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July 10, 2000
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Publication Date:
August 18, 1953
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Approved For Release 2000/OS/2: CIA-RDP76-00183R000100070012-5
,%NW _14W
will be dispatched today attempting to clarify questions raised by General
25X1A9a and asking him to advise us as to when and where he could accept this
materiel. I expressed to the group my disappointment in our failure to comply
with the Director's reqaest in this matter, stating that he had asked us to
make this shipment on the 9th of July and, here it was--the 18th of August,
25X1 A and nothing had gone out yet.
omorrow to settle
A-DD A 18 August 1953
1. Told Ed Saunders that it was my understanding that of the
Organization and Methods Service had been making a survey of procedures ef-
fect in the Contact Division, Office of Operations, and now proposed to travel
to certain of D' vision's field offices in order to continue this study. Hav-
ing talked to and been told by him that he thought this was unne-
cessary, I asked investigate the matter and stated that unless there were
strong reasons to justify the continuation of the survey to cancel
proposed trip.
2. Talked to Mr. Preston about ammment the reorganiza-
tion of the General Services Office and found that was home on leave
waiting for Mr. Garrison to call him for a further meeting. I told Mr. Preston
that I did not want this matter delayed any longer and for to pre-
sent any proposed comments without further delay.
3. Talked to Mr. Preston about overtime for chauffeurs which represents a
very substantial expenditure. I told him to make every effort to out this ex-
pense dawn to a minimum and that I would give him any assistance he needed to
do so.
4. Told Jim Garrison that Logistics' presentation at the administrative
phase of the recent Basic Intelligence Course was the poorest, from the stand-
point of audience reception, and asked him to take the necessary action to in-
sure that it was improved.
5. Met with Me and others to dis-
cuss the shipment of items to we concurred in a cable which
with The actual finan-
cial settlement on our contract w1&n MIT orga za W-wT- 1011 en made. However,
there are certain parts of agent sets, etc., which should be taken out of this
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100070012-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/ t?:1iZt*-RDP76-00183R000100070012-5
plant and there may be some deal to be worked out on dies, tools, etc., which
are not a part of the regular contract,
7. Had my weekly personnel meeting with is on
a. Charlie assured me that the proposed Notice to all travelers noti-
fying them that they are responsible for confirming reservations would be pre-
sented to me in the next day or so.
b. Confirmed with him that Personnel has tentatively reserved a Pub-
lic Law 53 position for 25X1 A9a
25X1 C
d. Asked Charlie to advise me as to how CIA stacked up on the abuse
of sick leave, etc., as compared to other Government agencies and private in-
dustry; this is as a result of the Corbett Subcommittee report alleging abuseso
f. Asked Charlie to check to insure that the Personnel Office was not
expected to prepare a time-in-grade promotion policy for consideration by the
Career Service Board.
g. Told him that we had referred the - case to Security and
would probably call before an Employment Review Board.
ho reported that a survey of personnel in the Office of
Communications should be completed by the end of the week,
25X1 A9a
i. I advised him that had telephoned ste
rday to
say that he expected to report for duty on 11 September rather then on 1 Septem-
25X1 A9a
ber ber and that I had informed him that this was old Charlie to tell
to ad
ust the l
eave recor
s w
en came on board,
j? Emphasized to Charlie that we must find ways and means to solve
the clerical personnel shortage, adding that there may have been some excuse for
this in the past when we were in a constant period of expansion, but now that
we were leveling off we must lick this problem somehow,
k. Asked Charlie to have the Personnel Office prepare a staff study
which we could present to the Director with our recommendations in connection
with Public Law 102 which requires that excess leave will be used within "a rea-
sonable period of years."
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Approved For Re ease 2000/0327 : GIA-RDP76-00L3R000100070012-5
1. Told him that I approved of reducing the military authorization of
an office by one position upon civilianization and employment of a military in-
m. Discussed the allocation of career development slots and told
Charlie that I had decided to put these an the T/0 of the Office of Training and
to budget funds in the same way, adding that if there were special cases, such
as an employee of an area division, for example, being trained in CI4E, we could
make a exception we cared to at that time.
n. Charlie reported that a ers 25X1 A
25X1 A and was going to discuss them with as soon as he returned ib 25X1 A
o. He advised that Personnel would start moving to Curie Hall over the
weekend and urgently requested that their air conditioning equipment be installed.
I told him that this was not possible until sometime in September and that I well
recognized that they would be uncomfortable on certain days but that they would
have to do the best they could.
p. Charlie reported that we had received a new Security Hearing Board
Roster from the Civil Service Commission; CIA nominees are not yet included on
the Roster, but this is not our fault.
q. I advised him as to the status of the -Board.
81 brought u the Regulation concerning "Regulatory Issu-
ances" and I turne i over to _to make certain changes suggest-
ed by General Caball. Also ga a proposed Regulation on "Confi-
dential Funds" to make certain amendments suggested by General Cabell.
Approved For Release 2000/08/21,: IA-RDP76-001838000100070012-5