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Approved For Release 2005/08/03: CIA-RDP75B)Q3~OR000700080031-7 S 8$71 May -10, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE means of a reorganization plan. There is some indication in the legislative history of the Reorganization Act that the Act could not be used to abolish an executive agency and not place its functions in another agency See 95 Cong. Rec. 891, 914 (1949) (Re- marks of Reps. Lanham, Vorys and Dawson). n Of course, as the Court has held earlier, these regulations are unlawful and may not be implemented in any event to the extent that they terminate section 221 funding. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill having been read the third time, the question is, Shall it pass? On this question, the yeas and nays have been ordered on the first part of the bill, title I, and the clerk will call the roll. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, what is the question? The PRESIDING OFFICER. On title I; unanimous consent having been granted to vote separately on each part. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I thank the Chair. The legislative clerk called the roll. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I announce that the Senator from Nevada (Mr. BIBLE), the Senator from Nevada (Mr. CANNON), the Senator from Alaska (Mr. GRAVEL), and the Senator from Iowa (Mr. HUGHES) are necessarily absent. I also announce that the Senator from Mississippi (Mr. STENNIS) is absent be- cause of illness. I further announce that, if present and voting, the Senator from Nevada (Mr. BIBLE), the Senator from Alaska (Mr. GRAVEL), the Senator from Iowa (Mr. HUGHES), and the Senator from Nevada (Mr. CANNON) would each vote "yea." Mr. GRIFFIN. I announce that the Senator from New Hampshire (Mr. CoT- TON), the Senator from Arizona (Mr. FANNIN), the Senator from Alaska (Mr. STEVENS), and the Senator from Ohio (Mr. TAFT) are necessarily absent. The Senator from Nebraska (Mr. CURTIS) is absent on official business. On' this vote, the Senator from Ohio (Mr. TAFT) is paired with the Senator from Nebraska (Mr. CURTIS). If present and voting, the Senator from Ohio would vote "yea" and the Senator from Ne- braska would vote "nay." The result was announced-yeas 66, nays 24, as follows: [No. 133 Leg.] YEAS-66 Abourezk Haskell Montoya Aiken Hatfield Moss Bayh Hathaway Muskie Bellmon Hollings Nelson Bentsen Huddleston Nunn Biden Humphrey Packwood Brooke Inouye Pastore Burdick Jackson Pearson Byrd, Robert C. Javits Pell Case Johnston Percy Chiles Kennedy Proxmire Church Long Randolph Clark Magnuson Ribicoff Cook Mansfield Schwelker Cranston Mathias Sparkman Eagleton McClellan Stafford Eastland McClure Stevenson Ervin McGee " Symington Fong McGovern Talmadge Fulbright McIntyre Tunny Hart Metcalf Weicker Hartke Mondale Williams NAYS-24 Allen Beall Buckley Baker Bennett Byrd, Bartlett Brock Harry F., Jr. Dole Hansen Scott, Va. Domenict Helms Thurmond Dominick Hruska Tower Goldwater Roth Young Griffin Saxbe Gurney Scott, Pa. NOT VOTING-10 Bible Fannin Stevens Cannon Gravel Taft Cotton Hughes Curtis Stennis NAYS-4 Bennett Tower Weicker Saxbe Bible Fannin Stevens Cannon Gravel Taft Cotton Hughes Curtis Stennis So the second part of the bill, title II, So the first part of the bill, title I, So the bill (S. 373) was passed, as was passed. follows: Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, I move to p?. S. 373 reconsider the vote by which title I was/ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of passed. Mr. MUSKIE. I move to lay that mo- tion on the table. The motion to lay agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senate will now proceed to vote on title II of the bill. The yeas and nays have been ordered, and the clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I announce that the Senator from Nevada (Mr. BIBLE), the Senator from Nevada (Mr. CANNON), the Senator from Alaska (Mr. GRAVEL), and the Senator from Iowa (Mr. HUGHES) are necessarily absent. I also announce that the Senator from Mississippi (Mr. STENNIS) is absent because of illness. I further announce that, if present and. voting, the Senator from Nevada (Mr. BIBLE), the Senator from Alaska (Mr. GRAVEL), the Senator from Iowa (Mr. HUGHES), and the Senator from Nevada (Mr. CANNON) would each vote "yea." Mr. GRIFFIN. I announce that the -Senator from New Hampshire (Mr. COT- TON), the Senator from Arizona (Mr. FANNIN), the Senator from Alaska (Mr. STEVENS), and the Senator from Ohio (Mr. TAFT) are necessarily absent. The Senator from Nebraska (Mr. CUR- TIS) is absent on official business. If present and voting, the Senator from Nebraska (Mr. CURTIS) and the Senator from Ohio (Mr. TAFT) would each vote "yea." The result was announced-yeas 86, nays 4, as follows: [No. 134 Leg.] YEAS--86 Abourezk Fong McIntyre Aiken Fulbright Metcalf Allen Goldwater Mondale Baker Griffin Montoya Bartlett Gurney Moss Bayh Hansen Muskie Beall Hart Nelson Bellmon Hartke Nunn Bentsen Haskell Packwood Biden Hatfield Pastore Brock Hathaway Pearson Brooke Helms Pell Buckley Hollings Percy Burdick Hruska Proxmire Byrd, Huddleston Randolph Harry F., Jr. Humphrey Ribicoff Byrd, Robert C. Inouye Roth Case Jackson Schweiker Chiles Javits Scott, Pa. Church Johnston Scott, Va. Clark Kennedy Sparkman Cook Long Stafford Cranston Magnuson Stevenson Dole Mansfield Symington Domenici Mathias Talmadge Dominick McClellan Thurmond Eagleton McClure Tunney Eastland McGee Williams Ervin McGovern Young Representatives of the United Saes of America in Congress assembled, TITLE I-IMPOUNDMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES SECTION 1. The Congress finds that- (1) the Congress has the sole authority to enact legislation and appropriate moneys on behalf of the United States; (2) the Congress has the authority to make all laws necessary and proper for carry- ing into execution its own powers; (3) the Executive shall take care that the laws enacted by Congress shall be faithfully executed; (4) under the Constitution of the United States, the Congress has the authority to require that funds appropriated and ob- ligated by law shall be spent in accordance with such law; (5) there is no authority expressed or implied under the Constitution of the United States for the Executive to impound budget authority and the only authority for such impoundments by the executive branch Is that which Congress has expressly delegated by statute; (6) by the Antideficiency Act (Rev. Stat. sec. 3679), the Congress delegated to the President authority in a narrowly defined area, to establish reserves for contingencies or to effect savings through changes in re- quirements, greater efficiency of operations, or other developments subsequent to the date on which appropriations are made avail- able; (7) in spite of the lack of constitutional authority for impoundment of budget au- thority by the executive branch and the nar- row area in which reserves by the executive branch have been expressly authorized in the Antidefioiency Act, the executive branch has impounded many billions of dollars of budget authority in a manner contrary to and not authorized by the Antideficiency Act or any other Act of Congress; (8) impoundments by the executive branch have often been made without a legal basis; (9) such impoundments have totally nulli- fied the effect of appropriations and obliga- tional authority enact by the Congress and prevented the Congress from exercising its constitutional authority; (10) the executive branch, through its presentation to the Congress of a proposed budget, the due respect of the Congress for the views of the executive branch, and the power of the veto, has ample authority to affect the appropriation and obligation proc- ess without the unilateral authority to im- pound budget authority; and (11) enactment of this legislation is neces- sary to clarify the limits of the existing le- gal authority of the executive branch to im- pound budget authority, to reestablish a proper- allocation of authority between the Congress and the executive branch, to con- firm the constitutional proscription against the unilateral nullification by the executive branch of duly enacted authorization and appropriation Acts, and to establish efficient and orderly procedures for the reordering of budget authority through joint action by the Executive and the Congress, which shall ap- ply to all impoundments of budget author- Approved For Release 2005/08/03': CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 S 8872 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE May 10,,1978 ity, regardless of the legal authority asserted for making such Impoundments. SEC. 2. (a) Whenever the President, the Di- rector of the Office of Management and Budge et, the head of any department or agencyof the United States,', or any officer or em- ployee of the United [States, impounds any budget authority made available, or orders, permits or approves the impounding of any such budget authority by any other officer or employee of the United States, the President shall, within ten days thereafter, transmit to the Senate and the House of Representatives a special message specifying-(1) the amount of the budget authority impounded;(2) the date on which the budget author- ity was ordered to be impounded; (3) the date the budget authority was im-pounded;, (4) any account, department, or establish-ment of the Government to which such im-pounded budget authority Would have been available for obligations except for such im- poundment; :-- (5) the period of time during which thebudget authority is to be impounded, to in- elude not only the legal lapsing of budget authority but also administrative decisions to discontinue or curtail a program;(8) the reasons for the impoundment, in-cluding any legal authority Invoked by him to., justify the impoundment and, when the justification invoked Is a requirement to avoid violating any public law which estab- lishes a debt ceiling or a spending ceiling, the amount by which the ceiling would be and the reasons for such antici- pated excess; and (7) to the maximum extent practicable, the estimated fiscal, econoz)ric, and budgetary ef- fect of the impoundment.(b) Each special message submitted pur- suant to subsection (a) shall be transmittedto the House of Representatives and the Sen- ate on the same day, and shall be delivered to the Clerk of the House of Representativesif the House is not in session, and to the Secretary of the Senate If the Senate is notin session. Each such message may be printedby either House as a document for both as the President of the Senate, and of the House may determine. (c) A copy of each special message submit- ted pursuant to sub$ectioi (a) shall betransmitted to the Cgmptroller General of the United States on the same day as it is transmitted to the Senate and the House shall review each such message and deter- Representatives. The Comptroller General (f) The President shall publish in the Federal Register each r.jonth a list of any budget authority impounded as of the first calendar day of that month. Each list shall be published no later than the tenth c:alen- der day of the month and shall contain the information required to be submitted by special message pursuant to subsection (a). SEC. 3. The President, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the head of any department or agency of the United States, or any officer or employee or the United States shall cease the impounding of any budget authority set forth in each ape- cial message within sixty calendar days of continuous session after the message is re- ceived by the Congress unless the specific impoundment shall have been ratified by the Congress by passage of e, concurrent resolu- tion in accordance wit1, the procedure set out in section 5 of this .Act: Provided, how- ever, That Congress may by concurrent reso- lution disapprove any impoundment in whole or in part, at anp time prior to the expiration of the sixty-day period, and in the event of such disapproval, the impound- meet shall cease immediately to the extent disapproved. The effect of such disapproval, whether by concurrent resolution passed prior to the expiration of the sixty-day pe- nod or by the failure to approve by co:ncur- rent resolution within the sixty-day p+3rioet obligation authority mandatory, and shall shall be to make the ,ant shatl of the preclude the President from or any reamotherng the Federal officer specific or em- ployee et authority set forth In the special message which the Congress thereby e its action or allure to act has thereby rejected. SEC. 4. For purposes of this Act, the im- pounding ) withholding, delaying, deferring, freez- ing authority made available (wlieth- the termination or cancellation of author proCLl3L10ftl--tf,e ex a udg- egg tR?