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Document Release Date:
April 15, 2003
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Publication Date:
September 24, 1974
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Approved For Release 2003/05/06 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000600200004-4
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 6
Tuesday - 24 September 1974
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22. 1 __4 PLC) Sydney Olson in the office of Representative
John H. Rousselot (R. , Calif. ) called to request assistance in replying to a
coonns-tituent who expressed concern that the Agency was sponsoring legislation
L, would "prevent anyone from talking about CIA. " She will send the letter
to us for the preparation of a suggested reply.
23. I I- PLC) Jim Kronfeld, Staff Counsel, House
Goernment Operations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations and Government
(.Information, called me at home and informed me that H. R. 16373, which grants
individuals right of access to Government records maintained concerning them,
was reported out of the full Committee late in the day. Although Chairman
Chet Holifield (D. , Calif.) and the Committee staff strongly supported the
Agency's request for a revision of its exemption in order that the Agency not
be required to follow the rule-'making procedures under section 553 of Title 5,
U. S. C. , they were not able to bring up our amendment as no amendments were
accepted after Representative Bella S. Abzug (D., N. Y.) was defeated on all
Qf .her amendments. He felt that we could handle our problem by a floor amend-
ment, which one of our oversight people could introduce. He offered to work
closely with me on the amendment and the necessary colloquy. Kronfeld regretted
that the Agency had not been given sufficient time to comment on the final draft
of the Subcommittee. bill, as it was his understanding that OMB had coordinated
with the Agency. I explained that they had not, and expressed our appreciation
for his consideration and sincere interest to protect. the Agency.
Kronfeld also advised me that the Senate staff conferees had made
a slight change to the legislative history language covering Intelligence Sources
and Methods, Comint, and Restricted Data in the draft conference report on25X1
12471, which amends the Freedom of Information Act. He did not, however,
consider t. e change substantive.
ormed me in confidence that
ad asked that he prepare a brief as to whether or
not any action cou. e a en against Representative Michael Harrington (D., Mass.
for disclosing the House Armed Services Committee testimony on Chile.
Kronfeld said he had reviewed existing criminal law'and House rules and concluded
that no action could be taken against Harrington.
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CRC, 2/25/2003
Approved For Release 2003/05/06 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000600200004-4