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Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75600380R000800140028-3
Trsascript ofbatereiew of Jin Garrison by 'Willie-el L. ?Itemise,
Telecsest ita The Hague, Dutch TV (NT) 22 February 19b1-1
(Introduction its etch)
OLTMANS: Mr, Gar n, what, in your opinion. and who,
behind and what motive of the killing of nresident Kennedy?
GARRISON: Let me answer then by putting it in two parte.
first, let's talk about who killed President Kennedy, and then second we'll
talk about the ressorts. President Kennedy was killed by elements of tLe
Central bstelligence Agency of the United States Governeeent. I'm sure that
to soe.e people this wiLl sound like a strong state-neut. 'ee.0 it's true. And I
might add that there's been a pretty successful effort, Iguaas, by the United
Slats. Government and scene ere's agencies to try and I/lake fee appea.r
irreeposesilele, but my office ham never lost a el.urder case in six years.
have stever lost a major case of any kind. The point Veil :naldetg is that we have
been pretty successful in evaluetietg our eases). And having made that points
let me go CC.
The Central Intelligence Agency and elerneats invol),ed in the
assassination have worked for a. long time creating the tableau, the cover scene,
before hand. This is standard for a Central Intelligence Agency assassination.
As a matter of fact, the CIA, when it conducts an assassination, it descriecs
it as an executive action. This takes the sin out of it. As a matter of fact,
to the CIA employee the sin then becomes failing to do your joe properly in an
isaaCutive action. Of course, even ss L describe it. I'm conscious of the parallels
with regard to Gt reeany under Hitler.
What Itle bilking about is nothing lesa than fa.sciern which has
arrived in America, Iu sorry to say. But it's true. and it's arrived in the
Lorin of the -- of the Central Intelligence Agency, which is our fascist alter eao.
We have parenthetically, a constitution which has been eery effective and a
very good constitution, which is no longer relevant because we have de-eloped
on the stde, on the outside of tee constitution a major goeernment agency which
is more powerful Van the ?eat of the government coreeined -- the Central
intelligence Agency. Anyway, the CIA, as I thin,. the entire world knows, No
Z et not saying nay secrets, U I knew it as a secret I wouldn't feel free to say
it because /*In not trying to hurt ray country, but I'm trying to tell the true..
Perhape it will sale ruy country but I don't know if I can get it out in tieee.
Nut anyway . . .
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OLTMANS: Who* do you n got It out in tiine
GARRISON: iv vai, I don't think it Is possible for anyone to
invest* death of President Kennedy as effectively as WO have sad to
sentinue to brims the truth out and to survive, Because the same force, the
mune power that killed Presides* Kennedy. the way you would kill a 0y,
still mast*. We the warfare state that bne developed here sad it's obvious
that We not gain to tolerate the truth being brought out. On the other hand,
I stn not going to beck up and we're going to try to bring out the truth. Whst
trying to say is I feel we have a time problem and I have to try and do it
es effectively sts I can. Anyway to go bock to the CIA.
Tba CIA has developed a technique now for many year.
employing a cover when it assassiaates someone. In ether words, if you're
going to have on sznbush. it is standard operating procedure that after the
antiveak there will be somebody she that has been set up before that can be
grabbed, Alwaye a Cominunist. I mesa all Communists are automatically the
villain. As a matter of fact, there le kind of 4 probleni of stimulating enough
bete over here for Communists because we haven't seen any Communists for
ZS years. We don't even have a Conumutist Party. IV a' re not even sure if
there are say Communists left in this hemisphere but nevertheless you have
tide constant -- constant propaganda pounding away from washington about the
Hely War that must he fought against Cern:rant/ate all over the world. Of course,
don't happea,te be for the Communists, I prefer democracy.
The point is that there's one thing just as bad aft Communism
sad the aims of that Ls Leedom. And Cimmusalat) is always used by fascism
as the excuse for destroying democracy. Germany under Hitler was not
Communist but it was worse than if it were Communist. l3eciume using the
fear of Commeniem Hitler built up the fascists and unfortunately I'm afraid
that things have come to pass where La America today we have developed a new
kind of fascism born in prosperity, a sort of liberal fascia at in a sense which
has no jeckbeets, no "'floret Wester songs but has its own kind of concentration
camps of the naiad. We don't have Buchettwalds, not yet. But we Wave us
In other words we have a, as if -- as if a true democracy which is whet we once
were as if a true dernocrecy, could possibly use napalm against other Warren
betas*. We should have known that was the give away. That was the give away.