-[fy ~,Aa t,eAn ma a ova a e, (2) withholding, delayi ng, e feri3hg, ireez- ing , or otherwise refusing to make any_g)- location of any part o' budget authority (where here such allocation Is required in order to permit mit the budget authority to be ex- pended obligated) (3) withholding, delaying, deferring, freez- ing, or otherwise refusing to permit a grantee to obligate any part of budget authority (whether by establishing; contract controls, reserves, , or otherwise), and (4) any type o' Executive action or :inac- mine whether, in his judgment, the im- tion which effectively precludes or delays the poundment was in accordance with existing obligation or expenditure of any part of au- statutory authority, following which he shall thorized budget authority. notify both Houses of Congress within 15 SEC. 5. The following subsections of this section are enacted by the Congress: days after the receipt of the message as to his determination thereon. If the Comptroller (a) (1) As an exercise of the rulemaking was a.nce w se e Rev2 d atu es ' 1 , commofl1 referred to as the "Antideflciency Act", },fie provisions of section and -section 5 shall no `~py l Y-11 ali o er eases, rZomp ro er enera sall Vise a ure wnether the impoundment was in ancor ante Rh special message submitted pursuant to sub- section (a) is subsequently revised, the Presi- dent shall transmit within ten days to the Congress and the Comptroller General a sup- plementary message stating and explaining each such revision. (e) Any special or supplementary message transmitted pursuant to this section shall be printed in the first issue of the Federal Register published after that special or sup- plemental message Is so transmitted and may be printed by either House as a docu- ment for both Houses, as the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House may deter- mine. power of the Senate and the House of Rep- resentatives, respectively, and as such they shall be deemed a part of the rules of each House, respectively, but applicable only with respect to the procedure to be followed in that House in the case of resolutions de- scribed by this section; and they shall super- sede other rules poly to the extent that they are inconsistent t]aerewitli; and (2) With full recognition of the constitu- tional right of either House to change the rules (so far as relating -;o the procedure of that House) at any time in the same man- ner, and to the same extent as in the case of any other rule of that House. (b) (1) For purposes of this section, the term "resolution" means only a concur- rent resolution of the Senate or House of Representatives, as the case may be, which is introduced and acted upon by both Houses at any time before the end of the first period of sixty calendar days of continuous ses- sion of the Congress after the date on which the special message of the President is trans- mitted to the two Houses. (2) The matter after the resolving clause of a resolution approving the impounding of budget authority shall be substantially as follows (the blank spaces being appropriately filled) : "That the Congress approves the impounding of budget authority as set forth in the special message of the President dated , Senate (House) Document No. (3) The matter after the resolving, clause of a resolution disapproving, In whore or in part, the impounding of budget authority shall be substantially as follows (the blank spaces being appropriately filled) : "That the Congress disapproves the impounding of budget authority as set forth in the spe- cial message of the President dated ---- Senate (House) Document No. --- (in the amount of $ ) ." (4) For purposes of this subsection, the continuity of a session is broken only by an adjournment of the Congress sine die, and the days on which either House is not in session because of an adjournment of more than three days to a day certain shall be excluded in the computation of the sixty- day period. (c) (1) A resolution introduced, or re- ceived from the other House, with respect to a special message shall not be referred to a committee and shall be privileged business for immediate consideration, following the receipt of the report of the Comptroller Gen- eral referred to in section 2(c), it shied at any time be in order (even though a pre- vious motion to the same effect has been dis- agreed to) to move to proceed to the con- sideration of the resolution. Such motion shall be highly privileged and not debatable. An amendment to the motion shall not be in order, and it-shall not be in order to move to reconsider the vote by which the motion is agreed to or disagreed to, (2) If the motion to proceed to the con- sideration of a resolution is agreed to, de- bate on the resolution shall be limited to ten. hours, which shall be divided equally be- tween those favoring and those opposing the resolution. Debate on any amendment to the resolution (including an amendment sub- stituting approval for disapproval in whole or in part or substituting disapproval in whole or in part for approval) shall be lim- ited to two hours, which shall be divided equally bets _pen those favoring and those opposing the amendment. (3) Motions to postpone, made with re- spect to the consideration of a resolution, and motions to proceed toythe consideration of other business, shall be decided without debate. (4) Appeals from the decisions of the Chair relating to the application of the rules of the Senate or the House of Representa- tives, as the ease may be, to the procedure relating to a resolution Shall be decided without debate. (d) If, prior to the passage by one House of a resolution of that House with respect to a special. message, such House receives from the other House a resolution with respect to the same message, then- (1) If no resolution of the first House with respect to such message has been introduced, no motion to proceed to the consideration of any other resolution with respect to, the same message may be made (despite the provisions of subsection (a) (1) of this sec- tion). (2) If a resolution of the first House with respect to such message has been intro- duced- (A) the procedure with respect to that or other resolutions of such House with respect to such message shall be the same as if no resolution from the other House with respect to such message had been received; bat (B) on any vote on final passage of rz reso- lution of the erst House with respect to such message the resolution from the other House with respect to such message shall be auto- matically substituted for the resolution of the first House. Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 May,10, 1.973 Approved For aAeE~2~Jp6R 8/p3RECORD 75 ENATE 000700080031-7 (e) If a committee of conference is ap- pointed on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses with respect to a resolution, the con- ference report submitted in each House shall be considered under the rules set forth in subsection (c) of this section for the con- sideration of a resolution; except that no amendment shall be in order. (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, it shall not be in order in either House to consider a resolution with respect to a special message after the two Houses have agreed to another resolution with respect to the same message. (g) As used in this section, the term "special message" means a report of im- pounding action made by the President pur- suant to section 2 of this Act or by the Comptroller General pursuant to section 6 of this Act. SEC. S. If the President, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the head of any department or agency of. the United States, or any officer or employee of the United States takes or approves any im- pounding action within the purview of this Act, and the President falls to report such impounding action to the Congress as re- quired by this Act, the Comptroller General shall report such impounding action with any available information concerning it to both Houses of Congress, and the provisions of this Act shall apply to such Impounding action In like manner and with the same effect as if the report of the Comptroller General had been made by the President: Provided, how- ever, That the sixty-day period provided in section 3 of this Act shall be deemed to have commenced at the time at which, in the de- termination of the Comptroller General, the impoundment action was taken. SEC. 7. Nothing contained in this Act shall be interpreted by any berson or --+ as --- e or each fis- t t he programs ams pro- ?n ublic assistance maintenance Jy f vsuc ou Impounding of budget authority by the p grants undervi d ed for in SUCK act be fully obligated President or any other Federal employee, in title IV of the Social Security Act, food in said year, and for other purposes. the past or In the future, unless done pur- stamps, military retirement pay, medicaid, suant to statutory authority in effect at the and judicial salaries. time of such impoundment. (c) Reservations made to carry out the HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZA- SEC. 8. The, Com troller General is hereb y shall be provisions of subject to subsection the (a) of provisions this of title section TION AND RESOURCES DEVELOP- ex ressly emowere as a represe e I of this Act, except that- MENT ACT OF 1973 of tine aPfer~ rsssst~rs~ - (1) If the Comptroller General determines Mr, MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask rv tli- `s "wii te turn ce cc of tine United States !n a under section 2(c) of title I, with respect unanimous consent that the Sena selection c the e es is ct to any such reservation, that the require- Court for the District o o um a o en- nients of proportionate reservations of sub- the consideration of Calendar 120, S. force the pof this Act, and sl h section (b) of this section have been com- 14; that it be laid before the Senate and court the provisions plied with, then sections 3 and 5 of title I made the pending business for Monday. ered to en- shall not apply to such reservation. a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk ter in such civil action any decree, judgment, order or n which may be necessary or judgment, (d?) The provisions of section 3 of title i will state the bill by title. appro- riche comp be priate nee with the proof- of this Act shall not apply to any impound- The legislative clerk read the bill by sions to this Are bo such ncpartmen agenvy, ments or reservations made under title II in- sions , this A loyee. Within the purview of sofar as they prohibit reimpounding or title, as follows: this section, the Office of Management and reservation. A bill (S. 14) to amend the Public Health officer or Budget shall be construed to be an agency Service Act to provide (e) In no event shall the authority con- assistance and encour- of the United States, and the officers and ferred by this section l used to impound of agement health for mtheaintenance establishment and 'expansion , appropriated or otherwise made ova d care resources organization, health employees of the Office of Management and funds, shall be construed to be officers or able by Congress, for the urpose of Alimi- Quality , Health and Care the establishment of a employees of the United States. n oting a rogram t crea on or continua- Commission, and for - other purposes. SEC. 9. (a) Notwithstanding any other pro- tfon o w ch has been authorized by Con vision of law, all funds appropriated by law gTess? The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. shall be made available and obligated by the SEC. 203. In the administration of any BARTLETT). Is there objection? appropriate agencies, departments, and other program as to which- There being units of the Government except as may be (1) the amount of expenditures is limited c no objection, the ch atd provided otherwise under this Act, pursuant to this title, and proceeded to consider the bm, which had (b) Should the President desire to im- (2) the allocation, been reported from the Committee on La- pound any appropriation gr fun, apportionment, bar and Public out Welfare all a with the nalen g gress not auoriizedby this made Act by or the by the ents is other went to strike out all after the enacting required to be determined d ob by appli- Antideficiency Act, he shall seek legislation cation of a formula involving the amount clause and insert: utlllzine the sup~lemen al a roprfations appropriated or otherwise made available That this Act may be cited as the "Health prorecc n n'if~T~ , +, "-Tsuch for distribution, the amount available for Maintenance Organization and Resources De- appropration by the Con gress. expenditure (after the application of this velopment Act of 1973." SEC. 10. If any provision of this Act, or the title) shall be substituted for the amount SEC. 2. (a) The Congress finds that- application thereof to any person, impound- appropriated or otherwise made available in (1) the medical care system is not orga- ment, or circumstance, is held invalid the the application of the formula. nized in a manner which encourages the validity of the remainder of the Act ana the sons, impoundments, or circumstances, shall "A bill to insure the separation of Fed- (2) the medical care system is oriented not be affected thereby. eras powers and to protect the legIsla- toward providing Dare once a health need he has SEC. 11. The provisions of this Act shall occurred rather than toward providing health five function by requiring the President maintenance and preventive health services; take effect from and after the date of enact- to notify the Congress whenever he, the (3) there Is a serious Inaldistribution of ment. Director of the office of Management medical care resources which has resulted TITLE II-CEILING ON FISCAL YEAR 1974 EXPENDITURES SEC. 201. (a) Except as provided in sub- section (b) of this section, expenditures and net lending during the fiscal -year ending June 30, 1974, under the budget of the United States Government, shall not exceed $268,000,000,000. (b) If the estimates of revenues which will be received in the Treasury during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, as made from time to time, are increased as a result of legislation enacted after the date of the enactment of this Act reforming the Fed- eral tax laws, the limitation specified in subsection (a) of this section shall be re- viewed by Congress for the purpose of de- termining whether the additional revenues made available should be applied to essential public services for which adequate funding would not otherwise be provided. SEC. 202. (a) Notwithstanding the pro- visions of any other law, the President shall, in accordance with this section, reserve from expenditure and net lending, from appropri- ations, or other obligational authority other- wise made available, such amounts as may be necessary to keep expenditures and net lending during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, within the limitation specified in section 201. (b) In carrying out the provisions of sub- section (a) of this section, the President shall reserve amounts proportionately from new obligation-al authority and other oblt- gational authority available for each. func- tional category, and to the extent pactic- able, subfunctional category (as set out in table 3 of the United States Budget in Brief for fiscal year 1974), except that no reserva- tions all be made from amounts available for interest, veterans' benefits and services, S8873 and Budget, the head of any department or agency of the United States, or any officer or employee of the United States, impounds, orders the impounding, or permits the impounding of budget au- thority, and to provide a procedure under which the Senate and the House of Rep- resentatives may approve the impound- ing action, in whole or in part, or require the President, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the depart- ment or agency of the United States, or the officer or employee of the United States, to cease such action, in whole or in part, as directed by Congress, and to establish a ceiling on fiscal year 1974 expenditures". Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote by which title II was adopted. Mr. MUSKIE. Mr. President, I move to table the motion. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE A message from the House of Repre- sentatives by Mr. Berry, one of its read- ing clerks, announced that the House had agreed to the report of the commit- tee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amend- ments of the House to the bill (S. 394) to amend the Rural Electrification Act' of 1936, as amended, to reaffirm that such funds made availabl f Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000700080031-7 S8874 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE May 10, I 9 73 in inadequate access to;medigal care in both "(C) demonstrates to the satisfaction. of to the extent practicable and consistent with inner city and rural areas. the Secretary financial responsibility through good medical practice, trains and employs (4) the establishment of -health mainte- proof of adequate provision against the risk such personnel in the rendering of services; nance organizations, health sGI'vice organiza- of insolvency; "(N) provides to its enrollees as an option, tions, and area health education and service "(D) is organized in such a manner (as for an additional premium, extended care centers will aid in alleviating the serious prescribed by regulations of the Secretary) facility services and, dental services, maldistribution of health .care resources that assures its enrollees a substantial role "(O) may purchase on a fee-for-service which has resultedin inadequate access to (generally defined as one-third representa- basis unusual or infrequently used health medical care particularly in both inner city tion in the body establishing or recommend- care services for its enrollees; and rural areas, in providing health care ing policy) in the making of policy for the "(P) does not refuse enrollment to or ex- in a more efficient and economical manner, health maintenance organization, with equit- pel any person for any reason concerning his and in reorienting the health care system able representation of enrollees fi?om medical- health status or requirements for the provi- toward the maintenance of health; ly underserved areas, and provides meaning- sion of health services; (5) there is a need, to provide technical ful procedures for heating and resolving "(Q) provides for the prevention, diag- assistance and resources to Individuals and grievances (i) between its enrollees and the nosis, and medical and psychological treat- groups, undertaking the planning, develop- health maintenance organization (including meat of the abuse of or addiction toalcohol meat, and initial operation of health main- the medical group or groups and other health and drugs either through its own facilities tenance organizations,' supplemental health delivery entities providing health services), or existing community facilities; and maintenance organizations, health service and (ii) between the medical group or groups "(R) meets such other criteria for its or- organizations, and area health education and providing health services and other em- ganization and operations as the Secretary service centers; ployees and the health maintenance organiza- may by regulation prescribe, consistent with (6) there is a shortage of educational fa- tion; the provisions of this title. cilities in health sciences and unbalanced "(E) encourages and actively provides for "(2) The term 'comprehensive health serv- emphasis on hospital practice and on rare its enrollees (I) health education services; ices' means health services provided without and exotic diseases in medic education; and (ii) education in the appropriate use of limitation as to time or cost as follows--- (7) there exists an excessive variance in health services provided; and (iii) education "(A) physician services (including con- the quality of health care and health serv- in the contribution the ;patient can make to sultant and referral services) ; ices the maintenance of his own health; "(B) inpatient and outpatient hospital (b) The purpose of, this _Act is to assist "(F) has organizational arrangements, es- services; in remedying these deicienoles through en- tablished in accordance with regulations of "(C) home health services; couraging the establishment and utilization the Commission on Quality Health Care As- "(D) diagnostic laboratory, and diagnostic of health maintenance organizations, par- surance (established under title XIII of this and therapeutic radiologic services titularly in medically unde=served areas by Act) for an ongoing quality assurance pro- "(E) preventive health (including but not improving the system for the delivery of gram which stresses health outcomes and limited to voluntary family planning, Infer- health care through encouragement of any assures that health services provided meet tility services, and preventive dental care for support for the planning, d velopment, and the requirements of the Commission on children) and early disease detection serv- . .. ___ __ f....l Ya.. 4-4141. r,n rs Acanrnnmo inns -_. _. >. ga111ca41Valo, n"Pk 'uv." ' --_.- - nance organizations, health service orga- tions of the Secretary (including safeguards nizations, and area health education and concerning the confidentiality of the doctor- service centers, particularly with the intent patient relationship), and effective procedure of improving the health olt populations in fo=r developing, compiling, evaluating, and re- medically underserveti areas. porting to the Secretary, data (which the --A AiacamJ-+..n nn supersede any activity relating to review of the provision of health care services under (including review andassessment of quality or quantity of such services or determination or reimbursement therefor) or to the deter- mination of eligibility of any provider, prac- titioner, agency, or organisation to partic- ipate under any program established under the Social Security Act. TITLE I-HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS SEC. 101. The Public Health Service Act iar? amended by inserting after title XI the fol- lowing new title: "TITLE 3M-HEALTH MAINTENANCE OR.. GANIZATIONS AND HEALTH SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS "PART A-SUPPORT O1' HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS "DEFINITIONS "SEc. 1201. For purposes-of this title: "(1) The term 'health maintenance orga- nization' means an entity which- "(A) provides as a yriiniMum for all its en- rollees (or subscribers) comprehensive health services (as defined in this section) which are uniformly available to all its enrollee (or subscribers) directly through its own staff and supporting resources or through a medi- cal group or groups and such other additional services as may be tequired through other health delivery entities, for a fixed payment which (I) is to be paid on a periodic basis without regard to the frequency, extent, or kind of health service actually furnished to any particular enrollee; and (ii) Is uniform for all Its enrollees subject to rules- and regulations regarding family rates; "(B) demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary ability to nsure that appro- priate comprehensive health services- are available and accessible tot all its enrollees promptly and in a manner which assures_con- tinuity; an annual crania, rG1641311 W t-J -- its operations, lit) the patterns of utiliza- tion of its services, (iii) the availability, ac- cessibility, and acceptability of Its services, and (iv) such other ma'iters as the secretary may require and disclcee at least annually and in a manner acceptable to the Secretary, such data to its enrollees and to the general public. "(H) except for (i) out of area emergency care, and (ii) care reasonably valued in ex- cess of the first $6,000 per enrollee per year, assumes direct financia't responsibility, with- out benefit of Insurance, on a prospective basis for the provision of the comprehensive health services defined In this section; "(I) has an open enrollment period, unless a waiver has been granted under section 1249, of not less than thirty days at least once during each consecutive twelve-month period during which it accepts individuals in the order in which they apply for enrollment up to its capacity, subject to the requirements of paragraph (K) ; "(J) assumes responsibility for the provi- sions of health care services to its enrollees (and on a reimburseable basis for short-term health care services to enrollees of any other health maintenance, supplemental health maintenance, or health service organization who are temporarily outside the service area of the health maintenance, supplemental health mainterance, or health service orgy nization in which they are enrolled) twenty- four hours a day, seven days a week, and for the appropriate availability of such services in emergencies; "(K) shall enroll no more than 50 per centum of its enrollees from medically un- derserved areas, except in rural areas as des- ignated by the Secretary; "(L) provides, or makes arrangements for, continuing education for its staff; "(M) emphasizes the use of nurse practi- tioners, physician's assistants, denta:. thera- pists, and other allied health personnel and tr.) eumrgoaaay as by any provider of health care, the expense of which shall be borne by the enrollee's health maintenance, supplemental health maintenance, or health service organization; "(G) provision of or payment for pre- scription drugs (with patterns of patient drug utilization under oontinuous surveil- lance evaluation, and review by a clinical pharmacist whose duties shall include the maintenance of a drug use profile for each enrollee) ; "(H) medical social services; "(I) vision care (except for eyeglasses which shall- be optionaas provided by a .physician skilled In the diagnosis said treat- ment of diseases of the eye, or by an optom- etrist provided such services are within the scope of his license; "(J) physical medicine and rehabilitative services (including physical therapy) ; "(K) mental health services utilizing exist- ing community mental health centers on a priority basis; "(L) preventive diagnostic and medical and psychological treatmentof the abuso of or addiction to alcohol andd rugs; and "(M) such other personal health services as the Secretary may determine are neces- sary to insure the protection, maintenance, and support of human health. "(3) The term `medical group' means a partnership or other association or group of health professionals of whom not 'ess than four and at least a majority shall. be per- sons who are licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy, and such other licensed health professionals as are necessary to provide comprehensive health services and who are eligible for assistance under this Act, in conformance with requirements promulgated under section 1302, in a State and who (A) as their principal professional activity en- gage in the coordinated practice of their profession as a group responsibility provid- ing services to health maintenance or health service organization enrollees; (B) If not em- ployees or retainees of a health maintenance organization, or health service organization, pool their income from practice as members of the group and distribute it among them- selves according to a prearranged salary or drawing account plan; (C) jointly use or Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 June 29, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE H 5703 AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. ECKHARDT any individual applying for admission, at- engrossment and third reading of the Mr. ECKHARDT. Mr. Chairman, I tending, employed by, teaching at or doing bill. research at an Institution of higher educa- The bill was ordered to be engrossed offer an amendment. tion who has engaged in conduct on or after and read a thirst time, and was read the f (or use o ves th e l ows: August 1, 1969, which invo f ll o The Clerk read as third time. Amendment offered by Mr. Eckhardt: Add the assistance to others in the use of) force The SPEAKER. The question is on after line 9 on page 51 the following: or the threat of force or the seizure of prop- "SEc. 706. Any expenditure which is per- erty under the control of an institution of the passage of the bill. matted to be made solely on the certificate higher education, to require or prevent the The question was taken; and the of the head of a department of government availability of certain curriculum, or to pre- Speaker announced that the ayes ap- because of the confidential or other special vent the faculty, administrative officials or peared to have it. nature of the expenditure shall be subject to students in such institution from engaging. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I object to the scrutiny of the Comptroller General to in their duties or pursuing their studies at the vote on the ground that a quorum determine the nature of the purpose of the such institution. is not present and make a point of order expenditure and whether or not it is of such AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. RARICK that a quorum is not present. confidential or other special nature." offer And renumber the succeeding sections Mr. RARICK. Mr. Chairman, I The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum accordingly. an amendment. is not present. POINT OF ORDER The Clerk read as follows: The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Mr. SLACK. Mr. Chairman, I make a Amendment offered by Mr. RARICK: Page sent members. 