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Approved For R Ig eas,p2000/08/27 : CIA-.PQP75UP038OR000800..14001-5--IL, :AS Friday, Juneit9, 1967 THE WASHINGTON POST Around the Nation Court Orders data K - V-3 I L *robe Fund NEW ORLEANS-Law- yers for the man accused of plotting to assassinate Presi- dent Kennedy won their fight yesterday to publicize donors to the private fund behind the probe of District Attorney Jim Garrison. Criminal Court Judge Ed- ward A. Haggerty, signed a subpoena ordering a group of businessmen financing the investigation to produce its membership rolls and money records at. a hearing Monday. The group is called Truth and Consequences. Defense attorneys wanted the records in time for the hearing on their motions to quash the indictment charg- ing New Orleans business executive Clay L. Shaw with conspiring to murder Presi- dent Kennedy,.who was shot from ambush in Dallas Nov. 22, 1963. The judge also ordered Garrison to relinquish to the court records of receipts and disbursements of the pri- vately donated funds. In another development, Gordon Novel withdrew his $50 million damage suit against Garrison and others rather than return here to- day and make a deposition in connection with the case. Garrison has sought without success since March to have Novel, 29, extradited from Ohio for questioning as a ma torio1 Wltlless in the Ken- nedy assinatlon probe. Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000800140015-7 9e)S1- G-7 Approved For,Re{4easei 2000/08/27 :.CIA4RDR75BGO38OR00080414OO45-7 i. k) C i Cl ~d~ 1 t VV S V:-I C', y I7EY AIDE RESIGNS 1M1ONINUIRY Investigator Quits in Fight Over Assassination Case By GENE ROBERTS i Special to The New York Times NEW ORLEANS, June 26- The chief investigator for Dis- trict Attorney Jim Garrison quit his job today in the midst of a dispute over the way the Kennedy assassination inquiry is being conducted. The resignation of William H. Gurvich came only minutes after one of Mr. Garrison's aides barred him from the dis- trict attorney's office. Mr. Gurvich had appeared at the office to tell Mr. Garrison that he should "re-evaluate" his investigation and drop con- spiracy charges against Clay L. Shaw, the only person Mr. Gar- rison has arrested during his nine-month inquiry. But he arrived to find Mr. Garrison and his staff angry over statements he had made during the weekend to The New York Times. Mr. Gurvicle told a Times re- porter he had "grave misgiv- ings" about the Investigation and planned to tell Mr. Garri- son as much at a conference today. Mr. Garrison refused to parti- cipate in the conference, how- ever, and released a statement calling Mr. Gurvich's comments "the latest move from the East- ern headquarters of the Estab- lishment to attempt to discred- it our investigation..." "It becomes increasingly ap- parent," the statement contin ued," that elements of the Fed- eral Government are absolutely desperate in their attempts to prevent the people of this coun- try from finding out what real ly happened in Dallas." Blocked by'Another Aide When Mr. Gurvich attempted to walk past a guard rail today and enter Mr. Garrison's office, his path was blocked by Louis W. Ivon, an Investigator who had worked with both Mr. Gur- vich and the district attorney. "Have I been fired?" Mr. "I don't know anything about that." Mr. Ivon sn id. ":17ay I come In ?" Mr. Gur- vich asked. "No, you can't, Mr. Ivon told hint. "The boss wanted you to wait outside." Soon after this exchange, James Alcock, assistant district attorney, showed Mr. Gurvich to a back office. But Mr. Gurvich returned to the guard rail with- in 15 minutes and announced he was not going to wait any longer for the district attorney. "I don't wait for anyone long- er than a half hour," he said. Mr. Gurvich did not explain why he felt that the assassina- tion investigation should be re- evaluated, or why he thought the conspiracy charges against Mr. Shaw should be dropped. His only comment on Mr. Shaw came when a newsman asked him if he felt the charges should be dropped. "At this time, yes, I do," he said. Yesterday, Mr. Gurvich told a Times reporter that lie would "like to see more extensive and thorough searches made in the gathering of evidence to clarify questions that develop" in the assassination investigation. "Up until now," he said, "this standard and professional method of criminal Investiga- tion was not always used in all phases of this investigation." Mr. Garrison contends that his investigation has revealed a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy that originated in New Orleans. Mr. Shaw, a 54-year- old retired businessman, has been bound over for trial after a preliminary hearing at whcih Mr. Garrison alleged that Mr. Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and the late David W. Ferric had plotted to kill the President. The Warren Commission con- eluded that Oswald was the lone assassin and said it could find no evidence of a conspiracy. Although Mr. Garrison. pub- licly corigratualted Mr. Gurvich in February for his work on the assassination case and al- lowed him to announced the Shaw arrest four months ago, he denied today that Mr. Gur- vich was his chief investigator or had ever been on his office's payroll. Garrison Statement "Some months ago Mr. Gur- vich, who operates a night watch man service, appeared out of the blue and offered his as- sistance to our investigation," Mr. Garrison said. "After a few months, he just as quickly dis- appeared from view." "One of Mr. Gurvich's In- creasing complaints, however, was that he felt that he was not being given enough in- formation about the Investiga- tion Itself," Mr. Garrison said. He went on: "One of the reasons we did not give him all of our informa- tion w.s that we soon learned that he was having meetings i with Mr. Walter Sheridan, a former Federal investigator now working for the National Broadcasting Company. From that time on, Mr. Gurvich's as- signments were limited to photography, chauffering and other technical work of a limit- ed nature until he faded out of view about six weeks ago." Mr. Gurvich, who operates a private detective agency, has worked for Mr, Garrison for several years as a "dollar-a.- year" man. Mr. Gurvich told reporters that Mr. Garrison made him chief Investigator at the outset of the Kennedy In- vestigation and told him that lie would be placed on salary. But, he said, he never received any salary. Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000800140015-7 Approved-Pot, Release 2000/08/27 RD975 CURVICH BLASTS NEW ORLEANS TI PICAYUNE In the investigation and flow wit-F- DIDN'T SHOW UP __ suspended Jefferson Parish as- nesses were collected." CA I ROBE Will Try to Fore DA to' i' Abandon Case By BOB USSERY Private detective W 1111 a in Gurvich told The Times-Pica- yune Tuesday he intends to 'force District Attorney Jim ,Garrison to abandon his con- spiracy case against Clay L. Shaw and levelled a new bar- ragq of charges against Garri- son. One day after quitting Gar- rison's Kennedy assassination probe, the private Investiga- tor who has been closely asso- elated with Garrison for a . number of months said he will. attempt' Wednesday to have the grand jury rescind its con- spiracy Indictment , against I Shaw. I Some main points of Gur- vich's statements were: -Garrison planned a raid on the local offices of the Federal ;Bureau of Investigation, -Garrison earmarked a num- ber of New Orleans citizens, some of them prominent, for arrest as-accessories after the .fact in an alleged assassination conspiracy. -Garrison ordered two news- men arrested and beaten. -There was no conspiracy to kill President John F. Kennedy. -Garrison is incapable of proving a conspiracy. -Garrison has no other evi- dence against. Shaw except the testimony of Baton Rouge in- suraneeman Perry Raymond Russo. -Garrison was "responsible" for the death of former airline pilot David W. Ferrie. -Garrison should be forced to drop his case against Shaw. Garrison denied Tuesday night that he had used any illegal methods in his investigation. He said that although Gur- vich's statements would not "at all" harm his basic case against Shaw, the allegations would ad- versely affect potentlel jarors CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS Gurvich said his testimony will concern "mainly civil rights, constitutional rights of a human being living in America. I saw it, I heard it." number of other New Oriean fans as accessories after the, k A h t h h d s e w a e as seen and heard, Gurvich replied, "flow fact. Gurvich said he did not! to Intimidate and coerce wit- actually see 'the names written nesses, to forcibly extract in- on a piece of paper in list form.! formation that would support But maintained that Garrison his (Garrison's] theories, re- had mentioned the names. gardless of the truthfulness "That was the way he ex. of this information." plained it to dozens of peo- In a lengthy interview Gur- ple," he said. ' vich admitted that Garrison, Gurvich said the names in- had Shaw's name before Perry, eluded: "One of the city's leading cof- Russo came forward with in fee importers. formation, but said he had no "One very prominent doctor evidence. of international reputation. "He had absolutely nothing,' "An owner of a local hotel, so much so that Garrison him- "Two . . . leaders of