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Document Release Date:
July 10, 2000
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Publication Date:
July 22, 1953
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Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100070036-9
Infotto;t4t t
25X1A A-DD A
22 July 1953
11 At the D ties' Meeting I spoke to the Director again about forming a
Board on th case. He expects to send his reply to Senator McCartby's let-
ter today wants to talk to The Vice-President and The Deputy Attorney General
about the Board. I anticipate that once he gets the green light he will want us
to conduct the roceedings with all possible haste so as to coWlete everything
beore departure for Europe on or about the first of August. I have
al: on and Shef Edwards to this possibility.
2. Reviewed with Shef and Larry the list of CIA personnel to be nominated
to the Civil Service Commission roster for Security Hearing Boards. We ed 25X1A9a
that four names should be adequate and Shef will forward the names of We 25X1A9a
- Personnel Office (Covert), Office of Collection and Dis- 25X1A9a
semination, Office of Research and Reports, and
Office of Commaunications.
Joint Committee be set up to administer CIA from the congressional point of view.
We agreed that if this were done the letter from the Bureau of the Budget would
have little application.
4. Attended a Project Review Committee Meeting at which the Fiscal Year
1954 budget for the International Organizations Division was considered. The Com-
mittee recommended approval of the budget substantially as submitted. 25X1A5aI
3. telephoned in response to the letter from the Bureau
of the Budget to the Director concerning the selection of a member of the Execu-
tive Branch of the Government to becme familiar with CIA operations and help us
carry the ball with Congress. He said that he had discussed the matter with Mr.
Kirkpatrick and thought that the best solution would be to get an ad hoc commit-
tee of Congress itself. As a second choice he would recd rend that the Director
of the Bureau of the Budget and his Deputy do this. We discussed the Resolution
introduced a day or two ago by Senator Mansfield in which it is proposed that a
11-W x 't. ,:~+
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6. Later in the day I discussed a Board for the _ case with the Director
and he agreed that he would like to have Larry Houston handle this with Bill
Rogers, The Deputy Attorney (feral. I wii1 advise Larry to see the Director early
tomorrow morning for his instructions.
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