52, after line 16, insert a new section: point of order against the amendment EC. 706. No funds appropriated by this The vote was taken by electronic de- on the basis that it is legislation on an Act shall be expended to aid or assist in the vice, and there were-yeas 370, nays 11, appropriation bill. reconstruction of the Democratic Republic not voting 52, as follows: The CHAIRMAN. Does the gentleman of Vietnam (North Vietnam). Renumber [Roll No. 318] from Texas desire to be heard on the the succeeding lines accordingly. point of order? (Mr. RARICK asked and was given Mr. ECKHARDT. Mr. Chairman, I permission to revise and extend his re- should like to be heard on the point of marks.) order. Mr. RARICK. Mr. Chairman, the The rule provides that all' points of order against said bill for failure to com- amendment self-explanatory. It is a prohibition to make sure that the funds ply with the provisions of clause 2 of passed by this House under this act are rule XXI are hereby waived. of the not be used in aid or assistance in the Furthermore the language reconstruction of North Vietnam. It is amendment is pertinent to several pro- a good amendment. I urge its adoption. visions of the bill. For instance, on page The CHAIRMAN. The question is on 17, where the Attorney General is per- the amendment offered by the gentle- mitted to expend moneys accounted for man from Louisiana (Mr. RARICK). solely on his certificate, on lines 10 and The question was taken; and on a di- 11; on page 17, line 24 and page 18, lines vision (demanded by Mr. RARICK), there 1 and 2, where the Attorney General is were-ayes 31; noes 52. entitled to expend money for confidential Mr. RARICK. Mr. Chairman, I de- purposes solely on his certificate; and on mand a recorded vote. page 20 where there is an authorization A recorded vote was refused. of approval by the Attorney General to So the amendment was rejected. be accounted for solely on his certificate; The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will read. and pages 20 and 21. The Clerk concluded the reading of the This provision simply restricts such bill. sole accounting authority of the Attorney Mr. SLACK. Mr. Chairman, I move General, it is germane to the provisions that the Committee do now rise and re- in the bill, and it provides a general limi- port the bill back to the House with tation with respect to these items. sundry amendments, with the recom- The point of order with respect to leg- mendation that the amendments be islation on an appropriation bill is spe- agreed to and that the bill as amended cifically waived by the rule. do pass. Mr. SLACK. Mr. Chairman, may I be The motion was agreed to. on the point of order? ~ Accordingly the Committee rose; and entleman may , d the chair The g MAN . um i ng res e av IR h The CHA the Speaker , . Buchanan be heard. Mr. VANIx, Chairman of the Committee Burgener Forsythe Lent Burke, SLACK. Mr. Chairman, the gen- , Calif. Fountain Litton of the Whole House on the State of the Burke, Masss. Fraser Long, La. tleman's amendment was not before the Union, reported that Committee, having Burleson, Tex. Frelinghuysen Long, Md. Rules Committee. had under consideration the bill (H.R. Burlison, Mo. Frenzel Lott The - CHAIRMAN (Mr. VANIK). The Burton Frey Lujan 8916) making appropriations for the Butler Froehlich Meelory Chair is ready to rule. Departments of State, Justice, and Com- Byron Fulton McCloskey in the opinion of the Chair the amend- merce, the Judiciary, and related agen- Camp Gaydos McCollister ment offered by the gentleman from Tex- Carey, N.Y. Gettys McCormack ties for the fiscal year ending June 30, Carney, Ohio Giaimo McDade as imposes new duties, additional duties 1974, and for other purposes, had directed Carter Gibbons McEwen on Federal officials and is therefore leg- him to report the bill back to the House Casey, Tex. Gilman McFall islation in violation of clause 2, Rule XXI, with sundry amendments, with the rec- Cederberg Ginn McKay Chamberlain rule which waives points of order ap- mberlain Goldwater McKinney ommendation that the amendments be Chappell Goodling Macdonald plied only to the provisions of the bill agreed to and that the bill as amended Chisholm Grasso Madigan and does not waive 'points of order do pass. Clancy Gray Mahon Clausen, Green, Pa. against .any amendments offered. I-1 Mailliard ory Mr. SLACK. Mr. Speaker, I move the Don Don H. Grover Mallary So the point of order is susined. previous question on the bill and all Clawson, Del Gude Mann Mr. ECKHARDT. Mr. Chairman, I amendments thereto to final passage. Cleveland Hamilton Martin, INebr. thank the Chair. The previous question was ordered. Cochran Hammer- Martin, N.C. C l The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will read. The Clerk read as follows: SEC. 705. No part of the funds appropri- ated under this Act shall be used to provide a loan, guarantee of a loan, a grant, the salary of, or any remuneration whatever to if. a The SPEAKER. Is a separate vote de- -Cohen schmiat Mathias, manded on any amendment? if not, the Collier Hanley Matsunaga Collins, Ill. Hanna Mayne Chair will put them en gros. Conable Hanrahan Mazzoli The amendments were agreed to. Conran Hansen, Idaho Meeds Conte Harsha Melcher The SPEAKER. The question is on the Conyers Harvey Metcalfe YEAS-370 Abdnor Corman Hastings Abzug Cotter Hawkins Adams Coughlin Hays Addabbo Cronin Hechler, W. Va. Alexander DanielCulver Dan Heckler, Mass. Heinz A , . Calif. Daniel, Robert He i Anderson, Ill. W., Jr. Henderson Andrews, N.C. Daniels, Hicks Annunzio Dominick V. Hillis Archer Davis, Ga. Hinshaw Arm ds Davis, Wis. Hogan Aspin de le Garza Holt Bafalis Dellenback Holtzman Baker Dellums Horton Barrett Denholm Hosmer Beard Dennis Howard Bennett Devine Huber Bergland Dickinson Hudnut ill Diggs Hutchinson Bi Dingell Ichord Biester Donohue Jarman Bingham Dorn Johnson, Calif. Boggs Downing Johnson, Colo. Boland Drinan Johnson, Pa. Boiling Dulski Jones, N.C. Bowen Duncan Jones, Tenn. Brademas du Pont Jordan Brasco Eckhardt Karth Bray Edwards, Ala. Kastenmeier Breckinridge Edwards, Calif. Kazen Brinkley Eilberg Kemp Brooks Erlenborn Ketchum Broomfield Esch Kluozynskf Brotzman Eshleman Koch Brown, Calif. Evans, Colo. Kuykendall Brown, Mich. Findley Kyros Brown, Ohio Flood Landrum N C Broyhill Flynt Latta . . , Broyhill, Va. Fole Foley Leggett Lehman Ford Gerald R Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 II 5704 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - ]HOUSE June 2 ,91 19 7'.l Mezvinsky Regula Stratton Michel Reid tubblefleld Milford Rhodes Stuckey Miller Riegle Studds Mills. Ark. Rinaldo Symington Minish Roberts Talcott Mink Robinson, Va. -Saylor, Mo. Minshall, Ohio Robison, N.Y. Taylor, N.C. Mitchell, Md. Rodino Teague, Calif. Mitchell, N.Y. Roe .Thomson, Wis. Mizell Rogers Thone Moakley Roncalio, Wyo. Thornton Mollohan Roncallo,: N.Y. Towell, Ney. Montgomery Rooney, Pa. Treen Moorhead, Rose Udall Calif. Rosenthal Ullman Moorhead, Pa. Rostenkowski Van Deerlin Morgan Roy Vander Jagt Mosher Roybal Vanik Moss Runnels Veysey Murphy, 111. Ruppe Vigorito Murphy, N.Y. Ruth Waggonner Myers St Germain Waldie Natcher Sarasin Walsh Nedzi Sarbanes Wampler Nelsen Satterfield Ware Nichols Saylor Whalen Nix Scherle White Obey Schneebeli Whitehuret O'Brien Schroeder Whitten O'Neill Sebelius Widnall Owens Seiberling Williams Parris Shipley Wilson, Bob Passman Shoup Wilson, Patman Shriver Charles H., Patten Sikes Calif. Pepper Sisk Wilson, Perkins Skubitz Charles, Tex, Pettis Slack Winn Peyser Smith, Iota Wolff Pickle Smith, N.Y. Wydier Pike Snyder Wylie Poage Spence Wyman Podell Staggers Yates Powell, Ohio Stanton, Patron Preyer J. William Young, Alaska Price, Ill. Stanton, Young, Fla. Price, Tex, James V. Young, Ga. Pritchard Stark Young, 111. Quillen Steed Young, S.G. Railsback Steele Young, Tex. Randall Steelman Zablocki Rangel Stephens Zion Rees Stokes Zwach NAYS-'11 Collins, Tex. Haley Rarick Crane Jones, Okla. Shuster Gonzalez Landgrebe Symms Gross Mathis, Ga. NOT VOTING-52 Andrews, Fisher Madden N. Dak. Flowers O'Hara Ashbrook Ford, Buie Ashley William b. Reuss Badillo Fuqua Rooney, N.Y. Bell Green, Oreg. Roush Blackburn Griffiths Rousselot Blatnik Gubser an Breaux Gunter Sandman Burke, Fla. Hansen, Wash. Steiger, Ariz. Clark Harrington Steiger, Wis. Danielson Hebert. Sullivan Delaney Hungate Teague, Tex. Dent Hunt Thompson, N.J. Derwinski Jones, Ala. Tiernan Evins, Tenn. Keating Wiggins Fascell King Wright Fish McSpadden Wyatt So the bill was passed. The Clerk announced the following pairs: Mr. Thompson of New Jersey with Mr. Clark. Mr. Rooney of New York with Mr. Wiggins. Mr. Delaney with Mr. Sandman. Mr. Tiernan with Mr. Wyatt. Mr. Blatnik with Mr. Steiger of Arizona. Mr. Ashley with Mr. Quit. Mr. Flowers with Mr. Blackburn. Mr. Breaux with Mr. Keating. Mrs. Griffiths with Mr. Andrews of North Dakota. Mr. Hebert with Mr. Hunt. Mr. Madden with Mr. Derwinski. Mr. Reuss with Mr. Bell. Mrs. Sullivan with Mr. Gubser. Mr. Teague of Texas with Mr. King. Mr. Wright with Mr. Ashbrook. Mrs. Hansen of Washington with Mr. Fish. Mr. Fuqua with Mr. Rousselot. Mr. Fisher with Mr. Burke of Florida. Mr. Dent with Mr. Steiger of Wisconsin. Mr. Danielson with Mr. l3adino. Mr. Evins of Tennessee with Mr. William D. Ford. Mr. Fascell with Mr. Gunter. Mrs. Green of Oregon with Mr. Hungate. Mr. Jones of Alabama with Mr. O'Hara. Mr. McSpadden with Mr Roush. Mr. Ryan with Mr. Harrington. The result of the vote was announced as above recorded. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE A further message from the Senate by Mr. Arrington, one of its clerks, an- nounced that the Serate had passed without amendment a bill of the House of the following title: H.R. 6187. An ac; to amend section 502 (a) of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936. The message also announced that the Senate had passed with an amendment in which the concurrence of the House is requested a bill of the House of the fol- lowing title : H.R. 5452. An act to extend and make tech- nical corrections to the NationalSea Grant College and Program Act of 1966, as amended. The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the amendment of the house to a joint resolution of the Sen- ate of the following title: S.J. Res. 128. Joint resolution to provide for an 'extension of certain laws relating to the payment of interest on time and savings deposits. The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the report of the co:m- Inittee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amend- ment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 8537) entitled "An act to amend titles 10" and 37, United Staten Code, to make permanent certain provisions of the De- pendents Assistance Art of 1950, as amended, and for other purposes." GENERAL LEAVE Mr. SLACK. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- imous consent that I mt,y be-permitted to revise and extend my remarks on tie bill just passed, and that I may inclule therein certain tables and extraneous material. Further. Mr. Speaker, I also ask unanimous consent that all Mem- bers may have 5 legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks on the bill just passed. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from West Virginia? There was no objection. RADIO FREE EUROPE AND .ItADIO LIBERTY AUTHORIZATION- Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Speaker, I more to suspend the rules and pass the Seri- ate bill (S. 1972) to further amend the United States Information and Edum- tional Exchange Act of l948, as amended. The Clerk read as follows: S. 1972 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ttlaited States of America in Congress assembled, That section 703 of the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1949, as amended, is hereby amended to insert the following sentence between the first; and second sentence thereof: "There are further authorized to be appropriated in fiscal year 1973 not to exceed 41,150,000 for nondiscre- tionary costs.". The SPEAKER. Is a second den:_and- ed? Mr. MAILLIARD. Mr. `Speaker, I de- mand a second. The SPEAKER. Without objection, a second will be considered as ordered. There was no objection. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. MORGAN). Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Speaker, the bill S. 1972 provides an authorization for a sup- plemental appropriation of $1.15 m:al:ion for Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. The executive branch requested $40 million for these two radio stations for the fiscal year 1973. The Congress appropriated $38.5 roil- lion. That amount did not take into ac- count the possibility that the dollar would be devalued during this fiscal ;:ear. As we know, the devaluation of the dollar which occurred in February of this year cut its purchasing power in terms of European currencies by nearly 20 per- cent. This has had a very serious effect on the operations of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty since most of their csost occur in Europe and have to be paid with European currencies-mostly the Oer- Inan mark. In order to cover urgent operating ex- penses, the two radio stations have had to dip into their pension funds. This simply meant postponing ex- penditures which are legally binding and which have to be made at some point. To help offset the deficits caused by devaluation, the executive branch has requested a supplemental appropriation of $1.8 million. The appropriations committees have allowed $1.15 million. That amount was cluded in the supplemental appropria- tion bill, approved earlier today by the House. The apppropriatioti, however, is sub- ject to an authorization. Yesterday, the Senate approved S. 1972 which would authorize this approp:'ia- tion. This morning, the Committee on For- eign Affairs considered the matter and unanimously Instructed me to move that the House accept the Senate bill. Mr. Speaker, the supplemental au- thorization is urgently needed. We be- lieve it is justified by devopment over which Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty had no control I urge the House to pass the bill, S. 1972. Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000700080031-7 'Sepl embe' ' 24','104 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD -HOUSE .We have more facilities overseas owned the interest we have had to pay on these by Americans than we have produc- borrowings. tion facilities in certain key nations. If anybody doubts that, I suggest that In this Nation something is worng, and he take his pencil and pad and figure that wrong is right here in Congress. it out, and he will find that this Nation I' do not care how anyone alibis. I do with all its mistakes is in this condition: not care how anyone tries to sell it. We The people have been able to pay for cannot get away from the fact that this everything that we have spent for our- resolution that is before us is here for one selves in the United States, but not reason, and that is to expend foreign aid overseas. until the beginning of next year by "not Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will the adjourning sine die until that time. The gentleman yield? Members know it, and I know it. That is Mr. DENT. I will be happy to yield to the only way anyone can do it because the gentleman from Iowa. we cannot pass the foreign aid bill to- Mr. GROSS. I commend and thank the day without opening up the Chilian sit- gentleman for the statement he is mak- uation for any kind of talk right here ing. There is one thing that is dead sure at this time, and certain: We are not going to get a Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Speaker, will the vote on the foreign giveaway program gentleman yield? before the election if it can be avoided Mr. DENT. I will be happy to yield to and for the reason that the climate in the gentleman. Congress is not good. Mr. MORGAN. I am the chairman of Mr. DENT. I said that was the reason the Committee on Foreign Affairs. The for not adjourning sine die. gentleman will have an opportunity to Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Speaker, will the vote on the foreign aid bill before ad- gentleman yield? journment. Foreign aid markup is mak- Mr. DENT. I yield to the gentleman. ing progress. We expect to finish it next Mr. MORGAN. I just want to make a week. The gentleman will have an op- correction with respect to some of the portunity to vote on it. gentleman's remarks. Mr. DENT. Will we vote on it next Mr. DENT. The gentleman's correc- week? tions do not agree with what I have said, nian's speech did not do justice to the "The gentleman from Washington. ' hard work of our committee in trying to happen to be his neighbor. I live in Pe bring out the authorizing bill and give Sylvania. the House the opportunity to vote on Mr. DENT. I meant Washing in support. The gentleman has been here to I thought was behind it, and I still think move the previous question on the res up next week. The previous question was ordered. cusing me, as chairman of the commit- A motion to reconsider was laid on th tee, of delay, of holding up that bill? table. Mr. DENT. No, I did not accuse the gentleman, but I will be happy to say that I will vote for the bill next week if the gentleman brings it to the floor. Everybody will when we meet next Week. The SPEAKER. The time of the gen- tleman from Pennsylvania has "expired. Mr. DENT. Will the gentleman yield me 2 more minutes? Mr. YOUNG of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 additional minutes to the gen- tleman from Pennsylvania. Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, the gentle- man from Washington is an old friend of mine, and he is the head of the Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs of the House. However, I am saying that if my suspi- cions are wrong, then my suspicions are wrong, but that does not alter the fact that the foreign aid bill is one of the most serious causes and reasons for the condition we are in today. That $2 billion or more will, not be available in the United States out of income. It will have to come from bor- rowings which will not be paid off because they have not been paid off since the ful plan for what might be done in the very first day, because the whole national next five years. The keynote of the re- debt of the United States is made up of port is the same as that of the NHLI's moneys that are spent on foreign aid first program plan: "to marshall national and on other offshore expenditures, plus resources for promoting and restoring MAKING FURTHER CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS, 1975 Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for the considera- tion of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 1131) making further continuing appro- priations for the fiscal year 1975, and for other purposes. The SPEAKER. The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from Texas (Mr. MAHON). The motion was agreed to. designates H 9475 health, and for preventing and treating disease more effectively. . . ." That part of the report which deals with the future proposes certain ex- penditures for fiscal years 1976 through 1980 which are in excess of what has been requested in the 1975 budget. The report, of course, frankly says that it represents a parochial, although impor- tant, point of view, and does not take into account the competing claims on the Federal budget at any time. There is no conflict, however, about the depth of this administration's com- mitment to find cures and preventions for diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and blood. From a commitment of $182 million in 1971 to a. proposed commitment of $309 million in 1975, the Federal Government's concern and de- termination on this matter has grown steadily greater. My administration re- affirms that commitment. 'This report shows that the money spent by the NHLI has been well spent. I hope that the NHLI's accomplishments will be further milestones in our prog- ress for our Nation and for mankind against those diseases which wreak so much heartbreak, death, and misery. GERALD R. FORD. THE WHITE HOUSE, September 24, 1.974. HEART AND LUNG INSTITUTE- MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES The SPEAKER laid before the House the following message. from the Presi- dent of the United States; which was read and, together with the accompany- ing papers, referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. from Texas. Mr. MAHON. 30 minutes.. The CHAIRMAN pro. empore. Under the rule, the gentleman om Texas (Mr. MAHON) 'will be recogni d for 30 min- utes, and the gentleman rom Michigan (Mr. CEDERBERG) will b recognized for with. tleman from Washi as Chairman pro tem. Res. 1131) with Mr. pro tempore) in the The Clerk read the resolution. hair temporarily THE WHOLE he Whole House ion for the con- resolution (H.J. air. By unanimous consert, the first read- ing of the joint resoluti was dispensed To the Congress of the United States: . The "National Heart, Blood Vessel, Lung, and Blood Act of 1972" created a National Heart and Lung Institute and required the Director in consultation with the National Heart and Lung Advi- sory Council to prepare and submit to the President for transmittal to the Con- gress an annual report and a plan for the next five years. This report is enclosed. It is a detailed and thorough description of what is be- ing done in research and treatment of heart and lung diseases, with a thought- Whole. The Ben- ton (Mr. ADAMS) Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 ( ?NORESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE September 24, 1 7.,. (Mr. MAHON asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. MAHON. Mr. Chairman, we have before us a further jontitnuing resolu- tion. It is the second continuing resold- Iion for the year and, hopefully, the last. The new continuing r e s o l u t i o n i s re, (mired because the existing authority un- der the current contin ng *solution ex.- pares on September 3 The expiration date of the new resolution in the sine die adjournment of this s0sion'of Congress. We have to have a further continuing resolution because all of the-appopriation business of the session has 19iot been con- cluded. With the excel tion of the vetoed agriculture-environmefit and consumer protection bill the Oelaya in appro- priations bills can be'attributed to the lack of legislative autl oriza ion. For example, we ha a not been able to bring up the appropri tion hill for mili- tary construction be a of lack of au- thorization. But it is a>7ticil*ted that on tomorrow there will be agreement in con- ference in the Armed Services Commit- tees of the House and $enate and we will then have enacted by the Congress an authorization bill for military construe- tion. The Appropriations Committee com- pleted hearings on the foreign assistance bill in June but we haire been unable to bring forward a bill due to the lack of legislative authorization. This afternoon the Committee on Ap- propriations will agree on a supplemental appropriation bill to be considered by the House next week. This involves some $8 billion and is largely composed of items in the areas of education, health? and housing which were deferred because of the lack of authorization. So these are some of the factors outside tie control of the Committee on Appropriations which necessitate this further continuing res olution which is before us today. There is also the Labor-FIEW bill in- voivdng some $33 billion in appropriations which has passed the 0=4 and Senate and will be In conference thin week and ,...._ September 30. Also while the defense appropriat port agreed to by the House i Yet been agreed to by the Thus, it may not be signed We have always co do not seek tian used as regular pus aut to p auth 19476 legislation or new not to stop ongoing hhle for a lot of amend- ruing resolution. And in-this resolu- adjournment from September 30. So I would hope that no amendments- would.be offered to the resoltjon. Ii is urgent. that we not inject controversial matters Into this continuing resolution because if we do, a controversy over legislative matters involving various aspects of program would be pre- cipitated and would delay, I am fearful; the final action on the continuing resolution. This would also take away from the proper legislative committees and appropriation subcommittees the authority to act in certs,in fields. In my judgment, Mr. Chairman, we should pass this continuing resolution promptly without amendment. We are moving rapidly and if our plans work out, we will have all of the appropria- tion bills required for this session through the House of Representatives, and most of them sent to the White November elections. Mr. Chairman I appeal to the Mem- bers to withhold amendments until the tion bill. There was a colloquy oxl the of appropriati We from bill will 1 not before the ie adjournment Ewing resolution and is required by way problem and try to steer passage of this continuing resolution as smoothly and as quickly as possible. Mr. CEDERBERG. Mr. Chairman, I Yield myself such time as, I may require. (Mr. CEDERBERG asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. CEDERBERG. Mr. Chairman, the distinguished gentleman from Texas has explained the necessity for his continu- ing resolution. I, or one, regret that it is necessary to have continuing resolu- lutions, but the facts are that all of the authorizations are not available, and some of the appropriations have not been enacted. As the chairman has stated, it is just impossible to complete the action on ap- propriations by the time the current continuing resolution expires on Sep- tember `30'. One thing that I want to emphasize, and I hope the Members will consider, is what the chairman has stated. I think that to try to conduct foreign policy on a continuing resolution, or to add other Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 things to--it continuing resolution bypass- ing the legitimate commies of the Committee, on App prefer not to have tion, but when we die date that is tion and then I ust does, not y to conduct ontinuing re.solu- ave one, we would ntinued to the sine gentleman yield? Mr. CEDERBERa I yield to the en- tleman from Texas. Mr. MAHON. I think itIs not improper to relate the conversation I had with-. the chairman of the Committee on Appro- priations of the other body. He dis- cussed the urgency of getting action on the continuing resolution prior to Sep- tember 30 and he urged me to do every- --thing in my power tO persuade the House to send to the Senate a simple continu- ing resolution changing only the date. He said he would do everything in his power in the other body to enact a simi- lar resolution? not amending it Other- wise, only as to the change of date. Of course, he will have to act on the isues in the other body as they arise. I think we have unanimity between the two Committees on Appropriations of the House and the Senate, and I just hope we can work this out in a smooth way as a legislative body ought to work out a problem of this kind. Mr. CEDERBERG. Mr. Chairman, I: thank the gentleman. I would just add further we are faced with some very current deadlines. The present resolution ends, I believe, next Monday, September 30. We are here on, Tuesday, looking forward to a couple of holidays that are taking place toward the end of the week?so we are not really in a position to try to write all kinds of legislation In a continuing resolution in the hope we can conclude it by Septe=m- ber 30. Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Chairman, "Al the gentleman yield? Mr. CEDERBERG. I yield to the gen- tleman from New York- Mr ' ROSENTHAL, My distinguished colleagues and good friends, both the chairman and the ranking member, have alluded to trying to report out by mak- ing a genuine and sincere effort a clean resolution and not offer any amend- ments: I suspect-as` a matter of fact I know-they are referring to the amend- ment Mr. DU PONT and I are going to of- fer with reference to the situation in Greece. Turkey, and Cyprus, I agree with the distinguished chairman. I wish we did not have to do this. I wish there were -1 r ; ` 92 Approved For R 6 tOf2kL Pb80MQ.13a0070008flQ~le7lrtbe)? 