local? self said to several people to Cuban refugee organizations. forget Shaw- 'he has absolutely ? "A - . t n BI ?' l - F en nothing to ao with it," Gurvich said. "Long, long before the date of arrest he had been interviewed by Garrison's staff and imme- diately afterward Garrison made the remarks that he should be dropped, that he was, in no way .involved in any-' thing," Gurvich said. PLAN TO RAID FBI Gurvich charged that the pur 111; Dd1U Lilt; 1G,lVl Lt;1D UlUll4. -+'' "?U UA0411.4 GLLVlJlU' Lt LL-j show," but said that no beatings', fied before the Warren Com-' would have been administered mission that a Clay Bertrand "as long as I was around." had called him after the as-) Concerning his charge that: isassination about representing Oswald. I ANDREWS INDICTED I Andrews testified before the grand jury that he could not say whether Shaw was Clay Bertrand. He was indicted for perjury. Gurvich maintained t h a t they are not the same. "I am- positive of it," Gurvich said. Asked if he knows who Ber- trand is, Gurvich offered "no comment." Gurvich said that the investi- gation "has become such an ob- il session with Mr. Garrison that rationality and ethics are un- heard of and are never em-II ploved in the investigation." ILL GO O ere ere hers TIAL - -- - --- v concluded. Will Garrison still go to trial SHAW'S ARREST with Shaw? He described the March 1 ar-1 "Yes, if not forced to aban- rest of Shaw as a "retaliatory; don it, he will go to trial with act against the local newspa Clay Shaw. This he must do toe pers" on Garrison's part. . satisfy his ego," Gurvich said. "The newspaper comes out ,I Gurvich said he Is of the In February with the story. opinion that Garrison should You know how angry that be forced to abandon the made him," Gurvich said, Shaw case. and added that the publicity As to how, Gurvich ? said, had "called his hand." "Through legal methods, if the the local offices of the FBI was. On Feb. 17 the New Orleans grand jury drops the indict- to seize tapes that he suspected; States-Item revealed Garrison's ment. had been made of telephone probe to the public, Infuriating Then Gurvich asked another conservations on office pnd Garrison and drawing world-? question: "If Mr. Shaw was 'o residence phones of members of. wide publicity to his investiga-~Iguilty, why didn t Mr. Garrison I his staff, tion. .take the case to the grand jury "He was convinced that the "He said we've had the as- in the first place?" FBI had all phones tapped. sassination solved for a long Shaw was not indicted until "The raid was to be at mid time and it would have been after the preliminary hearing. night when only one clerk would; over in a few weeks," Gurvich FEELS HE HAS CHANCE be on duty at the FBI office. said. Asked if he thinks he has a "His investigators would be I "If he had it solved, why did chance to have the grand jury armed with 'red pepper' guns, he need Perry Russo, which ;rescind its indictment, he said, which he described as weap- was all he had the day of the "Yes, because they are quali- ons which would immobilize preliminary hearing," Gurvich fied men." people without doing physical asked. Gurvich also commented on harm," Gurvich said. RUSSO'S TESTIMONY, ? . the Metropolitan Crime Com-I . He also said Garrison once . Russo testified at a prelim- mission, which has called for a' instructed his staff to arrest inary criminal district court state investigation of Garrison's) National Broadcasting Co. re- hearing which the state request- investigation. porter Walter Sheridan and ed before bringing Shaw's case "The Metropolitan C rim e WDSU-TV r e p o r t e r. Richard I Commission can't do it. You've Townley, before the grand jury. Shaw; got to get somebody who was ` was ord red b d f e oun over or ,"He wanted them arrested., trial. I there. I was there and I He said to put them in hand-; "Perry Raymond Russo was cuffs, beat them physically, and; 'his entire evidence," Gurvich drag them into the police sta-i sale " ,,,_ onl ,, reason ,,, e y i id t lea sa Mesa ns U1:L1V11D on his witnesses. cause his first name was Clay Gurvich, who ere a as he ant tOtKb 3v 129~ -~~ ch sap was hvestigative the jury "the t'ruththe ,trict attorney's a wiofficetness to go which to. Garrison~~claimed h that Shaw and "explain to them what un-, Tn?mle,, nnA RharlAan eg,,,r t- used the alias of "Clay Ber watched. "It has gotten to the point. that I have enough and I'm going to use it against Jim," Gurvich said. ha* the idea of hurting Garrison. - ;'j Approved Fc ',Re ease 2000/08/27 : CIArRDP75EQ0380R000800140015-7 Li . 