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Publication Date: 
September 26, 1973
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Approved For Release 2001/08/30 :CIA-RDP75B00380R000500400006-1 rOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 26 September 1973 1. (Confidential - SGO) Delivered to Frank Slatinshek, Chief Counsel, I-iouse Armed Services Committee, a seL- of~draft legislative items relating to ossible, amendments of the National Security Act with re,~ard to CIA domestic operations. In brief, Slatinshek thought the proposals were quite good but noted they made na provision for one point that has bothered Chairman Nedzi, Intelligence Subcommittee, considerably and thaL? is Agency conduct of official business with former employees. After considerable discussion Slatinshek agreed that it is probably not one for legislative treatment but that we should keep it on the back burner because he is quite cerrtain Chairman Nedzi will be raising it with us in the future. 2. (Confidential - J'GO) Met with Marian Czarnecki, Chief of Staff, douse Foreign Affairs Gomrnittee, and discussed with him the informal request for Agency briefing on Chile. I told hirn that we would be pleased to brief the Committee on the current intelligence situation in Chile and would have no hesitancy in responding to a question concerning Agency involvement in the coup that there was no involvement. However, we are unable to brief or discuss Agency operations in Chile. Czarnecki told me he will be meeting later in the day with Chairman Morgan, of the full C;omrnittee, and Chairman Fascell, of the Inter-American Affairs Subcarnmittee, Although he was not able to commit the two Chairmen, it is his opinion that this will provide a satisfactory formula. 3. (Confidential - SGO) Met with Mike Finley, Inter-American Affairs Subcommittee staff, House Foreign Affairs Committee, who told me that in the briefing yesterday afternoon Assistant Secretary of State Kubisch had responded to several questions concerning United States and CIA involve- ment in the Chilean coup generally denying any such involvement. He will try to make 'a copy of the transcript available on a confidential basis ?tomorrow morning. Approved For Release 2001/08/30 ? ~IAtR~P'~i ~3~~00500400006-1 Ay Approved For Release 2001/08/30 :CIA-RDP75B00380R000500400006-1 Journal -Office of Legislative Co'~(:~s~~.~ " Page 2 'Wednesday - 26 September 1973 4. (Confidential - JGO) Met with George Berdes, National Security Policy and Scientific Developments Subcommittee staff, T-rouse Foreign Affairs Committee, who told me that Chairman Zablocki had met duxing the week with Ambassador at Large U. Alexis Johnson and with Director Fred Ikle, U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. The yneetings were most satisfactory. He doesn't see anything further until responses from our allies are received on MBFR. In consequence, he does not expect that Chairman Zablocki will be expecting briefings at this 25X1A time from Carl Duckett, DD5&T. See Journal of 19 September 1973. 5. (Confidential - JGO) After discussion with OGC, and DD/Sec, made an appointment for 2:00 p. rn. ? Thursday, 27 September, for an informal meeting. witr. Herb Roback, Staff Director, House Grovernment Operations Gomrnittee, on Southern Air Transport. ? 6. (Unclassified - JMM) Met with Ed Braswell', Chief Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, and reviewed informally some material an ?pof~sible amendments to legislationn bearing on the A~ency's domestic activities. 'protection of sources and methods, relationships wztn aomesLic law c.