2.4, 19; there must be drastic changes in that (Mr. LONG of Maryland asked and which has been proposed by the admin- was given permission to revise and ex- istration. I shall voice those objections tend his remarks.) at the appropriate time. Mr. LONG of Maryland. Mr. Chairman, Mr. CONTE. Mr. Chairman, I move to as many Members of the House. I feel strike the. requisite number of words. that Israel should receive its fair share (Mr. CONTE asked and was given of aid under this continuing resolution. permission to revise and extend his Based on last year's appropriations, my remarks.) calculations would show that by the end Mr. CONTE. Mr. Chairman, I rise to of the second quarter of this fiscal year, ask the chairman of the Subcommittee December 31, 1974, Israel should have on Foreign Operations of the Appropria- received at least $25 million under the tions Committee a question in regard to security supporting assistance program aid to Israel. and arms credits under the foreign mili- I would like to ask the chairman of the tary credit sales program of $150 million. subcommittee this question: Is it his This $175 million would be half of the understanding under the continuing res- aid that Israel received in fiscal year 1974 olution that aid to Israel be provided in under these two programs; however, it Is the sum of $50 million in supporting as- only a minimum. sistance and $300 million in foreign milt- Because of Israel's economic burdens tary credit sales-, and the Arab arms buildup, the House Mr. PASSMAN. Mr. Chairman, will the Foreign Affairs Committee has already gentleman yield; recommended an increase in aid for, from Louisiana. $250 million in security supporting assist- Mr. PASSMAN. Mr. Chairman, the ad- .ante and a change of $100 million of th ministration could provide $300 million $300 million in foreign military sale in military credit sales and $50 million in credits from loans to grants. supporting assistance to Israel which is Since these increases will likely b That iscorrect. - Israel at an annual rate at least equa Mr. 131NGHAM. Mr. Cnairman, I move unaer the security supporting assistant to strike the requisite number of words. and foreign military credit sales pro (Mr. BINGHAM asked and was given grams. permission to revise and extend his re- (By unanimous consent, Mr. MCFALL marks.) was allowed to speak out of order.) sparking our national Bicentennial sN:ia- it. It was my privilege to be in Phi12v- . delphia recently for the re-creation of the original Continental Congress. It was a stirring affair. It was a sharp reminder of the responsibilities Congress faced in our revolutionary fight for freedom-and during our efforts to preserve it through the years. The program on September 25 will help rekindle in all of us a greater aware- ness of our heritage as free Americans. We are beginning an observance unique in the history of the world-two cen- turies of the American Republic. It is ap- propriate that the House-the body closest to the people-be chosen for this ceremony. We will pay tribute to our sage, and courageous founders-and look ahead to our 200th birthday. I urge all my colleagues to be a part of this historic AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MS. FIOLTZMAN Ms. HOLTZMAN. Mr. Chairman, I of- er an amendment. The Clerk read as follows: Amendment offered by Ms. HOLTZMAN: Im- mediately after line 10, insert the following new section: "SEC. 3. Such Joint resolution is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "'SEC. 112. After September 30, 1974, none of funds appropriated under this joint res- olution may be expended by the Central Intelligence Agency for the purpose of un- dermining or destabilizing the government of any foreign country.' " Mr. BINGHAM. Mr. Chairman, I have THE 200TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF (Ms. HOLTZMAN asked and was given been. concerned, and some other Mem- CONTINENTAL CONGRESS , permission to revise and extend her re- bers have been concerned, that under the Mr. McFALL. Mr. Chairman, -I take marks.) wording of the continuing resolution this time to call the Members' attention Ms. HOLTZMAN. Mr. Chairman, I am funds would not be available for the pro- to the anniversary celebration on to- introducing this amendment because of gram for assistance for Soviet refugees morrow. the revelations that have come out In the authorized under the State Department Mr. Chairman, the House this Wednes- past few weeks about the efforts of the Authorization Act. day, September 25, _ will celebrate the Central Intelligence Agency to destabi- I wonder if the chairman of the sub- 200th anniversary of the First Conti- lize and' undermine the government in committee could. comment on that point. nental Congress. Chile, which resulted in the military Mr. PASSMAN, Mr. Chairman, will the The ceremonies will begin after the coup and its repressive aftermath. gentleman yield? first quorum call and will last about 45 I do not object in any respect to hav- Mr. BINGHAM. I yield to the gentle- minutes. All proceedings will be broad- Ing an intelligence agency. In fact, I man from Louisiana. cast live on network television. Public think it is important to pursue our coun- Mr. PASSMAN. Mr. Chairman, under broadcasting will tape the event and re- try's legitimate intelligence functions, the basic law, they do have funds avail- run it Wednesday at 9 p.m. and the CIA is the agency to do it. I do able. Each Member will be sent his usual one not believe however, that the CIA ought Under the Migration and Refugee As- gallery pass Tuesday afternoon by the to be engaging in activities to destabilize sistance Act of 1962, as amended, there Doorkeeper. and undermine governments of foreign is a provision which would allow the Congressman MIKE MCCORMACK is countries, whether we agree with those President, to make a determination and chairman of the special committee on governments or not, especially in an transfer up to $10 million from other for- arrangements which has arranged a fine atmosphere of virtually complete eign aid accounts in any fiscal year to program for this historic occasion. ' secrecy, without approval by the Con- meet unexpected urgent refugee and Alistair Cooke, whose "America" series gress, or approval by the people of this migration needs. These funds could be is currently running for the third time country. used to finance the refugees. from the on television, will give the principal ad- The Constitution does not permit the Soviet Union program, if needed, on an dress. Cecilia Kenyon of Smith College Pentagon or even the President to try to interim basis until a regular foreign aid and Merrill Jensen of the University of defeat another government in war with- bill is presented to the House, Wisconsin will also speak about the First out the approval, indeed, the authoriza- They may transfer these funds out of Continental Congress. tion of Congress. We just passed the the development loan funds, the Presi- BARBARA JORDAN will talk about the war powers resolution to insure that dent's contingency fund, the technical prayer offered at the First Congress and executive branch would not take such aid program or others. So,. not only do music will be provided by the Old Guard action against foreign governments. they have the legislation which would Colonial Fife and Drum Corps and the How then can. we countenance permit- permit it, but they have the funds where- Camerata Chorus of Washington. ting the CIA to overthrow governments by these funds could be transferred. Mr. RHODES. Mr. Chairman, will the or to take actions designed specifically Mr. BINGHAM, I thank the gentle- gentleman yield to accomplish that end without the con- man from Louisiana for his reply. Mr. McFALL. I yield to the distin- sent of the Congress or even its knowl- Mr. LONG of Maryland. Mr. Chair- guished minority leader. edge? man, will the gentleman yield? Mr. RHODES. Mr. Chairman,. the If we are talking about restoring con- Mr. BINGHAM. I yield to the gentle- House will have an opportunity on Sep- gressional prerogatives over the activi- man from Maryland, tember 25 to play a significant role in ties of the Government of this country Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 EWMW Q,3 ROAM P75 > R000700080031-7 September 2 ;., A -4ved For ftNqM Resolution 1319, which ! would state the clear sense of Congress on this issue. However, even though the amendment offered toda to the ccntini ng appro- priations bill. not as strong as our resolution, it i good amendment, and While the Pre V, is not reporting to the same exten s heretofore, the tragedy which is oc 'ilg in Cyprus, the fact is that tragedy tinues unabated. Our national policy is art- responsible for what occurred in rus. We sup- ported the Greek junt it was that junta that executed tije d'etat in Cyprus, removing Presiden rchbishop Makarios from office. Arid it our re- fusal to cut off economic and- ary aid to Turkey that encourged the urkish Upwards of 200,000 Cypriots allow percent of the island. The Turkish Gov- ernment refers to the military perimeter as the "Attila" line. Hw ghoulish. Yet, in a way, the Turkish Qovernment, with that infamous name, properly labeled Its occupation as barbaric. On Friday, August 16, I visited in New York City with His Eminence Archbishop lakovos of the Greek Orthodox Archdio- cese of North and South America. For me it was a very movi$lg experience. He was to leave that night for Greece. The depths of his agony were expressed when he said to me and I shall always remem- ber those words: What have our people, yours and mine, done that we should have suffered so The question was taken; and on a division (demanded by Mr. ROSENTHAL) there were-ayes 11, noes 48. So the amendment to the amendment was rejected. The CHAIRMAN. The question Is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from New York (Mr. Ro3ENTHAL). The question was taken; and the Chairman announced that the noes appeared to have i--.. RECORDED VOLE Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Chairman,1 de- mand a recorded vote. A recorded vote was o:.dered. The vote was taken by electronic de- vice, and there were-aye>s 307, noes 90, answered "present" 1, not voting 36, as follows : Abdnor Abzug Adams Addabbo AMrews, N.C. A ws, Ashbro Ashley Aspin Badillo Bafalls Baker Barrett Bauman Bennett Bergland [Roll No. 53d1 AYdiS-307 Dellenback Dellurns Denholm Uerwinski Dingell Donohue Downing Drinan Duncan du Pont Edwards, Ala. Edwards, Calif. Eilberg Esch Eshleman Evans, Colo. Fascell Karth Kastemo.eier Kazen Kemp Ketchum King Kluczynski Koch Kuykenda]l Kyroa Lagomarsino Landgrebe Latta Leggett: Lent Litton Long, La. Long, Md. Lujan Luken McClOry McCloskey McCollister McCOrm ack McDade McKay McKinney Macdonald Madden Mallary Mann Boiling Frenz Brademas Frey through the ages. And he lamented the fact that the administration and Socretaly of State Henry Kissinger had apparently turned their backs on the Greek Cypriots and were failing to respond even to the mod- est requests for consliltation with rep- resentatives of the Gre k-American com- munity. I was overwhelmed with the sadness and goodness that flowed from Hig Eminence. Three weeks ago I was Present at a church meeting held at the "Greek Arch- diocese Cathedral of ! the Holy Trinity where hundreds of Greek-Americans were present to demonstrate their upset and indeed anger at the heartless U.S. policy which by its continuation of support of Turkey economically and militarily implicates us in the Turkish military occupation of Cyprus. The failure of the' U.N. to stop the aggression gives every future aggressor license. The involvement of the United . . States in that aggression, by failing to Collins, Tex. cut off military and economic aid to Tur- conlan key, makes every American in part re- Conte sponsible for the Cyprus calamity. Conyers Gorman The amendment before us must be cotter passed. Only if it is passed, becomes law, Coughlin and is implemented will we in the United Cronin States begin to have our honor returned Culver araziti artin, N.C. Milfor Miller Mills Minisb Mink Mitchell, N.T. Mizell Hanranan Moakley Hansen, Wash. Mollohan Harrington Moorhead, Harsha Calif. Hastings Moorhead Pa. Hays Morgan Hechler, W. 17a. Mosher Heinz Moss Heistoski Murphy, III I. Henderson Murphy, N.V. Hicli s Hillis Hinshaw Hogan Holi flel d Holt Holtzman HOri;On Howard Huber Hudnut Hun gate Murtha Natcher Nedzi Nix Obey O'Brien O'Hara Parris Patten Pepper Perkins Pettis Daniel, Dan Hurt Peyser to us. The CHAIRMAN. The question is on W D.. JrRobert Jonso Pike W., Jr. Robert Calif. Dreyer the amendment offered by the gentle- Daniels, Johnson, Pa. Price, ill. man from Iowa (Mr. GROSS) to the Dominick V. Jones, Ala. Pritchard amendment offered by the gentleman Danielson Jones, T R Davis, B.C. Jones, Ten Tenn Randal andall from New York (Mr. ROSENTHAL). Delaney Jordan Range] Ilreckinridge Froehlic Brinkley Fuqua Brotzman GaydOs Brown, Calif. Giairno Brown, Mich. Gibbons Brown, Ohio Gilman Broyhill, N.C. Ginn Broyhill, Va. Goldwater Buchanan Gray Burgener I Green, Oreg. Burke, Calif. Green, Pa. Burke, Fla. Griffiths Burke, Mass. Grover Burton, John Gubser Burton, Phillip Gude Butler Guyer Byron Haley Carney, Ohio Hammer- Casey, Tex. Schmidt Chisholm Clancy Clark Clausen, Don H. Clawson, Del Clay Cleveland Cochran Cohen Collier Iii Collins ice-- II 949 Rees Shipley Thone Regula Shuster Tiernan Reuss Sikes Traxler Rinaldo Slack Udall Roberts Smith, Iowa Van Deerlin Robinson, Va. Snyder Vander Jagt Rodino Sloe Vander Veer Roe Stagers Vanik Rogers Stanton, Veysey Roncalio, Wyo. James V. W aggonner Roncallo, N.Y. Stark Walsh Rooney, Pa. Steele Wampler Rose Steelman Whalen Rosenthal Steiger, Ariz. Whitehurst Rostenkowski Steiger, Wis. Williams Roush Stephens Wilson, Bob Rousselot Stokes Wolff Roy Stratton Wydler R.oybal Stubblefield Wylie Runnels Stuckey Wyman Ruth Studds Yates St Germain Sullivan Yatron Sandman Symington young, Alaska Sarasin Talcott Young, Ga. Sa.rbanes Taylor, Mo. Young, Ill. Satterfield Taylor, N.C. Young, S.C. Schroeder Thompson, N.J. Young, Tex. S"Iherling Thomson, Wis. Zion NOES-90 Anderson. 