr. Kuhl in the light of the National Security Act of 1947 and the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949. The review appeared to answer any present question that he has on the subject. I left with him a copy of the Guide to CIA Statutes and Law. I returned the transcript of the Laird briefing of 21 June 1972. 7. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Lockhart, Assistant Counsel, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, who told me that a hearing on the Committee draft of the Federal Executive Service bill will not be scheduled until the Committee returns on 17 July. In brief, he will be pleased to meet with our people and review any questions that we have on the Committee draft. It was his intent in drafting the bill and it is his opinion that the Agency is completely exempt under the terms of the present draft. 9. (Secret - JGO) Met briefly with Mr. James Wilson, House Science and Astronautics Committee staff, and briefed him on the most recent Soviet Space launching. $$i Cd Approved For Release 20000622 t~ A-RDP75B00380R000400070006-9 0MV3414ing and ow. ' I Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000400070006-9 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Monday - 26 June 1972 10. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Rick Gilmour, who handles foreign affairs for Senator Hubert Humphrey (D. , Minn. ), called and asked that the Senator be placed on the FBIS White Book subscription list. I told him I would make the necessary arrangements and the Senator should begin to receive the White Book within two weeks. 11. (Unclassified - PLC) William Dennis, Legislative Assistant to Representative Vernon W. Thomson (R. , Wis. ), called in regard to a letter from a constituent. The constituent expressed concern to a news broadcast which involved the CIA in the destruction of a home of an individual who was suspected of stealing a large sum of money. I told Dennis that certainly the Agency was in no way involved in such activities and explained that we had no internal security or police powers. I would, however. look into the matter and call him back. I discussed the story wit nd it was his recollection that the story did not specifically mention the Agency. I called Dennis back and-he stated he was quite sure the Agency was in no way involved, and the constituent had undoubtedly garbled the story. He further stated he would prepare the reply and the matter is closed. Legislative Counsel cc: O/DDCI Mr. Houston Mr. Thuermer DDI DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB Approved For Release2 f : CIA-RDP75B00380R000400070006-9