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Publication Date:
July 13, 1953
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Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100070044-0
23 July 1953
1. Since the procedure whereby the Deputy Director (Administration) ap-
proves of the accountings of Senior Representatives was established prior to the
reorganization of last Summery I have asked the Comptroller to look into this
matter and determine whether it would not be more appropriate for the Deputy Di-
rector (Plans) to approve of these accountings in view of his over-all responsi-
bility for the clandestine services.
25XX1 A9a
4. I also advised Ed Saunders that I had agreed with that the
Deputy Director (Plans) could continue to obligate funds for targets of opportu-
nity, project development,, etc., just as he had in the past and that interim re-
strictions should not affect this authority.
25X1 C4a
2. Told Ed Saunders that as a result of my attendance at
meeting with his Administrative Officers I had gotten a definite impression that
it was the general opinion that the Finance Division could render much better
service than it was rendering at the present time.
3. I advised Ed that I had instructed the DD/P Acbministrative Officers that
in order to carry out the interim instructions concerning 1954 obligations they
need not clear with the Comptroller every piece of equipment., etc., but should
definitely clear any substantial new projects, construction, purchases of automo-
biles, etc.
25X1 C2a
7, Approved of Larry Houston's comments concerning an Executive Order to
implement Chapter VII of the Jackson Committees Report. In brief, we hope to
avoid the mistakes made in setting up the Psychological Strategy Board which re-
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Approved For Releap 2000/08/27,:_CJA DP76-0018$000100070044-0
suited in the PSB having to turn to CIA for any unusual authority, i.e., super-
grades, purchase of automobiles, etc.
8. Conducted a staff meeting of the heads of central administrative of-
fices. (See minutes of meeting.)
9. Told that should be given good
space at 2210 "E" Street and that in no case should they be put on the third
floor as had, apparently, been planned.
10. Telephoned Mr. Broadbent, Bureau of the Budget, to inquire as to what
was being done to get CIA into an existing structure. He told me that Mr. Dodge
had written a letter to Mr. Mansure, Administrator, General Services Administrar-
tion, asking GSA to solve the problem and agreed to send me a copy of the letter.
(This appears merely to pass the back and I don't think that we are getting any-
32, called to say that was back but was ill in
New York. I approved of his going to New York to interview Ernie and bringing
back whatever information he could. 25X1A9a
25X1A9a 12. reports, in connection with that
25X1 A2d 1 of General Services Administration Treats to pu t touch with the
GSA man in= Gil will draft a paper which I can show to the Director to
25X1A6a finish this up or the time being, at least insofar as the Office of the Deputy
Dirctor (Administration) is concerned
e . 25X1 A9a
13. Agreed with Messrs. Kirkpatrick and on the draft of that portion
of the Regulations concerning "Fund Control" and gave it to for 25X1 A9a
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