When the government doesn't care what it's doing to other human beings because
it has the power to do it then you have fascism.
The danger in fascism is not its tack of syun.try, is not
is attractive then a democracy but because the government is
or it waets to and *ace you reach a point where the government
can do whatever it wants to and has that much power then you have a situation
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of extreme danger and when that power is ae immense as the power of the
United States today, then it is a danger for the entire world because 3)ccause
with foreign policy decision') being made as a practical matter by the Central
Intelligence Agency (and it L-oarAes them in this sense by repeatedly oreeenting
the rest of the,.goverament with limited alternatives like the Bay of Pigs), what
you have is th xamined un-lonsidered lorroation of foreign policy t)y uei
who are totally lAnqualified to do it, v.lho have a twisted view of We world and
of their role in the world and6..,re determined to conduct a Holy War against
Communiem no t-ratter what huopens to the world.
OLTMANS: YOJ. :ziean out of CIA Headquarters 7
GARRISON: Uut of CIA Headquarters.
OLTMANS: Haw did you get involved in this scandal? Was
this oy fiC ? How did you come . . . .
GARRISON.. Yes. we have sever oretencled to be great Investigators.
The only thing we can claim is, it's kind of bard to push us around and we don't --
we don't step back, but we don't claim to 1.1e great investigators. Right alter the
ateereebeation we got the staff down here and we always do this when there le an
unusual crime if we think there ix any New Orleans aspect. looniediately we /taw
on the TV and ttds was where Dserald, the lone assassin -- of tour** he had
nothing to do with the assassination he was a victim too -- saw tbat Ike had been
in New Orleans; *o we started going through our flies and looking into other odd
characters to see if we could hind something else that might have happened. And
we stumbled on the fact that David Ferrie, a rather odd person who . . .
OLTMANS: ? . is dead already.
GARRISON: Who itt dead. Yes, he died under peculiar eireu-astances.
But he realised before he died that WS had involved him and that was rather clear.
But rktvid -Ferri*, the afternoon of the assassination, -.lade a very trange tri?
to Textta; but he went to South Texas, to Houston. I got curious about that, and
learned he lead driven through a thunder storm for nine hours, ostensibly to go
ice skating. I thought that wan unusual: so we had a stake-out waiting outside
of his house. We found guns inside a his house, Auapo of Cuba, all kinds of odd
things which are now -- were connected with his role as a Central intelligence
Agency employee. And when he caul* back several days later, we arrested him
and turned him over to the FBI.
Well the nu wasn't interested, and they euestioned him a little.
The $ecret Service questioned him a little more. Mainly about whether or not
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lee teamed his library card to Lee OeweId. We've learned from a separate
source but we have not confirmed it -- we've learned froel a separate source
that there is realm* to believe. that Dave Terries library card was found on
Lee Oswald when Oswald was arrested, but since been destroyed like such
evidence has heen. Anyway, the FBI said in effect to us: We'Ve looked into it.
and Terris has no connection. So I turned nay mind away from it and I believed
the Warren Conurk.ission. As a matter of fact it didn't even occur to me that
the President would lie or that the Chief Justice would lie or Waite ehen on the
Warren Cornealesion. Although now I know that they have lied. That everyone
of them had to know that Oswald was not the Ione assassin. Lveryone of the-.&
had to know that the Preside= and the entire Warren Co. mission had to know
that the Central Intelligence Agency killed John Kennedy.
01.,TMANS: In other words, President Johnson knows this too?.
GARRISON: Yes, he had to know, of course. He had to know it.
Uthervriee he would have not of appointed a comteittee consisting of Allen Dulles,
the former head of the Central Intelligence Agency, Senator Richard Russell,
who's on the Watchdog Comenittee -- well, it's actually the Financial Committee
for the Central IntelLiget:we Agency in the Senate, Congressman Gerald Ford,
who is known as the belt friend of the CIA in the House. and John J. hicCloy,
who le head of the OSS which became the CIA. It's the CIA protective coehmittee.
In other words, they knew then that the Central Intelligence Agency had done it.
They knew that. The ?resident had to know in order to theeke that kind of *election.
Anyway I didn't question it at nil and concluded the Warren Conhhission had looked
Into it and they assured as it was Just Oswald.