111. Qoodling Railsback Areuds Gross Rhodes Beard Hamilton Robison. N- V Bell Hanna -Ruppe Bevill Hansen, Idaho Ryan Biester Flkbert Scherle Bowen Hosmer Schneebeli Bray Hutchinson Sebellus Breaux Ichord Shriver Broomfield Landrum Skubitz Burleson, Tex. Lott Smith, N.Y. Isurlison, Mo. McEwen Stanton. camp McFall J. William Carter McSnadden Steed Cederberg Madigan Symms chamberlain Mahon Teague conable Martin, Nebr. Thornton Levis, Wis. Matsunaga Treen de la Garza Melcher Ullman Dennis Michel Ware Devine Minshall, Ohio White Dickinson Montgomery Whitten Dulski Myers Wiggins Elrlenborn Nelsen 'Wilson, 1,vins, Tenn Nichols Charles, 'f'e Fisher Passman Winn Flowers Patman Wyatt Fountain Pickle Young, Fla. Frelinghuysen Poage Zablocki Fulton Price, Tex. Zwach ciettys Quie ANSWERED "PRESENT"-l Gonzalez NOT VOTING-36 Armstrong Gunter Riegle 131aggi Hawking Rooney. N Y Blackburn Heckler, Mass. Shoup Blatnik Johnson, Colo. Sisk Brasco Jones, Okla. Towell, Nev. Brooks Lehman Vigorito Carey, N.Y. Metcalfe Waldie ent Owens Wilson, iggs Podell Charles ;H . ardt Rarick Wright G 0 Reid S lie amendment was agreed to. TYi esult of the vote was announced as abo ecorded. Mr. SR. Mr. Chairman., I move to strike th st word. (Mr. R H asked and was gives] permission revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. ROUSH. . Chairman, I am vot- ing "aye" on thi lution only because several agencies departments must have appropriatio to continue oper- ating. I do want it erstood, however.. that this vote should no way indicate my support for the fo gn aid program. I am accepting the assurances given. that the House will have the opportunity to work its will on a foreign aid bill. I have many objections to foreign aid and fer'.L Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 DR75Bf& 38OR000700080031-7 H 9493 A proved F yRe~ 2 / 8L : C S I f,cber 24, 1974 C - t h a amendment is an important beginning. The amendment provides ;The foreign policy of this country should of the funds appropriated under this I, for one, do not see how we can abide not be engaged in by the CIA in this joint resolution may be expended for this type of activity any longer. For people e manner without appropriate congres- "undermining or destabilizing" any gov- y a that the in thew e orad h ves een iy- sianal control. Finally, I do not believe that the CIA We are not proposing in this legislation volved in this way, that the CIA has been many activ ought to be engaged in actions designed to undermine or destabilize any govern- ressponsibl fo now have thitieviden es in eher to overthrow a foreign government with ment. couries. which we are not at war. One of tlae Obviously, those of us who oppose this it, and I think we ought to repudiate it main criticisms leveled against the amendment do not intend that our Gov- and terminate it now so that once again Soviet Union for decades has been that ernment undermine any other govern- we can gain the respect and approval of it conducts a policy of subversion in for- ment, just as those who support the the world. eign countries. -It is therefore appalling amendment do not intend that their vote Acceptance of this amendment will to hear that we should model ourselves be interpreted as support for govern- make our moral position In the world after the Soviet Union and that the CIA ments of other countries who are clearly much stronger. We will once again re- this which posture N hould engage in a policy of subversion opposed to the best interests of the gioain n that moral had and which in bay s Just because the Soviet Union does. United States. has always Since when is the Soviet Union a model Mr. Chairman, I urge that the House recent years we run the risk of losing s of this country? Would the advocates vote down if we cannot, priorTto September 30, thMrrou.gChairmanh Iuurgesthesapproval of for have thihis policy suggest that we should see have slave labor camps in the United enact this further continuing resolution this amendment. It is the first time that States, total censorship of the press, into law. we have had the opportunity to send a elimination of the right of free speech, Mr. GIAIMO. Mr. Chairman, I move very real message downtown to the ex- and torture for dissenters? to strike the requisite number of words, ecutive branch in the White House and We are a democratic country and and I rise in support of the amendment. the State Department saying, "We in hopefully can inspire other countries to Mr. Chairman, I urge support of this Congress will not tolerate this type of adopt the liberties we cherish by demon- amendment. I find it shocking that the legislation any longer, and we do not strating their success. Through our for- chairman suggested that we should get want CIA funds for covert activities con- eign policy we can support our friends on with the serious business of this Gov- cealed in appropriation bills." and fail to support our enemies. It is hard ernment and not waste our time on un- We, the Congress, have had to vote for me to believe that we are reduced to Important things, such as this matter of blindly, without knowing about the exist- persuading other governments of the improper covert activities of the CIA in ence of these funds, the amount of such merits of democracy my having the CIA Chile and perhaps other countries. funds, what they are used for, and which engage in subversion, finance violence This amendment is a serious matter, countries they have been used in. It is abroad, and covertly pave the way for because it goes to the very essence of the outrageous., takeovers by military juntas. righteousness of America's cause as the Mr. Chairman, I urge support of this We do not have to sell our way of life leading nation of the free world. amendment. by undermining, destabilizing, and over- Since we have been informed of the Mr. CEDERBERG. Mr. Chairman, I throwing governments. improper activities of the CIA in Chile, move to strike the requisite number of Mr. MAHON. Mr. Chairman, I rise in and perhaps in other countries-and we words. opposition to the amendment. have certainly been informed of its (Mr. CEDERBERG asked and was Mr. Chairman, I had urged earlier, wrongful activities in Chile-this is the given permission to revise and extend and others had, that the House act in first opportunity which we have had in his remarks.) an orderly way in passing this continuing this Congress to voice either approval Mr. CEDERBERG. Mr. Chairman, I resolution, because much of the Govern- or.disapproval of the actions of our Gov- rise in strong opposition to this amend- ment could come to a screeching halt if ernment as they relate to the CIA. This ment. it has often been referred to here we do not pass a further continuing res- is the first bill before us which presents in the House that there Is a small group olution. The present resolution expires us that opportunity. it is too late for us that does get together and looks at the on September 30. as a practical matter to do anything in activities of the Central Intelligence ember We have had one amendment. It not too late now for us to bill, app rove this that g oup. Let me just say to Ithe Mem- othe aamend. ent. e is a a proposal not kn for r an ant amendment and to show to the world bers: Do not be overtaken by the frenzy other xmendment t do not know what that the U.S. Congress will not sanction that would seem to indicate that there the next amendment will be, but nt can- these nefarious and covert activities of is some sinister force at work trying to no run ant d the the House of Representatives the CIA; that the people of the United undermine governments around the orp the U.S Government in an orderly con- States will not approve and ratify the world. The simple fact of the matter is fronted proper way if ki are situation. mo con- improper and wrongful acts of the CIA that the Central Intelligence Agency is fronted with this kind in Chile. trying to do its best to protect the best Mr. Chairman, the funds for r the Con- It is shameful that the committee con- interests of the free world, including our tral n I appropri a Agency are it the De- tinues to ask us to provide in legislation own. Tense appropriation bill. Senate; has and in appropriation bills secret and un- I just is not possible for a large group beesed the House and the Senate; it the has explained moneys for activities which of people to know all of the activities een conference agreed m it conference bye are not presented or approved in the that are going on in the Central Intelli- by the Congress, activities which we in the Con- gence Agency, and I would urge the agreement cas Beene. approved e conference in be fair Mmbers wput ho their know agreement has not the Senate it has activities which Members o- kknow and the about, the been approved rate, the ,le as yet t dayay. At t any y rate, , it is well down its legis- only a very small handful of people; some of the things that are taking place. lative path. namely, the President, the Secretary of Let me assure the Members that what is This amendment is irrelevant, among State, and a few Members of Congress being done is being done in the beat other things, to the bill which is before alone, know about. And then we learn interest of our country. us, because- undoubtedly within a few from the media, as we just recently have I dread to think what could have hap- days the Defense appropriation bill will learned, of the improper activities of the pened in the Manhattan project during be signed into law. For this to be thrown CIA in helping to overthrow the legiti- World War II. That project resulted In at the members of.'the House out of the mate government in Chile. It as shame- the atomic bomb being developed that blue, without sufficient hearings by any ful that we in Congress today do nothing brought the war to a conclusion. At that committee of the House, seems to me in- about It. time there were a very small handful of tolerable and Indefensible, and I hope If Members vote against this amend- Members of this House and of the Senate Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 ~~ 9494 Approved For Rele 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000700080031-7 ~ONGRESSIOrJAL RECORD -- HOUSE September that knew some of the activities that But, I do fail to understand why it Is definitely contrary to 'ever t,*) were going on in that project. It was that there are so many bleeding hearts cept of international law: just not possible for all of the Members who want to rush to the rescue of Mr. Mr. Chairman, I urge, therefore, that to know what was,going on, and it was Allende, now deceased, and not the peo- we vote aye on the amendment offered not because people were not competent ple of Chile because they did not want a by the gentlewoman from New York (Ms; to know them, it Was just the fact that Marxist government. Why we have so HOLTZMAN). the more who know about certain things many Membeis in this House voting on The CHAIRMAN. The Chair recognizes that take place the easier it is for ? the the Marxist theory again. I cannot un- the gentleman from Arizona a: Mr. enemy to know those things too. derstand why they should condeirm our CONLAN). When I go into , meeting concerning Central Intelligence people who do such (Mr. CONLAN asked and was given the Central Intelligence Agency I try to a marbelous job protecting our country permission to revise and extend his re- do the best that I now how, and when from the people who are devoted to one marks.) I walk out, I try to do the best I can to theory, one Ideology, and that is the take Mr. CONLAN. Mr. Chairman, there are wipe my brain free; of what is going on. over of this country. The CIA is one of two questions that have been raised But, I do want to ! assure the Members the most outstanding segments of our on this matter. One is what really hap- that we are looking nto these things end. Government. Their work is delicate but pened in Chile and was it for our benefit, if they were not to the best interest of vitally needed--defeat this amendment and the second concerns our national our country we would not participate in for the good of our country. I say to the intelligence operations. them. gentleman from Michigan in all sincerity Mr. RHODES. Mr. Chairman, will the that if he is aware of these things, I coo- This spring I went to Chile with the gentleman yield? fiend him for his work. Members ry f this the body t body to the and several Mr. away Mr. CEDERBERG. I yield to the gen- Mr. CEDERBERG. I thank the gentle- of t Inter-Amer- tleman from Arizona.. man. I will just say this: I do not think fron Bank board-meeting. the I toile away Mr. RHODES. Mx?. Chairman, I hope anyone wants that responsibility. from the normaDtlocal people of State that nobody in the, House is under the MOTION OFFERED 3Y MR. MAHON routine and talked with gut l ngtim rest- mistaken impression that the United who were not Chileans but can ae esi- States is the only natiern that spends Mr. MAHON. Mr. Chairman, I move dents of that area-American iriiefiion- money is he covert activities. Asa spends that all debate on this amendment and cries, Catholic, Mormon, and Protestant. all amendments thereto close in 5 They told me with tears in their eyes of fact, if it were possible to make some minutes, that if the Marxist-Communist, bold on kind of a treaty with the Communist bloc The CHAIRMAN. The question is on that country had not been broken by which would hold up, then I am certain the motion offered by the gentleman from their own people rising up, they would we would be very happy to do away with Texas.. not be alive then .. and that was in the it. But, so long as they do not play by our The motion was agreed to. rule book then I think we have to be very The CHAIRMAN, The Chair recog- spring of this year. cautious that we ourselves do not suffer nizes the gentleman from Massachusetts Many House Met ere did not see v-rese from such practices; by other countries. (Mr. DBINAN), photo ire the Washington Post here re In many At the present time our efforts are de- (Mr. DRINAN asked and was given other rsofh was plyju .n eeks voted toward keeping the free nations of pe the country st weeks permission to revise and extend his ago. . I happened happened to be be ,ppassining through the world aware that they do not have to remarks.) be Communist domitratect, Mr. DRINAN. Mr. Chairman, William ne p t the there Midwest cities and saw in the p Mr. CEDERBERG. The Intelligence Sc- Colby, the Director of the CIA, said in the he largest that s,Q hl stor,,,-ol t largest me crowd tivities of our country are much more cdr?