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July 10, 2000
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Publication Date:
September 14, 1953
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proved For Release 2000/08/27 ::CIA-FDP76-00183R000100070014-3
12, 13, 14 August 1953
1. Colonel Edwards reported that Mr. Nichols of the Washington Post tele-
phoned him last night stating that the Atomic Energy Conanission and the Depart-
ment of Defense had issued statements to the effect that Mr. McCarthy's alleged
Communists had not had access to their material and requested a statement from us.
Being unable to reach Colonel Grogan or anyone else in authority, Colonel Edwards
told Mr, Nichols that he was not authorized to give out such information but that
if he could be assured that his name would not be used he could state that CIA's
position was the same as the other agencies, i.e., we were certain that our work
had not been done at the GPO main plant.
2. Mr. Cole, Deputy Public Printer, called to advise me that a check of his
records indicated that no "secret" or "top secret" material had been printed by
the Government Printing Office for CIA and stated that the McCarthy Committee
would be so informed,
3. Chief Administrative and Finance Officer at the
was r a brief ressed me as being a very capable individ-
He advised me that had no table of organization which could be
considered at all current a at this situation should be rectified. He
believes that could make major cont but' the preparation of
or exmmp e, he stated that this year s asked to supply
information on five major categories which, insofar as he could tell, had no re-
lation to the Government Accounting Classification System 01.08, etc. He also
said that FI projects were very confusing in that information was received that
an FI project was approved for "x" number of dollars, running, for example, from
1 March to 1 November, and there was no indication as to which Fiscal Year the
money was to come, etc. He also said that on these projects there was usually no
idea of how much headquarters was spending against them nor of how mach the field
was spending. He believes that each project should stipulate how much is retain-
ed for headquarters' expenditure and how much can be spent in the field, other-
wise, obviously, it is extremely difficult to maintain any control.
4, I have asked Ed Saunders to examine with GSA the amount of money which
they charge to CIA for guards. Shef reports that GSA charges for each guard an
amount which equals the salary of a captain of the guards.
5. Have requested Mr, Saunders to expedite the publication of instructions
in connection with the preparation of the budget for Fiscal Year 1955.
b, Have asked of reserve funds in con-
nection with Projects
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7. Have also requested Ed to prepare a memorandums to the Deputies, the Di-
rector of Training, and the Assistant Director (Coumiusieations) advising than as
to what the Bureau of the Budget will require before it will release funds.
8. Talked to Mr. Wisner on Friday about a special project which might re-
quire the release of funds from the reserve and concerning which we probably
would go direct to Mr. Dodge.
9. and I discussed the allocation of the re-
maining air conditioning units. Told Howard it was my opinion that those units,
about forty, which were to be used in I, J, K, L, M, and Q Buildings as replace-
ments should be put into the new temporary space-that we would occupy, unless
there were overriding reasons to the contrary.
10. Discussed Bureau of the Budget Bulletin on "Use of Motor Vehicles and
Chauffeurs" with Mr. Garrison an~ and have asked to
"carry the ball" insofar as he can on this matter. As an I n a e step, we
should publish a Notice advising all personnel of the laws governing the use of
Government cars. As a second step, we should prepare a staff study to insure,
that our cars in the Washington area are being used efficiently and econcmically.
As a third step, the report required by the Bureau of the Budget should be pre-
pared for consideration by the Deputy Director (Administration) and,, possibly,
the Director. At that time we may decide to delete certain information pertain-
ing to vehicles overseas and vehicles employed in other sensitive areas.
12. Jim also reports that there is some confusion concerning con-
struction which will have to be ironed out later this month. I told him that 25X1A9a
when he and had agreed what we should do I would like to talk to him
about it, but, as I saw it, whatever we were going to do must be done within the
four and one-calf months already allocated to this project.
14, Met with Told him that I would like to see
Supply Officer on the Medical Staff who is just back from the Far East where he
looked into medical logistical problems. Also told that I would
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Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100070014-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100070014-3