Then what happen*, it's about IS Tnonths ago, I was talking to
Senator Long in Washington and he mentioned to me that he really didn't think
that Lee Oswald had killed the President, and I was astonished that a Senator in
Washington would have some doubts about the Warren Commission, anti on the
way back from New York I decided to look into it again just to make sure, and
the first thing we did was to go back to Ferries trip, and we found out immediately,
by digging into it further, that when Terrie had got to the skating rink the next clay
in Houston, he didn't go ice skating at all hut spent several hours standing next
to a telephone waiting for a call, Went all the way there and then drove n11 the
way back.
Then we found other strange traffic patterns that connected people
with Dallas, in Dena*, going through Houston at the seine time. Then we found
other people making strange midnight ride* from Houston to New Orleans and
then from New Orleans to Tort Worth. Then pretty soon we found a structure of,
first, strange traffic patterns and then curious relationships and to .haks a
Ion; story short, we found our way into a Central Intelligence Agency operation.
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The gest . Ev -- I
we saw the invtverneut of tbe Centrsl enee
believe it. Couldn't believe it. So that w I firs
/Wile involved even though there are indications they
t say that even sftr
. at fret we couldn't
?nod that CIA men
eseutly ost salary ?
still with CIA -- I couldn't believe it myself; so I described them as former
CIA men because I couldn't believe it. So what we did aa time went an was to
go through the background of every individual a? we identified them, whether
we found than on the grassy knoll1 and we located them through so many different
ways and it took so many houre that I can't go into how we did it but we've
identified one after another that's involved in every case without any exception,
you lead back -- you find the point where they became either outright members
el the Central Intelligence Agency or were performing functions which made
that clear or had admitted it eerlier to other people.
For example, David Ferric na e is known as a epi ator.
lots in Guatemala before the By of Vise. So he was workieg
Intelligence Agency. Subsequent to the Bay of Pigs, David Ferrie
was given the aaaigDmnt as pilot of * crew to assassinate Fidel Castro. Now
add, U I had been privy to such plans, if I had knew about it on a
=mental level, I would not feel free to bring it out. But I have discovered
n the course of investigating the murder a a President and I think the
'world ohould know about it. If we're in the business of assassination. then I
think the sooner the world knows about it, the better chance there is that the
Central intelligence Agency will stop assassinating people.
OLTUA16: Then. Mr. Garrton, Lee ?larva
w.rkina for the CIA?
has idrntttd to a number of Indi
us after long last that the CIA c.cienecti
the Central Intelligence Agency, is so explici
than unique, but he was -- he Will set up even befor
because he was such a beautiful decoy. He'd gone t
the United States Government. Which. incidentally,
commission which feecisre has for the human race.
souse that the problem of fascism is that it is power
d was alio
go on to say Ye *el
t ftaafly admitted to
p a Lee Oswald and
evidence is much niore
he cam. back from Russia
Rua is under orders from
%VeB you au ides of the
Wally, you might say in a
thout compassion. And
the counsel murder of Oswald after the equally casual InUTdeT of John Kennedy is
SA eloquent example of how fascisrn has no commission at all. It was useful
to murder Oswald, and even though he lied worked for the Central intelligence
Agency in Russia, lie was eliminated like that and then publicly and officially
identified as a Communist aSSEttiSills forever, When they knew he wasn't anything
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oi the kind. As a matter oI Lact, the indicittoni are, e have found positive
e idence, for example, that the Federal Bureau of Isniestigation was notified
on Sunday, the 17th of November, that an attempt would be made to assassinate
the President in Dallas. This telegram went to all Southern Regional ?faces
of the Bureau.
OLTMANS: YOU have proof
GARRISON: Yea, we have proof of that. As a matter of ct, source of such information would be from an iniormer. We hao e
reAlell to believe that the informer that gave that information to the FBI was
Lose Harvey Oswald. Because this happens to be the Sunday that he was missing
from North Bee/city Street and also missing from Irving, Texas. Some sort
of meeting was taking place. That evening the Bureau WAS notified, and the
telegrams went out to all Southern Regional offices, iricLudtig New Orleans.
