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April 30, 1974
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pproved For Release 2001./07/27 : CIA-RDP75B,00380R000800070015-5
time, and referred as indicated:
the classification and d classification of of-
ficial information in the interest of national
defense. Referred to the ommittee on Gov-
ernment Operations.
S, 3400. A bill to ext d coverage of -the
automobile assistance p gram and the spe-
cially adopted housing p gram to those vet-
erahs qualifying for seal ance under section
351 of title 38, United Sates code. Referred
to the Committee on terans' Affairs.
S. 3401.A bill to inc de laboratory fees
for routine cytological t is for the detection
of uterine caner within e coverage of Fed-
eral employee health in ranee plans, Refer-
red to the Committee on ost Office and Civil
: By Mr. JAVrTS:
S. 3402. A bill to amen the Higher Educa-
?tion Act of 1965 in order o provide authority
to assist training of dis vantaged students
Tor t1 e . legal professio Rerferred to the
Committee on Labor At Public Welfare.
. 13403. A bill to ame.AL the Act of August
81, 1922, to prevent t Introduction and
spread of diseases and rasites harmful to
honeybees, and for othe purposes. Referred
to the Committee o Agriculture and
By Mr. THURM01:
8. 3404. A bill for the lief of Maria Luisa
Fernandez-Martinez: Re rred to the Com-
mittee on the Judiciary.
5.3405. A bill to dire the Secretary of
the Treasury to study he impact of the
cost. of living in the Stale of Alaska on the
tax burden imposed on i residents, and for
other purposes. Referre to the Committee
on Finance.
8.3406.. A bill to amen he Comprehensive
Employment and Train g Act of 1973 to
provide flexibility in adj ing the maximum
pay rate for public servi jobs in high cost
of living areas. Referre to the Committee
on Labor and Public Wel re.
By Mr. COOS (to himself, Mr. Hvn-
Dr sxozs, Mr. B cR, Mr. PEAasox,
S. 3407. A bill to ame the Act of Sep-
tember 23, 1940 (Public w 815, Eighty-first
Congress) to urovide fo feaster assistance
in a manner which assu increased protec-
tion against personal injuries resulting
from disasters. Referred the Committee
on Labor and Public Were
8. 3408., A bill to' provi that the laws re-
stricting the coastwise tr e to vessels of the
United States shall no apply to certain
hovercraft on routes ove and or over water
only as an incidental pa thereof. Referred
to the Committee on Co merce_
Relations Act, as amen d, to amend the
definition of "employee" to include certain
agriculturafemployees. erred to the Com-
mittee on Labor and Pub c Welfare.
By -Mr. ROBERT . BYRD (for Mr.
S. 3410. A bill to enabl the United States
to insure an adequate s' ply of food for its
citizens, while providing od to foreign coun-
tries for humanstarian rposes, by estab-
lishing a Federal Food eserve for certain
desigi)ated commodities nd by establishing
controls on exports of su commodities. Re-
Terreci to the Committee n
Agriculture and
Mr. BAYH. Mr. P
cost-effective diagn
April 30', 1974
S. 3399. A bill to amend section 552 of """ """ ?"?
title 5 of the UTnited State_ node (kno,,... greater now, it ap clear
interest of national defense. Referred to courage women to take
the Committee on Government Opera- The reason I introduce
duce for appropriate reference a V111 LV
emend the Freedom of Information Ant service under aensura
aq:ssi acatio11 Vl U1111iial info mat1V11 in is. Therefore, we can inc
the interest of national defense. Pap test by encouragin
Companion legislation (H.R. 12004) companies to provide
was introduced .in the House on Decem- While a number of insur
ber 18, 1973, by Chairman MOORHEAD of do provide this coverage,
the Government Operations Subcommit- to discover that neither
tee on Foreign Operations and Govern-
f ernmentwide health insur
This bill reflects a great deal of study ment is encouraging us
and Government Information Subcom- sibili -li lyttos set an example
may wish to review Chairman MOOR- themselves, and female fa
S remarks, at page H11668 of the to have this test done.
CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for December 18, There are currently aa
1973, and House Report 93-221, dated Federal civilian employe
May 2) 1973 and entitled "Executiver
, coverage wee extended
Classification of Information--Security would significantly increa
emption (b) (1) of the Freedom of Infor- opoortunity to getWa Pap
' ?
mation Act (5 U.S.C. 552) : interval recommended
At this point I do not know that I group, either yearly or t
this subject which the Senate Subcom- this effort to'decreasefthe
mittee on Intergovernmental Relations tality rate from a form
will conduct. The MusxIE and MOORHEAD which we have a great
subcommittees are conducting a thor- I when it is discovered ea
Aortant and complex matter. ! of this bill be printed, in
By 1vMr. BAYH: There being no objecti
S. 3401. A bill to include laboratory ordered to be printed in
fees for __-a_,- ._
- for the diagnosis by adding at the end ther f the following:
"(G) Laboratory fees wi respect to not
Brine cancer when section of this Act only a ly to each con-
tract entered into under s ion 8902 of such
ges at which cure title, or any renewal of uch a contract,
ealth Service con- authority to assist trainlig of disadvan-
tic tool in the can- Referred to the Commit on Labor and
lease 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000800070015-5 -
are significantly
that the cost ef-
r testing is even
resent time.
Mr. President,
his simple test.
my bill to in-
the service is
the Pap test
ase use of the
all insurance
the two gov-
nce programs
ees do so. It
eral Govern-
of the Pap
is health and
ve a respon-
for others by
. If routine
o them, we
the number
mear at the
will support
ational mor-
cancer over