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November 17, 2016
Document Release Date:
July 10, 2000
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Publication Date:
August 11, 1953
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Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100070018-9
A,-DD A 10 and 31 August 1953
1. Requested George Meloon and Ed Saunders to get together with
and work out a "tailored" field trip of relatively short duration to begin the lat-
ter part of September.
2. Larry Houston advised me that he thought there were some aspects of the
Regulation being prepared on "Property Accountability and Audit" which should be
called to my attention and stated that he would send his comments over for my con-
3. At General Cabell's request Mr. Houston saw Mr. Robert Minor at the De-
25X1A partment of Justice Mr Minor is Mr. Rogers' principal assistant) in connection
with a board for the case. Mr. Minor was in ccnplete agreement with our
plans and stated the a would. back us but believed that the Civil Service Commis.
Sion and not the Department of Justice should select the board. I have requested
Messrs. Houston and Meloon to proceed with this matter at the Civil Service Commis-
4. In view of Senator McCarthy'a statement that his Committee had discovered
that a Government employee (member of the Communist Party) had had access to class-
ified Information in CIA, AEC, and the military establiabments, I sent Mr. Pforz-
heimer to see Senator McCarthy who requested that he deal with Mr. Ray Cohn. Mr.
Cohn gave Mr. Pforzheimer the name of Edward Rothschild who is, apparently, a
binder at the main GPO plant and claims to have had access to our material.
Our investigation indicated that no material other than forms had been
printed at the main plant in several years. While we have had the NIS and certain
publications printed at the South Building, Mr. Rothschild has not had access
to that Building.
After our investigation, Mr. Pforzheimer advised Mr. Cohn that we had not
had classified material printed at the main GPO plant, at least within the past
year. Mr. Cohn advised Mr. Pforzheimer that this was contrary to the testimony
given on the 11th of August by Mr. Blattenburger, Public Printer, and Mr. Cole,
Deputy Public Printer. I telephoned Mr. Cole and told him that we were concerned
about this matter and that I would lime to come over there and talk to him about
it. He said that he did not know whether CIA material had been printed at the
main plant and that he was having a check made of this matter and would call me on
Wednesday, the 12th, as soon as it was completed. Mr. Cohn had advised Mr. Pforz-
heimer that Mr. Cole had testified that the main GPO plant parceled out work ac-
cording to the workload and that within the past year that plant had done classi-
fied work for CIA.
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100070018-9
Approved For Release 20 08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100070018-9
end at last the dol.larand % vu .u August presided over General bell
settled' . ' personnel limiations for the various Components (See Memorandum for the Record for further details.) are
7. reports that the Secretary and his Gecretary have been to the CIA dis of Stecn Foster Dulles,
le~arg for treatment nt r recently.
8. Approved of George Meloon taking eleven days of leave frc 17 through 31
August 1953.
9. General Cabei requests that the central Process
Branch give each
traveler a mimeographed form with his tick is which ing
that he must confirm his own reservations. will remind him of the fact
10. Arranged 25X1A9a
anged to have th
a the National War Hoge which requested that the U%?man- 25XIA9a
stituted for at the next course
attend ourse because a be sub- 25X1A9a
no Received a Bulletin from the Bureau of the Budg sive report on the use of automobiles and chauffeurs et
Waste a cem-
phoned Colonel Grog, in this connection. After ns Coln Post Lean
and I agreed that he a consultation, Colonel Grogan
would tell the Post that all of our care operated from a-
with the exception Of one which was reserved primarily for the Directorts use but
was, on occasion, also used for other purposes.
fice of Trainin
dent f
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100070018-9