Nevertheless, the President was allowed to go in the parade and he top of his
head was torn off. Subsequently., instructions came down that these such
intormations didn't happen and the telegrams disappeared. But anyway the
point about Oswald is he was clearly a government enpioyee
As a matter of fact, a numet of the individuals in olved in the
&assail.nattoi ended up being witnesses for e Warren Commission. SOMe of
the witnesses for the Warren Commission, whose alinlegt I'd rather not now.
are Central Intelligence Agency employees who knew Oswald end knew hirn in a
friendly way and are know playing roles in order to put the lid on it. Why are
they doing this? Bees:see they're COWlied by the CIA. And VU tell you *lout how
they operate that in a minute.
OLTMANS: The- CIA functions as separate govern-nent within
the U.S. Government then
GARRISON: Well, in a sense. When te CIA wee initiated 20
years ajo1 th. intention was to try s.nd create an effective intelligence agency
because e had problems for years with effective intelligence, so I judge.
However. somewhere along the way the object:V..* seems to have been lost siht
of and graduaUy it acquired so much power that a separate government in a. sense
has developed which ie engrafted onto our regular goNernenent.
But this government does not have the constitutional limitations.
Now, the I.mctjon of a constitution. of course, is to protect the individual from
the government. Ery country has to have a constitution because of the nature
of the human being, so that the human being in control of the government will not
TAM away with the governerkent. The constitution preserves rights of individuals
and is very effective in this country- with regard to Congress and with rog,ard to
the Supreme Court and to some extent with regard to the 'Dresidency. But now
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vs is a is a structure which La r*fted onto our regular
t, which is for all practical Tarps*** in le and which in some
ways is marc powerful, ths.n the rest of government. ft does not have checks
and bslences. Congress does not control it. The President is too busy to
control it. Meanwhile the same government has become Interlaced with the
with the other components of the industrial warfare suite that President Eisenhower
warned about, the Mikailive war industries, the other elements of the war machine,
the Generals and their vested Interests and it becomes a power complex of its
own which is seLf-sustaisting. And in a sense -- ins sense I think we've reached
a point in which this complex controls the rest of the government Along with it.
WS as LI -- its as if this complex is now Ins sort of orbit, an orbit, and anyone
who tries to pull the juggernaut, to pull the juggernaut out of orbit or to change
its orbit is probably going to have his head torn off.
CILTMANS: So you would be able probably to say
tly eras in a way disturbing the plans of this establia
vested interests that you just mentioned?
GARR/SONt Not just in a way, we can say it more specifically
than that. The contradiction between the foreign policy at John F. Kennedy
and the unofficial foreign policy of the Central Intelligence Agency aad the warfare
Mats conflict was a very sharp contradiction. The Cold War had 'een steadily
escalating and the warfare machine had been steadily ouilding, the bombs were
getting larger and larger the prospects for war were increasing, and all the
while we didn't realise it but certain force* in our country were developing
vested interest in the continuation of this tension1 a vested interest comprised of
messy things not merely economic but emotional but this structure that develops,
this need develop*, to continue, on the part of some forces, to continue the
Cold War. So whet you have is a eelf-suataining juggernaut.
John Kennedy made a radical effort to bring this country
brink of peace, and this is why he was killed. Let me give you Some *JUL
The CIA had orked for year* to try and set up an invasion of Cuba. The CIA
subsequent to the Say of Pigs worked very hard to set up the assassination of
new Castro, since to the CIA assassination in just an extension of intelligence.
I don't see that. I don't understand that kind of thinking, but I'm afraid that's
the way they think.
(Some comments in Dutch)
(Short Introduction in Dutch)
GARRISOIC President Kennedy was in the process of not only
aching a detente with Cubs but considering the possibility of recognising Cuba.
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John Kennedy ws? in the procels of reaching new understandings with Sov
Russia, and he t Lc&ftci this by his speech at the American Univertty in
this country on June the 10th in *high he stated that we breath the same aLr as
the Russians. Of course, that's true, and I think it was about time that
somebody in Washington 37%eati3afd that.
Stat to the Central Intelligence Agency, I think this ?ower
complex -- these are traitorous words. These were the itinds of thins. they
didn't want to hear. Furthermore, President Kennedy was re-e lining our
approach to the China problem. He was ? he was -- he pushed through the
nuclear test ban treaty and above all he was -- he was bringing osch troops from
Asia he was reducing the troops in Asia. He had reduced theen between August
the first, 1963, and October first, 1963. He brought back a thousand troop* from
South Vietnam and one of his last orders before he was murdered was to further
rechtce the troops in Vietnam, which would have placed it under 15.000. So what
he was fiedng wart removing troops from Asia and decreasing the likelihood of a
Land war in Asia. Obviously there are forces in this country, and one of them
is the CIA, which are committed to s land war in Asia, with or without hydrogren
bombs. So here you have a situation in which the President of the United States
was from the point a view of this complex reducing the involvement, the
engagement with Communisr . in effect endin the Cold War. And that's why they
killed him.