- Time magazine this week when asked, untartly cam out in at the Chile's end of I yal ?r cumscribed than are!those of many other "What would you regard as a successful of the he there t a yWe nations that are spending vast sums on covert action?", that in his judgment th new r over dingand said, `and such activities. Laos was a very good example. thank you for overriding, overruling, hixf ip I say to the Members please do not get I ask those mho sit on the Conuriitt breaking the Communist dictatoisli Involved in this at~i~otional amendment here, like the gentleman from Michigt over this country, because I do not think it is in the best (Mr. CEDERBERG;= , Did be know about Laos If we want to get into the merits of interest of our country. and all of the covert activities there? Chile, if the CIA had anything to Co with Ms. ABZUG. Mr. Chairman, will the Can he justify Mr. William Colby's, the in it lpingbly ngs one of their finest f gentleman yield? Director of the CIA, putting this forward in helping bring that country out of a Mr. CEDERBERG.; I am-happy to yield deliberately and expressly as a good ex- Communist dictatorship and brin gi of it, to the gentlewomani from New York; ample of covert activity? back into the free world. Ms. ABZUG. Mr. Chairman, I find it Mr. CEDERBERG. Air. Chairman will As to the second question, if we want very interesting that the gentleman in the gentleman yield? to go at this time into the merits of this the well said that he was one of those Mr. DRINAN. I yield to the gentleman particular amendment, you are, in effect, who was aware of the activities of the from Michigan. asking our Government to cease or to CIA, and I would ask; the 6ntleman, was Mr. CEDERS: G. I thank the gentle- lay out in full the financing of our Intelti. the gentleman aware of what was going man for yielding. gence operations throughout the world. on in the terms of usipg American dollars I will say to t he gentleman from Mas- You might as well write the amend- and American policy to destabilize Chile? sachusetts I am in full accord with what ment a little bit `further, because it is Mr. CEDERBERG.; I am well aware of happened in Laos. - implied In it now, that all of our iritelli- all of the things that, happened in Chile. Mr gence agents throughout the world be Ms. ABZIIG. And 'the gentleman did . DRINAN. That confirms the very ?i Ms. of our cutoffs Cheid point of this amendment, that we ]:cave publicly identified by name, serial fin any any of Eur I did not find our no right, without a declaration of war, bee and pay grade so that the Commit- actions taken there a. not in the best in- to move into a country with whom we fist apparatus can pick them up.:tf you terest of the United States, have no grievance and to change the na- want to do that, vote for this amendrn.erd, Lure of that country. When people say because we are, in effect, asking or in- Mr. HUNT. Mr. (`'hairman, will the that the other side does it, that Russia telligence forces to self-destruct the bade gentleman yield? does it, or other nations do it. I think we defenses in counterintelligence and of- Mr. CEDERBERG. am happy to yield have to say. "What is American democ- fensive operations that provide us hie to the gentleman from New Jersey. racy all about?" We cto not do it just freedom we have in the Pree world today. Mr. HUNT. Mr. Chairman, I want to because other n tions engage in it, but I think that is really what the amend- associate myself with remarks of the we like to think that we follow the rule of ment will eventually lead to. To cut off gentleman in the well and I agree with law where we have to go through some our covert intelligence operations would the points of view the gentleman has international arrangement. What the be a vote for national suicide. covered so well, especially the fact that CIA does by way of covert activity is con- I urge a "no" vote on this amendment. we are only one nation in the world trary to Its own t,harter, is in defiance of The CHAIRMAN. The question is on among many who are' engaged in intelli- the United Nations, `iolates the very the amendment offered by the gentle.. ence work, preamble of the United Nations, and is woman from New York (Ms. HOLTz: ssN 0. Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700080031-7 '.*Irmber 24, id proved Feef)l7 )8/q&CMIRD.P v9B8OROOO7OOO8OO31-7 H 9495 RECORDED VOTE Mr. MAHON. Mr. Chairman, I demand a recorded vote. A recorded vote was ordered. The vote was taken by electronic de- vice, and there were-ayes 108, noes 291, answered "present" 1, not voting. 34, as [Roll No. 5371 AYES-108 Abzug Findley Mosher Addabbo Foley Moss Anderson, Forsythe Nix Calif. Fraser Pickle Anderson, Ill. Giaimo Pritchard Aspin Gibbons Qule Badillo Green, Oreg. Rangel Barrett Green, Pa. Rees Bennett Griffiths Reuss Bergland Gude Riegle i t r Hamilton B es e Rodino Bingham Harrington Roncalio, Wyo. Hawkins Bollin Rosenthal g Brademas Heckler, W. Va. Roush Brown, Calif. Helstoski Roybal Burke, Calif. Holtzman Ryan Burton, John Howard St Germain Burton, Phillip Hungate Sarbanes Carney, Ohio Jordan' Schroeder Chisholm Karth Selberling Clark Kastenmeier Stanton, Clay Koch James V. Cohen Kyros Stark Collins, Ill. Leggett Steele Conte Long, Md. Stokes Conyers Luken Studds Gorman McCloskey Sullivan Coughlin MMcCormack at u aga Thompson, on, N.J. Delaney Mazzola Tiernan Dellums Weeds Van Deerlin Denholm Melcher Vanik Drinan Metcalfe Whalen Edwards, Calif. Mezvinsky White Eilberg Mink Yates Evans, 0010. Mitchell, Md. Young, Ga. Fascell Moakley .NOES-291 Abdnor Conlan Haley Adams Cotter Hammer- Alexander Crane schmidt Andrews, N.C. Cronin Hanley Andrews, Daniel, Dan Hanna N. Dak. Daniel, Robert Hanrahan Annunzio W., Jr. Hansen, Idaho Archer Daniels, Wgsh Arends Dlinick V. Harsha AshbTOOk Danielson Hastings Ashley Davis, S.C. Says Bafalis Davis, Wis. Hebert Baker de la Garza Heinz Bauman Dellenback Henderson Hi Beard Dennis ki i liis Bell ne r Bevill Devine Hinshaw Boggs Dickinson Hogan lifleld H Boland Dingell D g o Holt Bowen y a B owning Horton aux re DulEki Hosmer H ber Brklnridge u Pont u udnut Brinkley Broomfield d Edwards, Ala. Hunt Brotzman born nsoa Brown, Mich. Esch Ichord Brown, Ohio Eshleman Jarman Broyhill, N.C. Evins, Tenn. Johnson, Calif. Broyhill, Va. Fish Johnson, Pa. Buchanan Fisher Jones, Ala. Burgener Flood Jones, N.C. Burke, Fla. Flowers Jones, Okla. Burke, Mass. Flynt Jones, Tenn. Burleson, Tex. Ford Kazen Burlison, Mo. Fountain Kemp Butler Frelinghuysen. Ketchum Byron Frenzel King Camp Frey Kluczynski Carter Froehlich Kuykendali Casey, Tex. Fulton Lagomarsino Cederberg Fuqua Landgrebe Chamberlain Gaydos Landrum Chappell Gettys Latta Clancy Gilman Lent Clausen, Ginn Litton Don H. Goldwater Long; La., Clawson, Del Goodling Lott Cleveland Gray Lujan Cochran Gross McClory Collier Grover McCollister Collins, Tex. Gubser McDade Conable Guyer McEwen McFall Pettis McKay -Peyser McKinney Pike McSpadden Poage Macdonald Prayer Madden Price, Ill. Madigan Price, Tex. Mahon Quillen Mallary Railsback Mann Randall Maraziti Regula Martin, Nebr. Rhodes Mathias, Calif. Roberts Thornton Mathis, Ga. Robinson, Va. Traxler Mayne Robison, N.Y. Treen Michel Roe Udall Milford Rogers Ullman Miller Roncallo, N.Y. Vander Jagt Mills Rooney, Pa. Vander Veen Minish Rose Veysey Minshall, Ohio Rostenkowski Waggonner Mitchell, N.Y. Rousselot Walsh Mizell Roy Wampler Mollohan Runnels Ware Montgomery Ruppe Moorhead, Ruth Calif. Sandman Moorhead, Pa. Sarasin Morgan Satterfield Murphy, Ill. Scherle Murphy, N.Y. Schneebeli Murtha Sebelius Myers Shipley Natcher Shrivel' Nedzi Shuster Nelsen Sikes Nichols Skubitz Obey Slack O'Brien Smith, Iowa O'Hara Smith, N.Y. Parris Snyder Paseman Spence Patman Staggers Patten Stanton, Steelman Steiger, Ariz. Steiger, Wis. Stephens Stratton Stubblefield Stuckey Symms TalCOtt Taylor, Mo. Taylor, N.C. Thomson, Wis. Whitehurst Whitten Wiggins Williams Wilson, Bob Wilson, Charles, Tex. Winn Wolff Wyatt Wydler Wylie Wyman Yatron Young, Alaska Young, Ill. Young, S.C. Young, Tex. Zablocki Zion Pepper J. William Zwach Perkins Steed ANSWERED "PRESENT"-l Gonzalez NOT VOTING-34 Armstrong Biaggi Blackburn Blatnik Brasco Brooks Carey, N.Y. Davis, Ga. Dent Diggs Dorn Eckhardt Gunter Heckler, Mass. Johnson, Colo. Lehman O'Neill Owens Podell Powell, Ohio itarick Reid Rooney, N.Y. Sisk Teague Towels, Nev. Vigorito Waldie Widnall Wilson, Charles H., Calif. Wright Young, Fla. So the amendment was rejected. Mr. Ukcubb. Mr. ape user, usi w.ao demand the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were -ordered.. The vote was taken by electronic de- vice, and there were-yeas 374, nays 26, not voting 34, as follows: [Roll No. 538] YEAS-374 Abdnor Downing - Kuykendall Abzug - Drinan Kyros Adams Duleki Landrum Addabbo Duncan Latta Alexander du Pont Leggett Anderson, Ill. Edwards, Ala. Lent Andrews, N.C. Edwards, Calif. Litton Andrews, Eilberg Long, La. N. Dak. ErlenbOrn Long, Md. Annunzio Esch Lott Arends Eshleman Lujan Ashley - Evans, Colo. Luken Aspin - Evans, Tenn. McClory Badillo Fascell McCloskey Bafalis Findley McCollister Baker Fish McCormack Barrett Fisher McDade Beard Flood McEwen Bell Flowers McFall Bennett Flynt -- McKay Bergland Foley McKinney Bevill Ford McSpadden Biester Forsythe . Macdonald Bingham Fountain Madden Boggs Fraser Madigan Boland Frelinghuysen Mahon Bolling Frenzel Mallary Bowen Frey Mann Brademas Froehlich Martin, Nebr. Bray Fulton Martin, N.C. Breaux Fuqua Mathias, Calif. Breckinridge Gaydos Mathis, Ga. Brinkley Gettys Matsunaga Broomfield Giaimo Mayne Brotzman Gibbons Mazzola Brown, Calif. Gilman Weeds Brown, Mich. Ginn Melcher Brown, Ohio Goldwater Metcalf e Broyhill, N.C. Gonzalez Mezvinsky Broyhill, Va. Goodling Michel Buchanan Gray Milford Burke, Calif. Green, Oreg. Miller Burke, Fla. Green, Pa. Mills Burke, Mass. Griffiths Minish Grover Mink Tex. Burleson . , Burlison, Mo. Gubser Minshall, Ohio Burton, John- Gude Mitchell, Md. Burton, Phillip Guyer Mitchell, N.Y. Butler Haley Mizell Byron Hamilton Moakley Carney, Ohio Hammer- Mollohan Carter schmidt Montgomery Casey, Tex. Hanley Moorhead, Pa. Cederberg Hanna Morgan Chappell Chisholm Clark Clausen, Don H. Clawson, Del Clay Cleveland Cochran Cohen Collier Collins, Ill. Conable Conte Conyers Corman Cotter Coughlin Cronin The CHAIRMAN. Under the rule, the Committee rises. Accordingly the Committee rose; and the Speaker having resumed the chair, Mr. RoivcALIO of Wyoming, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, reported that that Committee, having had under con- sideration the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 1131) making further continuing appro- priations for the fiscal year 1975, and for other purposes, pursuant to House Reso- lution 1379, he reported the joint resolu- tion back to the House with an amend- ment adopted by the Committee of the Whole. The SPEAKER. Under the rule, the previous question is ordered. The question is on the amendment. The amendment was agreed to. The SPEAKER. The question is on the engrossment and third reading of the joint resolution. The joint resolution was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, and was read the third time. The SPEAKER. The question is on the passage of the joint resolution. - - Hansen, Idaho Moss Hansen, Wash. Murphy, 111. Harrington Murphy, N.Y. Harsha Murtha Hastings Myers Hawkins Hatcher Hays Nedzi Hebert Nelsen. Heckler, W. Va. Nichols Helstoski Nix Henderson Obey Hicks O'Brien Hillis O'Hara Hinshaw Parris Hogan Passman Holifleld Patman Holtzman Patten Horton Pepper Howard Perkins Huber Pettis Daniel, Dan Hudnut Peyser Daniel, Robert Hungate Pickle W., Jr. Hunt Pike Daniels, Hutchinson Preyer Dominick V. Ichord Price, Ill. Danielson Johnson, Calif. Price, Tex. - Davis, S.C. Johnson, Pa. Pritchard Davis, Wis. Jones, Ala. Quie - de la Garza Jones, N.C. Quillen Delaney Dellenback Dellums Denholm Dennis Derwinski Devine Dickinson Dingell Donohue Jones, Okla. Railsback Jones, Tenn. Randall Jordan Rangel Barth Rees Kastenmeaer Regula Kazen - Reuss Kemp Rhodes King Riegle Kluczynski Rinaldo Koch Roberts Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP75BOO38OR000700080031-7 H 9496 Approved For ReI 1 ]18= TA AtEMW LQ . (A700080 N4 Rob nsoia, Sra. Spence Vanik Mr. Rarick with Mr. Heinz. 4 Robison, Staggers Veysey Mr. Wright with Mr, IvIaraziti. making appropriations for the l7Ep t, t,. Rodino Stanton, Waggonner Mi. Lehman with Towell of Nev ada . ments of State, and just! Roe J. William Waldie related Co. and agencies Commerce, Rogers S J. William Walsh Mr. Diggs with Mr. Blatnik. the Judiciary, and related agencf& for Roncalio, Wyo. James V. Wampler Mr. Owens with Mr. Powell of Ohio. the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, , and Roncallo, N.Y. Stark Ware Mr. Widuall with Mr..Swach, for other purposes, and ask unanimous Rooney, Pa, Steed Whalen consent th8,t the statement of the mail- Rose Steele White The result of the vote was announced alters be read in lieu of the reporrt. Rosenthal Steelman Whitehurst as above recorded. Rostenkowski Steiger,:Wis, Whitten The Clerk react,the title of the bill. Roush Stephens Wiggins A motion to 1,-econsider was laid on the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Roy Stokes Williams table' the 1' Roybal Stratton Wilson, Bob equest of the gentleman from West Runnels Stubbleneld Wilson, Virginia? Ruppe Stuckey Charles, Tex. GENERAL LEAVE There was no objection. Ruth Studds Winn The Clerk read the statement, Ryan Sullivan Wolff Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, I ask St Germain Symington Wyatt unanimous consent that all Men abers (For conference report and statement, Sandman Talcott Wydler see proceedings of the House of Septe:In- Sarasin Taylor, }7.C, Wylie may have 5 legislative days in which ber 19,197C) Sarbanes Teague Wyman to revise and extend their remarks in Satterfield Thompslon, NJ. Yates the record on the joint resolution just Scherle Thomson, Wie. Yatron passed, and that I may insert extraneous Schneebeli Thone Young, Alaska SebeIius Thornton Young, 'Ma. tabular Ihateris.l. Seiberling Tiernan Young, Oa, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Shipley Trailer Young, Ill, the request of the gentleman from Shriver Treen Young, S.C. Sikes Udall Young, Tex. Texas? Skubitz Ullman Zablocki There was no objection. Slack V r an Dee lin Zion Smith, Iowa Vander agt Smith, N.Y, Vander Veen NAYS--26 Anderson, Crane Poage Calif. Gross Rousselot Archer Holt Schroeder Ashbrook Hosmer Shuster Bauman' Jarman Snyder Burgener Ketchum Steiger, Ariz. Camp Lagomareino Symms Clancy Landgrebe Taylor, Mo. Collins, Tex. Moorhead, Conlan Calif. NOT VOT1