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July 7, 1953
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7 July 1953
1. At the Deputies' Meeting I inquired of Mr. Dulles as to whether we were
to make a report to the Psychological Strategy Board on the status of our Psycho
logical Program. He has not discussed this with the Board as yet but will at to-
day's PSB Meeting.
2. Talked to Mr. Dulles about his plans for contacting Congressman. Taber He
with respect to the implementation of new projects and the personnel ceiling. 25X1A9a
indicated that he wanted to talk to irst and might delay the
matter for a few days. (In view of the fact that he has now been called for a
Senate Hearing at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, I do not believe that he will do anything
on this before sometime next week.)
3. At the Assistant Director's Meeting the budget cut and personnel ceiling
were discussed. I advised the Assistant Directors that we would continue to en-
ter on duty clerical personnel already in process and that if they had specific
individuals whom they wanted badly and could absorb in some way if their ceilings
were frozen as of 30 June we would also enter them on duty. I added that we
would be glad to consider any special cases that anyone wanted to call to our at-
tention. 25X1A9a
4 I briefed Mr. Dulles on the case o who is in the
the Arlington police. The Personnel Office is attempting to seek Mr.
5. Asked to expedite new Regulations which would authorize
Deputies to approve of personnel under their jurisdiction making speeches.
6. Asked Ed Saunders to investigate the amount of work involved in Agency
components requesting permission to work overtime, compare it with the results,
and give me a recommendation as to whether or not time and money were being 25X1A6a
7. Re-emphasized to Ed that Mr. 0 hoped to have occasion to use Command-
as a consultant frequently.
8. Discussed with Ed what our next move should be concerning the increase
in supergrades for the Agency. We agreed that no action should be taken at this
9. Told Ed Saunders that I had a strong feeling that the Organization and
Methods Service was working on projects that were not always the most important
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and asked him to give that staff closer direction.
to Reminded Mr. Saunders that wa had committed ourselves to furnish the
Bureau of the Budget with a simnnary o including
facilities which are rented or otherwise ava e . 25X1A9a
12. I suggested to Ed that he get the-file of
him for a possible position on the O&M staff.
13. advised me that the Director had decided to defer his con-
template range .n procedure for approval of consultants (whereby Deputies
could approve of their appointments) until General Cabell got back and had a
chance to go over this matter.
Jim Garrison.
iii. Interviewed who made a good impression, and referred him to
15. Bill Peel reports that treat is clear; all of our furniture is
out; we have turned the building over to the General Services Administration and
their guards are now in custody of the place.
3.6. Discussed with a probable trip by representatives of the
Bureau of the Budget during which t y want to look at some of our construction.
He will see what arrangements can be made.
17. Also discussed with Ted my proposal to make a thorough surveys, division
by division, of the administrative staffs of-the DD/P area, bringing in not only
the Organization and Methods Services, but Personnel., Logistics., Finances, etc. He
agreed with this approach and I will take the necessary action to lay it on.
25X1A9a Talked to John Coopers, Department of Agriculture, concerning
ENA-who is interested in a position with this Agency. Mr. Coopers,
worked in the Secretaxyts Office for a number of years., thinks very highly in-
25X1A9a deed of and says that he has done an outstanding job in the Department
of Agriculture. feels certain that we would not go wrong in hiring him for
any general administrative position.
25X1A12 00
20. Have asks to expedite Regulations now in pre aration con-
cerning the new concept of Agency Regulations and as
well as that Regulation having to do with funding mechanisms which we met on one
day last week,
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21. Ed Saunders was in with a voucher amounting to approximately three quar-
ters of a million dollars of 1952 money which was necessary because a 1951 voucher
was not signed by the Director in time to use 1951 money. This voucher had left
the Finance Division about 24 June but was not flagged in any way to indicate
either to the Comptroller or this Office that there was any urgency about signing
it. Ed and I agreed that this was a most serious error which, in years of a
tighter budget, might be disastrous. I emphasized to him that he should take the
necessary action to insure that this does not happen again.
Bee use we are making some space in Building available to the 25X1A
it will be necessary to move the C amptroller to Alcott Ha 1.
The office space is not as desirable but it will put him closer to his own activ-
ities. Ed is reluctant to do this. However, after personally looking at the
space I have decided that it is the best thing to do under the circumstances and
have so informed him.
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