?LTA/LANS: Am Lright that you Lir*
Asia WAS on in the SO's?
GARRISON: I not only volunteered. I reeuested combat duty. I
et for the field artillery in France and Germany in World War 11; and
Korean. War came. I requested combat duty. Until 19 months ago I'm.
Vex, until I learned in this case how my government lies, until I learned
s the massive fraud that was perpetrated by the Warren Commission,
learned in this case why John Kennedy was killed. it never occurred
fascism had arrived here. And I was perfectly ready to go to war in
want to be in a position f saying WO irilay CritiCal things
because Ilove my country, but / must make the point
Europe. because I can't get it ant in America. The press
a point a such control by the Central Intellieence Agency that
t get the truth out. They have smothered as irk. Sometimes we
ut to Europe and it comes back in; but if we send a news release,
nd as many as you might think, but if we send it up to New York,
New York. nothing reaches 14ew York.
So what I'm taUin yo there is, I'm saying things that are critical
y country only because I'm trying to get the word out that something is
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just do it in & dAffereat way, a different to perhaps it will he an accident the
tbitZt time, or another Communist, but he will be assassinated. Because this
itillafaiiidtftardifilfaMia9&9498feattAPFINMASTRAICRIA4M-and it will
not taler4te anybody trying to stop it.
the other
OLTMANS: So in the course of
on that you investigated turned out t
tiation the one after
CIA, including
but not only that, not only has every
elUgenes Agency, what with the exception
S individuals previously working with the CIA,
every other can. they are Central Intelligence Agency employees. But
aeteally what you had operating here for the to.ost part was a clique or group a
part of them connected with the CIA operation in New ?dean* with regard to
Cuba. And that operation was had apparently operated out of the old post office
Waitaki by Lafayette Square &erase from Guy Banieter'm office because all the
young men end up with keys to the post office boxes and they don't get any mail ?
the hind ti role they have in life. So obviously it became apparent that the poet
*Mee hoz keys, the numbers that they had, not only Lee Oswald but a number
of others were eutcuses to go to the post office building and then what you had on
the integral floor up the stairs were Office of Naval Intelligence, Central Intelligence
Agency offices in connecttora with the Cuban operation.
So across one street you had Gay Banister's office out of whose
officeerrie was operating, and than back of another street on the other
side of th. post office you had the Rally Coffee Company where Lee Oswald was
working. So pretty soca we realized that there was a complex of some sort.
And thee later on., we found other iadividuals who, for example, in two cases are
net even supposed to know Oswald, and testified against him and actually were
part of the CIA group. So essentially, it's a kind of CIA team that they diverted
from on.. mission and changed over to *mother at the same time briaging Oswald
in from Russia bat was set up before he came hack and they Just converted his
energy and effectiveness to the kilibtg of President Kennedy and I might add
erapioyia4 some Latina in the operattott in Dallas who were also CIA employe
But it was a, Pit sum it up by saybag, 100% Central Intelligence Agency.
OLTMANS: And you would say the second assassin there mus
her assassin then?
GARItISON: There are a number of assassins . They -- it was an
&ties. They were shooting not only from the stone wall and the front
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President, but the shots were coming also from the picket fence. In
words, the ambush that the Central Intelligence Agency set up guaranteed
that the President was dead before he reached the hospital. Apparently
so that you wouldn't have an injured President able to see what had happened
to the country. For example, President Kennedy was already beginning to take
steps to change the CIA operation. He had oturnblod across the fact that we had
unwittingly developed a Frankenstein monster in the country and was about to do
sorosthbas about it. Which of course was all the mare reason for them to have
done what they did.
014TMANS: But lots of the proof
killing, they are not accessible to you or any to any investigation?
film for instance that was
GARRISON: Oh no, no. the Z pruder film is a historic accident.
OIAMANS: Thetis the film the man took by accident.
GARRISON: By accident ? by accident a man was taking a color
film of the President's car as the assassination occurred. And this is a historic
accident because it mean* that you can look at the aseassination scene and see
the President rounding the corner from Houston onto Ele, Street and see all of the
shots and see the shootinr. -- in fact, the whole assassination, clearly -- you can
see it in slow motion.