4rorward until Q.:tor lea, fl~s.lnvestlgatl~n be Gul'vich also discussed tl come orward unti the last cause he said he will.prove that day of the hearing. ltie (Gar- cou ave one o aY fled at the hearing, did not ments of the CIA a empting Shaw " Gurvich said he had doubts Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000800140015-7 that he admitted he discussed , Gurvich added. it t' `SERIOUS THING' "I never intended to hurt Mr. He said if Garrison even en- jGarrison. Mr. Garrison has hurt, as early as January. "They tertained such an idea, that himself by his own practices,", were weak doubts," he added.';"then it is a serious thing." Gurvich said. ~ When did-they become bigger. , Gurvich described the idea "The day the preliminary hear-'of a conspiracy in the presiden- Garrison said Tuesday sight ing ended," he answered. t1al assassination as "ridicu- that he has never had a case re- Asked if there was any jus-'lous," and added: versed for using improper meth- tification for Garrison's suspici-' "There was no conspiracy, no ods and if anyone on his staff ons of David Ferrie, whom Gar- indication that there was ever used such methods he (the 2s-;risgn had under surveillance be- a conspiracy anywhere. It t wsistant) d) wouldn't have a job the More his Feb. 22 death, Gurvichais (Garrisons) own little was next day. said, "none whatsoever." "H that e district attorney said case , He has no case, there was no GARRISON BLAMED ,when a prosecutor has no case conspiracy. Jim Garrison isn't brans capable of finding one," he add- against a defendent, the defend- hemorrhage from "Mr. Ferrirom died of a extreme an ant is *cquitted -? "that's ticipation tion of arrest, settled in the trial." But, he;cquiv, and I un - Getting back to Shaw's pre- added, there are "certain ele-;quivocally blame District At- liminary hearing, Gurvich said: ments" that don't want the torney Garrison for this. "He had the world believing He didn't want to be dragged Shaw case to come to trial. that, certainly, he must have He claimed Gurvich has been the wayrheflooked.+ashamed of had more than he had at the In contact ,with those elements l Gurvich added: preliminary hearing, w h e n in and called ills former aide's de- "Garrison built up so.much truth that was all he had." fection "primarily an economic fear in him the man died. G u r v i c h maintained that ,matter." Garrison caused it and he Vernon Bundy, a Negro nar- Garrison said certain ele-- id h d 't t Cl eotics addict who also testi- cently I was a key member.' of Mr. Garrison's investiga- tion, I was to conduct frangi- ble bullet tests by June 3 and I was to give the results to a local newspaper report- er." He explained that frangible' bullets are the type made to, disintegrate upon impact. He', was commissioned to make the tests about the middle of May,, he said. Garrison "believes Kennedy was killed with frangible bul-' lets," Gurvich said. "The frangible bullet theory", developed the day he received an anonymous letter saying the writer believed that the assassination was done with frangible bullets," Gurvich said. "That was another of Garri-. son's wild and woolly theories,', he said. Asked if he feared "physical retaliation" from Garrison, Gur: vich replied, "I don't fear it but ? wouldn't be sur rued " ,; l;l1616U W1111:11 LUSILLV W1lIJUbb rison) ,persons connecte dwith the C him," hadn't even heard of were involved in the assassGordon Novel made against him," Gurvich said. ,Garrison, and which involved Bund Ferrie, and Oswald testified on the saw New Or- The DA said the groups op- Novel has said Garrison sug- leans lakefront in 1963. posed to him will be unsuccess- take Gurvich said he interviewed gun Ferr ' ful in their attempts to stop him With a, atranquili erhoot and that Shaw will go to trial. him somewhere, and torture Bundy for Garrison on the third More arrests will be made, he day of S h a w 's hearing, buti added. him by ripping off his false eye- would not comment on whether Garrison said Gurvich didn't; rows and hair.. he thinks the man was truthful. so much resign as ."drift away' Gurvich said he knew: Garr,- -:"I'll save that for the grand: about six weeks ago" and that'son and Novel discussed the jury," Gurvich said. since that time the former aid 'Plot' RECENT ACTIVITY has been in contact with N "When I asked about It he Gurvich also said that he has newsman Walter Sheridan. (Garrison) said, 'Hell, that recently been active in Garri-` DAY OF ARREST was Gordon's idea,; " Gurvich son's investigation and gave an said. example:...... He said he had no idea of "The dangerous ;thing (hero is ,,{'As an example of how re commenting on the investigation; -- "until I saw what was done on the day of Shaw's arrest and the: list of others earmarked for ar-i rest as accessories after the