OLTMANL You have seen t
GARRISON: Yile. yes, I have seen the filial. I've seen it in New
York saAl I c t say here how I've seen it but I have got an opportunity es the
Zapruder film and I've looked at it many times repeatedly and the reason that
the American people will not see the Zapruder him at least not so long as the
as we have this present -- whet shall I say? ? this fascist structure ? that
the warfare philosophy in control a our country, the American people will not
b. allowed to see this film because all they have to do is look at it, you don't
have to be a genius, it takes no argument, no words. When you look at it, you
see that the Provident of the United States was shot from the front, and there's
no question about it. it's like that, and he's so clearly it from the front the
force almost catapults him out of the back of the car so that any American seeing
it would know at a glance the, the satire Warren Commies'= conclusion was
a complete hoaa, was absolutely false, and every man on the Warren COrrtilliallialtt
had to know it was a lie, NO as the President of the United States had to know
it wee a lie Farther proof that the President tad to know it was a lie is he
would not
W. ow
then, several sentences by voice Dutch)
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ISON: about the U4, the CIA ate on Lee Harvey Oswald.
Li het, just a 1ae as*asin, if he's just a wanderer, poor little warehouseman
who4t confused, why are there these file* that nobody can look at? The President
of the United State* ha* by executive order taken all of this critical evidence
and ordered that it be kept secret for 75 years. That means the We time as a
practical Lnatter, of all living Americans. This has got to be the first time in
history that the man who profited most from the murder has announced the evidence
is going to be kept secret for 75 years. My feeling is that President ? that
President Johnson -- that President Johnson is not involved ectively in the planning
of the assassination of Ms predecessor. I don't feel that he was, but wouldn't
it be nice to know that he was not? In other words, I think that he cannot be
allowed to make the decision that the .Arnerican people can't see this evidence.
It's just an unbelieveable situation, and he should not be llowed to get away with it.
And for my part, I'm going to keep hammering away as long as I can about the
fact that the American people should lee this, the evidence.
OLTMANSt Sir, I would say that its surprising that it looks
that U nobody in America cares what exactly happened in Dallas in November '63.
GARRISON: I think, if I can put it thie way, I think the people
CIL I think the people care greatly. I think the people care a lot about Jack
Kennedy became. in a eense he was our last legitimate President. At least his
arrival air President Wag legitimate. But something is wrong with the government
of the country. Somewhere along the line power has come to replace morality.
The ftret indication that this had happened occurred on November
22nd, 1963, in Dailas when they tore off the top of the President's head because
they did not like hie bringing the country to the brink of peace. This meant that
we had reached a new era. in which the truth was irrelevant, in which justice was
totally irrelevant, and only power meent anything. And the men who investigated
this, who ran the FBI investigation. showed that they understood this new morality
at power. And the men on the Warren Commission, to the last man. showed that
they understood that power had now become more important too. And of courae
the Preeident of the United States; in this and other instances has shown that he
considers power to be much more important than the truth. So what we have, Itrn
Afraid, is nothing less than pure fascism. It's concealed. it's not obvious but
you should try and cornmxmicate the truth when it conflicts with the interest of the
several-neat. It is like dropping a stone in the middle of the ocean. It's uabeileveable
But that's what's happened in this country.
OLTMANS: Do you fear for your own We in your investigation?
GARRISON: I d4n t fear for my We, although to be frank I asaurne --
1 u e that tooner or latter they'll have to do the same thing to me that they
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eat. A? I utd before,think that 11 a new 9resLdeit cornea
o .to the warfare machine. they will tear h off, And
td that I won't be *round that long 3.-Aut somehow nothing else
manors but thts Nothing else matters but bringing out the truth a-Jout what
they did to John Kermedy and not only that. bringing out the truth about what's
linpossed to this country before it's too late. / hope it's not too late.
OLTMANS: Thank you Mr Garrison.
GAIRISON: Thank you.
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? Ukti5911411f or, Rep /08/27 : CIA-RDPMBCO1INBENTORD014002
SUBJECT: (Optional)
Raymond G. Rocca
DATE 26 MAR 1968
TO: (Officer designation, room number, and
COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom
to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.)
Legislative Counsel
5. ?
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: CIA-RDP75600380R000800140028-3